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Crazylight98 Helper App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by crazylight98, Apr 24, 2014.

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  1. crazylight98

    crazylight98 Well-Known Meeper

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    In Game Name: crazylight98
    Skype Username: crazylight98
    Teamspeak Username: crazylight98
    Mic use: Anytime I am online I can use it
    Age: 19
    Timezone: GMT -8 (U.S. CALI.)
    Hours online per weekday: 10-12 hours
    Hours online per weekend: 5-6 hours
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod)
    Changing from Ultimate --> Helper

    Hey there my name is crazylight98, you can call me Calvin if you want as that is my IRL name. I am currently in college right now studying at the California State University of Fresno, USA. I am originally from Indonesia, its is a country located in the Southern East of Asia, bellow Malaysia and on top of Australia. I am studying abroad for the sake of connections and also education/knowledge. My major is Food Science and Nutrition and I am working on Campus in the dairy processing of the Fresno State it self. The money I spent on Meepcraft has all been coming from my work time in the Dairy Processing.

    Furthermore, in terms of In-Game, I am very active in the server and forums too. I have host several events such as the Give Away Game, Drop Party in Arcadia. I have tried as much as possible to help the people in MeepCraft to be able to get what they want and be satisfied in playing Minecraft, and speaking this though, giving them what they need by being just. Furthermore I have a brother in Meepcraft whose name is Krisogonus, and he is from Indonesia. I have donated a lot to the server in terms of money and time. I have helped people get ranks by selling it to them and some giving it away, like @xXJoshXx and @Stormbrokers07 . I am now currently the Mayor of Arcadia, I was the Co-Owner until Josh7800 him self left the town and took stormbroker07 in charge, and stormbroker himself give me the title.

    Moreover, I am very active on Skype, I am online in Skype anytime I am online IG, but the problem is with the TeamSpeak, since I am new to it, I get confused with using it and it makes me unable to be active on it. The problem that I have is that it keeps saying "Microphone on", "Microphone Deactivated". I have not pressed any button and such and it keeps saying that. I would like to learn more about this TeamSpeak so I can be active on it and I wish you guys can help me.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?
    As I said before, I am pretty active in game and Skype. I literally spend a lot of hours in this game. I am entrusted by RIOT (League of Legends) to take charge in taking care of the Fresno State League of Legends club. I am paid using RP (RiotPoints) monthly and also I am given merchandise by RIOT themselves frequently. I am into the gaming world a lot, I have done my part to become a staff/officer in the RIOT system and now I would like to be one of the staff in a MineCraft server. I was also a mod back when there was still the server called RammyCraft, it was a Malaysian server.

    In addition on why I would like to be a helper or why I deserve it, it is because as I think I am very active and I help a lot of people in Meep. Many of my friends in Meep have said to me to apply for helper but I haven't applied for quite a while because of my last App, I was not ready to apply again until the right time where I think I am ready and now I can help others. Moreover, I am taking care of a town, but I think that responsibility is not as big as being a helper. I would like to be a helper so that I can help people and mostly make Meepcraft a better server.

    In my condition I think also I am mature enough and experienced enough to take responsibility in decision making problems that happens a lot in Meepcraft. I would like to be able to be a part of the problem helping the people in it solve their inequality and problems. And furthermore, I have no Ban/Kicks record ever in this server.

    I am not that strong in term of using TeamSpeak as I do not really understand how to use it, I have not used it for a couple of week now because everytime I go on it it keeps saying "Microphone on", "Microphone Deactivated", in time I can be active on it too like I am on Skype and IG, I just hope that some people will be able to help me through it.

    In conclusion, I would like to be able to help the server of Meepcraft by being a Helper IG and elsewhere as I am currently and will be active in Minecraft for a long time, as well as I love helping people. The case of RIOT giving me an officer power for my College is a show for Meep that I can be trusted and also I take responsibility in what I do. I would like to help out in anyway I can. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.

  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Your app was nice, crazy. However, I think you need more activity both in TS and forums. I see you all the time IG which is nice, but you advertised to me, which shows desperation. In terms of weaknesses, we're looking for crimes you're tempted to make or things that would effect you as a staff member such as immaturity or raging.
    I'm at a -1, but good luck ^.^
    SirCallow likes this.
  3. crazylight98

    crazylight98 Well-Known Meeper

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    Thanks :) <3
  4. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

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    Yay! Glad to see you applied.

