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Best Posts in Forum: Denied

  1. Supershot1200

    Supershot1200 Popular Meeper

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  2. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Recently many older players have been leaving, citing "declining community," among other issues. I suggest that we don't enforce chat rules as much as we currently do. For example, I was told to talking about history (Roman Empire and crucifixion), because it might not be suitable material for younger ages. A similar incident seems to have happened with @Richard FS. Although staff warned him multiple times that he was breaking the rules, and the ban would fall in line with current rules, I see nothing objectionable about discussing history (Disclaimer: I wasn't online, so I don't know how offensive this was being). You might say that Hitler isn't suitable for younger children's ears, but isn't Hitler universally bad? An example of how strict MeepCraft is becoming about chat is the word "nazi," which is censored under the current filter, with the reasoning: "Inappropriate language is not allowed on MeepCraft!" How is the word "Nazi" inappropriate?

    I don't support allowing cursing, even on a limited basis--that's something best left for teamspeak. However, chat is becoming incredibly boring these days, with discussions of Cleaves' gender, "JOIN MY TOWN" "selling !@#$!#@" and what-not becoming the norm. The server is becoming quieter and quieter, because there is simply nothing left to talk about.
    Dart_Knight, cooey, Khafra and 14 others like this.
  3. Old_Pink

    Old_Pink Celebrity Meeper

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    Yeah, god damn you admins trying to make it so every player has to have a plot. Screw you for trying to give new players a fighting chance. You should be listening to the players who try to make money off the poorest and least knowledgeable players on the server and NOT a bunch of noobs. smh
  4. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Lmao @ you thinking you're an old player. You're a small child who is perm banned and thinks they're important. Get off your high horse, Flaming talked with us in shout and he is VERY pleasant to speak to, much more so than you. Stop picking on him.

    Yeah I feel like it doesn't have to be divisive for the community, because you could just leave a nation temporarily while they have a war then return if you really like that nation. It's something that my town personally feels would be exciting and fun.

    Unfortunately it has been suggested to hell and back with no real results. I just hope that staff will understand that even with it enabled, players aren't forced to participate in any way. We had a compromise with Gamma, where legacy stayed but gamma was a partial reset. Why not do it again?
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest

    By the way: PETITION to allow sexual references?

    Kids aren't the ones building the community, helping it, or growing it at all. They never have anything worthwhile to say and constantly whine and overall just being toxic.

    Yeah it's cute that you like your kids to play on the server but can't they just do /gtoggle ? I can tell you that kids never play for any sense of a community, and when they do, they are much better off /muted and not being able to see /gtoggle. I have lots of friends here and I like to joke around to anyone who finds my jokes funny; little kids aren't going to be scarred for life by me saying "I'm close to my sweet release", which I got a 2d ban for. My joke had no victims or anything like that; I'm just trying to have a laugh while here. With the strict guidelines imposed on us by staff, that's near impossible considering all jokes have to be "family friendly".

    The little kids are such a small minority, too; I can tell you that 99.9% of players ever that have been here know about sex. I promise you that.

    so, can we read my post and respond intelligently and thoughtfully to it? I'd like to turn this rant thread into an idea exchanging thread about sexual references as a whole.
    Achmed, FunGUY, zsuzsu1 and 13 others like this.
  6. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    A lot of things, especially regarding chat based offenses, there will always be subectivity and context.

    If I advertise, Hey please go to X awesome server!
    Im obv gonna get banned.

    If Im talking to a friend and accidentally say something like 'Im going onto x server want to come' and do /g instead of /r, which happens all the time, Im extremely less likely to be banned but will likely be warned to be more careful.

    Also, there is an entire page worth that every staff has access to with guidlines on what to ban for each offense, how much fines should be, when to perm, when to warn, etc.

    All staff have to post on the staff only section of the forums every single ban that is over 6 hours with proof and the whole deal. This allows admins and smods to moderate bans to make sure they are fair.

    The reason that it is so subjective is youre asking a bunch of mostly kids who are volunteering on a mc server. It really really does not matter and if someone is being unnecessarily toxic they will eventually be removed.

