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erind2001's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by erind2001, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. erind2001

    erind2001 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In game name: erind2001
    Skype name: erined2001
    Team speak name: I can easily make one but dont have one at the moment.
    Mic use: yes
    Age: 12
    Time Zone: central
    Hours online Per weekday: 5-10
    Hours online Per weekend: 4-6
    Position change: ultimate to helper


    Hi my name is Erin. I have been playing meepcraft for about a year now. I am very athletic, I play soccer, tennis, cross country, track, and volleyball. But I usually find time for meep. I have more free time than i would expect but i happen to so in my free time i play meep. I am 12 years old i turn 13 in a 2-3 months. My friends on meep are blyzzrd, blyzzrd123, Jipdos1, jipdos2, Devilspawn112, mr_alfonzo, cleaves510, dem0gorgon, erinkatie, and connerd2003. I have been assistant in 2 towns i was assistant in Cooleysworld for about 1-2 months. Now i am assistant/ co-owner of davenport which is a temporary name. I like work and challenges like helping people and work out problems i personally think i'm a problem solver.


    My experience, I have lived in a town with devilspawn and got to know her quite well. she helps me alot thanks devil but i also help her. I Have also been an assistant of Cooleysworld for cooleysworld. For the first month of being assistant in cooleysworld i was the only assistant on really i personally i kept the town active. But then after the first month then 2 other assistants became much more active so the town became more and more active. I cant lie i have make mistakes but i do overcome them. I am an active meeper and i help my friends when i can. i think i should be a helper because i am a good problem solver and can i can help people with their problems. I've seen devil in action and i hope and can be a good helper like she was. I dont hold grudges against people and i dont get angry and upset very easily.


    In conclusion i would like to be an addition to the meep staff to help the meep community. i would fit in quite well and this would give me the oppertunity to help people which i enjoy doing. Please consider this application.


    my weekness is being in /shout and forms. Im not seen in eighther much but i do help people in my town there arnt any residents in town right still under construction but when in cooleysworld that is what i spent my time on. If not being active in /shout and in forms makes you dession a -1 then tell me and i will try my hardest to be more helpful throught all meep and not just in the town i live in. over the past week i have been trying to be more active in /shout and forms but hearing the feed back will be enough for now and i will improve from my mistakes.

    FluffbearRCT likes this.
  2. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm going to have to be -1

    • First off. Activity/shout. I can say myself I have not seen you in the shout. but have seen you in game.
    • App as just quite fine.
    • New Member is NOT good to be on forums.
  3. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    who are you.
  4. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Too many reasons to list
    Just gonna say that your app was weak
  5. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    Hey erind2001, glad to see you applying and starting to take an interests in becoming staff.

    In game:

    I haven't seen you in game, it might be due to time zones however. But because I haven't seen you online, I can't say I've seen you helping either. If by any chance we are online at the same time, I would like to see you shouting more and really putting yourself out there. Shout is the best way to be noticed by others and to get well known. Before anything, try getting yourself more well known throughout the community through /shout. Don't be afraid to state your opinions, that's what usually sets apart the great people from the others. I know from personal experiences that stating your opinion is not always easy, but you just gotta trust your own judgement and go for it.

    The application:

    Honestly, this app was under par, there were many grammar and spelling mistakes. If I had to make a suggestion as to how to fix that problem, just run it through Microsoft word before submitting it. Also, the conclusion needs to be the last thing in your app, not your weaknesses.

    In your intro you starred talking about your friends, try keeping the topic strictly to you, not other people as it distracts from the main point you are trying to get across.

    The why section is probably the most important part of any staff application. Make sure to cover all aspects of how you act in game, on the forums and on teamspeak. If you need to, you are able to split your why section into different parts covering each part individually. Personally, it find this way to be easier and it comes across better then if it's all in 1 big paragraph.

    I do like how in your intro you touched on the fact that you like to problem solve, and then in the why you talked more about it. That was the one thing I really liked about your app.


    Teamspeak is where you will be doing your interview so you will need to get it.


    You are a new member on the forums which is never a good thing when applying for a staff position. Become more active on the forums and post relevant things, this will also help you become more well known throughout the community.

    For now my vote stands at a -1, but I wish you the best of luck.
  6. Hillbilly19970

    Hillbilly19970 Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 Just basically what xxnine_tailsxx said
  7. erind2001

    erind2001 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for the feed back I appreciate it.
  8. Juanphis

    Juanphis Popular Meeper

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    This is autodeny because you dont have teamspeak
  9. Mainkreke

    Mainkreke Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    *Teamspeak is required.
    *I saw a few grammar mistakes.
    *You're a new forum member.
    *Never seen you IG, or helping IG.
  10. OrangeNinja3

    OrangeNinja3 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -New Member on forums
    -I never see you on
    -Most of your "Why" Section should be part of the "Introduction"
    -Teamspeak is required so I highly recommend you get it now.
  11. Neil_WW

    Neil_WW Celebrity Meeper

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  12. zachforfun123

    zachforfun123 Popular Meeper

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    +.5 would be +1 If is seen you helping in shout, you have been playing for a long time and by that time you would've learned the commands, so keep helping out and maybe re apply in a month or so. :)
  13. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    Hello, erind2001
    Gratz on your 1st post.

    But the Helper Application should never be your 1st post.

    -1 Reasons below:

    1. New Member
    2. I have never Heard of you till now
    3. Never seen you help in /shout
    4. Your Application was on the short side..
    5. TeamSpeak is Needed for Staff
    6. Please post real weaknesses

    Some tips:
    1. Spend time helping in /shout
    2. come talk on Teamspeak! its a blast!
    3. Become part of the community
    4. Post more on Forums in Q/A, Discussion
    5. Don't post in ban appeals that you have nothing to do with.

    Please review all the tips you get from players and become more known in meepcraft!
  14. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I have seen the great work you have done as a town assistant! I unlike a lot of the players who commented above have seen you in game a lot, I have seen you with new players while welcoming them to towns, showing them the ropes, giving them advice on how to mine, get food, etc.
    I agree that forum activity is very lacking, the forums are a great way and almost the only way to get your suggestions heard, have general discussions on a subject or two, and to review and see current staff applications. It is also used for ban appeals which based on your lack of forum activity, bans have not been an issue for you.
    I think based on all I know that you would make a good helper, I challenge you to take the next two weeks or so and show the other members of the server what some of us have already seen. Download TeamSpeak and check out the forums, I think you will actually like getting to know that part of the server. Then re-apply for helper in 2 weeks.

    Denied Currently
    erind2001 likes this.

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