    Good things:
    -App. It was great, especially for someone who did not learn English as their first language. In fact, until you stated so, I did not realize you did not speak it first.
    -Outside leadership. You tied this in quite nicely. Many people do not mention anything other than their qualities, but being staff in RIOT is also a great position that gives you experience with people and leadership.
    -Personality. I don't know you well in game, but from the few times we've crossed paths, you are funny, sweet, and helpful.
    -Commitment: I'm not trying to be rankist, but the fact that you are ultimate and how hard you work for your money (as I've seen how hard it is for you to let it go :p)... to spend it on here means that you are very committed to the server.

    Neutral things
    -Activity: Great in game, not so great on forums or TS.
    -Helpfulness in shout: I don't see you often in shout, but I do know that when I ask you a question, you either know or help me find out very well.

    Bad things:
    -Weaknesses: Having problems with teamspeak isn't a weakness. We are looking for personality "flaws" such as immaturity or raging, as monkey said.
    -Visibility: I know you are very active, as you stated, but I don't see you often shouting or helping via shout.
    -I don't really know you, so I can't exactly say yes or no very easily.

    Give it a couple more weeks, become a bit more noticable and such, and I think you could be a good helper.
    crazylight98 likes this.
  5. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    App was well written. I would like to see more general activity and helpfulness in all aspects of the server though. Activity is moderate currently. -.5
  6. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

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    ^^^I would go with this.
    I really don't have anything to say but this:
    •Good activity, I'm in EST. Don't know how to transfer the time though.
    •I see you helping some, try a little more though.
    •Good application

    •Your weakness, we want some things such as raging, activity, immaturity, and some stuff like that
    I'd probably wait 2+ weeks or more. +/-
    Good Luck! :)
  7. xXJoshXx

    xXJoshXx Popular Meeper

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    Wow you applied!
    I can verify that all of the info in the app is true, as Crazy is a good friend of mine
    I personally think you will make a great mayor, and helper.
    You has all the right qualities to become a helper.
    Oh and the app was great! +1
  8. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You're app was good
    Helped me , gave me a free god set :3
    Not that active in shout but i guess your comfortable as a helper !

    I'm at +.5 Good luck !
  9. crazylight98

    crazylight98 Well-Known Meeper

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    Do you want me to add my weaknesses in there? or what should I do? thanks anyways :)
  10. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    Do not edit your application as it will be auto-denied.
    Highlanders3Ruth likes this.
  11. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

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    No, don't edit it because that action will bring forward a auto deny, as Martin stated.

    But if this is denied, next time add some weaknesses such as Immaturity, Bad Activity, Argumenting, etc.
  12. ManUtdFTW11

    ManUtdFTW11 Celebrity Meeper

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    Crazylight your a very nice player.

    - has swag
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 24, 2014, Original Post Date: Apr 24, 2014 ---
    crazylight98 likes this.
  13. crazylight98

    crazylight98 Well-Known Meeper

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    OK thanks :)
    Klitch likes this.
  14. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think you know enough about the rules to become staff at this point in time.
  15. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hey crazylight
    - you are immature
    - Not helpful
    + Active
    + Well known
    - Teamspeak and Forums Not Very Active
    - Can be a little rude
    Good Luck :)
    ManUtdFTW11 likes this.
  16. VorticoseSeven0

    VorticoseSeven0 Popular Meeper

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    -1 I think u need to help more. I'm not trying to be rude but idk if I've ever seen u before.
  17. ManUtdFTW11

    ManUtdFTW11 Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't mean to interfere but a little rude? No he's not
  18. Nman830

    Nman830 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Reasons above
  19. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    :/ I think this is a tiny bit biased (crazy is Josh's assistant)
    But for my vote, +/- because your activity is a tiny bit spotty and your weaknesses need to be worked on.
  20. RikuoSaragih

    RikuoSaragih Well-Known Meeper

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    Your Not active on shout :p but im at +1
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