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App V3

Discussion in 'Denied' started by SSSoul, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: SSSoulblade
    Skype: Message me :)
    Teamspeak: SSSoulblade (Microphone udderly broken, usually am in teamspeak but for now can't talk.)
    Age: 14 going on 15 in August.
    Timezone: EST
    Time online weekday: This summer surpisingly around 4-14
    Time online weekend: 2-10
    Rank changes: Ultimate - Helper

    Introduction: Hi, it's SSSoulblade or sss or SSSoul or Soul or whatever else you want to call me. I've been here since February 18th, 2013 @ some Guess what? I bought minecraft on February 17th, 2013, making meepcraft the first server I've ever played. How I came into Minecraft all started in October when a friend of mine convinced me to play Minecraft P.E. on the iPod. Let's just say I filled a whole world ( it wasn't infinite it was like 500x500 ) in about a month without losing the world. Finally, I got the new updated version of Minecraft P.E. with world saves and stuff and it was amazingly fun. Finally, another friend of mine who played Minecraft on the computer showed me a server called meepcraft. He was a resident of Epictown and it looked really cool seeing interactions with other players. That was something I enjoyed, and I played many games before that with those. I joined soon after, and the rest is history!

    Why you should be staff:

    Well, before I begin this section, I'd like to clarify why I was demoted last time. (not resigned)
    Mostly, it was that I went into KitPvP often to ban hackers, and, well, fraps doesn't record small files. (I deleted about 40 videos this morning, removed 550 GB off my hard drive.) This led to having massive youtube uploads, me having no editing software to compress it. 10 minute videos took 11,000 minutes to upload, and I couldn't get a lot of proof up before players appealed. That and one time I was sitting down on the table when I went to practice my piano, when I realized I forgot something and asked my brother to do it for me. Him being next to me, I figured nothing could go wrong, and nothing did, but that also was a reason for my demotion.

    Anyway, back to why I should be staff again.

    -Previous Experience: As said before, (^^) I was a helper for a month or two before getting demoted. My interview went well, and I got +1's from all the staff in there (according to the conductor.) The first day I couldn't get anything done in my town, just had to focus on modreqs modreqs and more modreqs with that feeling that I needed to do more. I ended up with around 80-100 modreqs done in that first day. Eventually that kept going. I had around 400-550 modreqs when I was demoted. I was, and still am comfortable with many towny permissions, skyblock help, PvP (centrum), Kit, Global rules, and just most the general rules.

    -Dedication: Meepcraft was the first server I have ever joined, as said in the introduction, and I still play it actively. Now, I play a lot more than when I did when I first joined, and especially it being summer I have loads more time.

    -Ban history: My current bans are as follows: (Old meep, MN, and new meep.) 1 minute ban for trying to quit (joke ban, I didn't ever quit. For those of you wondering I had IRL issues that were resolved)
    2 minute ban: Being annoying by Onis (August last year, Onis is pretty cool now.) A rank glitch issue w ShadowLiran in which the rank didn't go through, got banned for a day. And a perm ban for griefing (all accident, check the appeal. Unbanned two days later.) I believe these are all my current bans as of now (correct me if I'm wrong!)

    -Forums: I am extremely active on the forums (been checking in a little less since I lost my iPod in Utah when I got sick.) I still check in quite frequently but I don't post as much as I used to. I like stalking the forums when I get bored, at night, in the middle of the day, whenever. I look up appeals, reports, discussion, marketplace, and any other random topic that I just like looking at.

    -In-Game helping: I currently run a town with around 146 residents at the moment in towny beta. Epictown currently is the #4 town in residents in beta, almost to #3. A lot of these residents are new to the town, so I help them out with perms and how to claim land. If they ask, they can even take the next step to learn how to be a towny assistant or recruiter. As for shout, I usually stick to only the harder questions. These involve more advanced perms, skyblock (many mods don't play skyblock surprisingly,) and any other things that are more complex. These are usually answered in message, not global. Things I don't usually help to: Easy questions, obvious answer questions, and.. odd questions...


    Immaturity: I don't know why but I can be very immature at times. When I'm goofing off with friends, toying around with my builds, or just jumping around my town. This is something that only I can fix alone, and this WILL be fixed.

    Teamspeak: Well, my microphone is busted. Ka-put. Broken. Whatever you want to call it, so until I get it repaired I can't talk in teamspeak, but I can listen. Feel free to poke me if you ever have any questions.

    Thanks for reading my app and post some positive feedback below!
    Darke_Amethyst likes this.
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Mic is required, you should know this....
    Other then that, I'm at a +1. Recently I've seen a lot of maturity from you, and during our whole theft thing you were cool about it and it was handled quickly.
    GL <3
  3. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:

    +1 good luck!
  4. Nara_Visa

    Nara_Visa Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 from my collective knowledge of you ,you do not have what it takes.
  5. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    It's being repaired. Silly monkey.
    superbros1211 and funkyrainbows like this.
  6. Window_Licker

    Window_Licker Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Good Luck! :D
  7. _socceris4me_

    _socceris4me_ Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Good luck SSSoul!
  8. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    His mic is broken and he clearly stated that he was going to get it repaired.

    Not a bad app, your conclusion was pretty weak though - try to sum up your main points in it :)
    It's a +/- 0 for me.

    UMADBRO? Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Mic plz
  10. ShadowBlizzard

    ShadowBlizzard Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm not on the same time you are, but when I do go on earlier, I see you helping often.
    As long as your mic is fixed soon I'm a +1 :)
    Bob4444444 likes this.
  11. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    This application has been denied, continue working on your in game activity, over all maturity, forum work and being active on teamspeak.
    Feel free to reapply in no less than 2 weeks

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