    Overall... Chill. Its not a big deal. There already is a page that is exactly what you described.
    Let staff do their job.
  7. Epicdude141

    Epicdude141 Celebrity Meeper

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    The absolute dream team of references
    Summers, smk, 7acespade and 13 others like this.
  8. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    No, we must work together to increase eggplant. Today marks the dawn of a new age of eggplant!
  9. Dockson

    Dockson Celebrity Meeper

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    While we are at it, let's add dislikes, so those lonely self-likes disappear in an instant :)
  10. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    In Reimplementing TnTRun I recommend converting the section of spawn from Spleef to TnTRun. Once upon a time I asked Dblo about this and he said it wouldn't be that hard to do. Spleef sucks, TnTRun is great! Why not!
  11. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    Simply remove the staff messages in global chat, there is literally no need for I to be seeing staffs general chat when I /gtoggle; it just kinda defeats the whole purpose of the toggle in the first place.
  12. buildmaster1000x

    buildmaster1000x Popular Meeper

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    When anything is denied the denying party should HAVE to post a legitimate reason why it was denied. There have been many thing I've seen get denied with no real reasoning know to the public. It is only fair that we be informed why a good suggestion that the community felt would have been useful/entertaining/helpful.
    Courtneyyy, cooey, SX1 and 13 others like this.
  13. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Rip thread. To end this fun, if youre on the other server, see ya. Stop posting here.

    No one cares how good you think youre doing. See you all in a month.

    Also@ jala. Stop being salty. You started downloading plugins off craftbucket, pre updated for 1.10 and started on 1.10. You have 0 custom plugins. Stop trying.
  14. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    This server is far too strict. It's gone past "family-friendly" into a point of "don't have fun"

    I understand the points that swearing shouldn't be used for cheap humor, but the words that are allowed can be far worse.

    Example : (actual example)

    Person A : 420 blaze
    *3 hour ban*
    Person B : Kys <player>
    *Don't say that again*

    HOW IN THE NAME OF HELL IS SAYING 420 BLAZE WORSE THAN TELLING A PERSON TO KILL THEMSELVES? I play on servers where swearing is allowed (to an extent) but saying kys is a perm ban with no chance to appeal. Get your act together, because that is totally not correct.

    You're strict to the point where if one person says something wrong it turns into :

    "omg screenied"

    To be honest, isn't that more toxic than the original swear anyway? Ease up, though swearing profusely should not be allowed, can't we let mild sex references and drug references slip by? (use discretion) I remember in 2012 where that kind of humor was allowed and everyone was fine with it.

    If we truly are family friendly, then why do we cater to the younger audience of said family? It is the older people that bring in donations, which is a necessity for the survival of the server. I don't understand why we don't cater to the audiences of 12-15 when they are the ones that benefit the server the most. I remember when I first joined minecraft, I didn't ever pay attention to chat or other players, and when I did, it was never someone as toxic as some of the people I see today who claim the alias of "supporter of the family friendly server"

    I joined minecraft August 2012 (I was 11), and the 3rd server I joined was wear I saw the first swear. My dad warned me when I started minecraft that I would connect with other players who would use bad language, and he said that I could turn the chat off if it bothered me, and he showed me how. So for the majority of my time there I turned off the chat. Eventually I got a bit older and turned chat on again and I was responsible enough not to swear profusely as some of the people I saw.

    I know this is pretty confusing because I keep making my argument unclear, but all I'm trying to say is loosen up. If swearing bothers people that much they should be responsible to know how to turn off chat. I understand words such as "F***" or "Sh*t" not being allowed, along with other sexual paraphernalia, but at ease up, and don't be so quick to the ban for mild sex references or drug references.
  15. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Think about it this way, using inappropriate language is a choice but being exposed to inappropriate language is not really a choice. Many more people would be turned away by the use of inappropriate language than by our policing of it. There are many mature things to discuss that don't require inappropriate language.

    I 100% disagree with your business logic, @metr0n0me, allowing inappropriate language throughout the server would be extremely unprofessional and would definitely be unappealing for many people who wish to invest their time and money in the game.

    If you wish to use inappropriate language you still can, in a private channel. There are many times in life when sexual language or swearing is appropriate, but not on global channels that broadcast to an entire community of players.
    FunGUY, Lady_Hestia, 2leah2 and 12 others like this.
  16. Miku

    Miku One Hell of a Miku Staff Member Mod

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    When @Dawn thinks about a marriage plugin and posts it on forums;


    When @LadyCass thinks about marrying Cooleys;

    When I see this thread;


    - 1
  17. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Ladies, please fight in PM please.
    qazini, Bloopers, Math_Pro and 12 others like this.
  18. IGotBored

    IGotBored Celebrity Meeper

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