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ShadowBlizzard's Mod App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by ShadowBlizzard, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. ShadowBlizzard

    ShadowBlizzard Celebrity Meeper

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    In Game Name: Shad0wBlizzard
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: ShadowBlizzard
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 14
    Timezone: Pacific (-8:00)
    Hours online per weekday: 1-4
    Hours online per weekend: 2-6
    Position Changes: Premium [Helper] -> Mod

    It's Shad0w, or as some of you know me as Alex. I go to school in a tech / career academy, and usually I am drowning by homework. I take an AP class which I'm trying to drop, to make more room for my friends and more diversions from my day. I am in 10th grade, and I'm a month away from being 15. I enjoy playing soccer, hanging out with friends, and playing Meepcraft on my pastime.

    I used to play Fuzzlr's other server, until one day it shut down. I asked my friend via skype what happened, and he showed me Meepcraft, and how the owner of Meep bought our server. I started playing Meep around April 30th (2014.) I got VIP less than a month later, and then I applied for helper. I got Premium, then helper on July 21st. Now, I am applying for Moderator as I see that there's some potential, and after thinking about it I decided to talk with some experienced players and they told me to go for it.

    Why you should be Mod ?

    · Experience - Being that I've taken part in plenty of servers, I guess you could say I'm full of experience. Most of them although small, showed me how to use commands and how to control power. Being helper for a few months, I've gotten used to most of the commands, and what to search for depending on the situation. In 8th grade, I also took a part of NJHS, and hosted several events showing me what responsibility in the real world is like. Another good reason could be that I used to hack, and I am able to identify some hacks.

    · Work Ethic - Due to the Modreq being reset once we hit 10k, I can't find out my past modreqs, but I'm sure that was around 180 or so. I did slightly less than 200 modreqs within the first 9 days of helper, which is pretty astonishing to me. As of the reset though, I have done 258 Modreqs, for a total of around 450 modreqs throughout the few weeks I've been helper. With my work ethic, I try to stick to focusing on Modreqs, and helping out people in between. You'll see me on shout often perhaps solving a simple question. When they're more intense modreqs, that require higher skill, I try to find what's best for everyone, and what the matter should deal with. If I ever don't know the answer though, I do ask other staff for help on it.

    · Dedication - Ever since I started playing Meepcraft, I haven't quit except for one week when I first started. Other than that, I have been playing Meep every day, if not every other day, unless I'm on vacation. With previous servers, I have stuck with them until the end. (The end usually being that they shut down.) Which, is probably 3 or so servers.

    · Involvement - Community Involvement is probably one of the most important things in my opinion, as staff are players too, and we shouldn't be too far from other players. In reality, all we have is a few extra commands to moderate things, but that doesn't mean we're more special. I try to get involved with the community as much as I can, and help out with whenever there's helping to be done. Other than that, I act like a player. I live in a town, I build for other players, and I hang around with Meepfriends whenever I can.

    Unstable schedule - Due to school being stressful and all, and with my family's schedule, I cannot guarantee a time I'll be on. Ever. This usually means I have to go at random times, or I'll have to afk for a moment or two. I've been trying to solve this by getting my life more set up, which will include the next weakness.

    Inactivity: Before I get into this, I want to explain why I've been inactive for a while. When school started, my school decided to put me in an AP class. The AP class meant I was bound to have to have no life for 9 months. Being that I wasn't ready for that, I'm trying to switch out, but in the meantime I still have to work for it. This explains the past week and how I've been kind of off-schedule, as I've been dealing with homework. However, I try to post on forums whenever I see something that's worth posting, but just know I'm reading most of it. With teamspeak, I'll try to get on if I have my mic set up, and if I have a few moments to spare. Once my secular issues are resolved though, I'll be more active.

    Immaturity: Being that I am 14, I think this is almost everyone's weakness. Occasionally, I might act a bit "childish" for my age. I guarantee, this is only with those I have become closer with, and I've been trying to keep it off Meep and more towards Skype or somewhere where it's not as big as a deal. Of course, I can always stop my immaturity if I really set my mind to it.

    I was told to apply when I felt I was ready, and I considered plenty of things during that time. I decided that I felt now was a good time, and I hope others can see that too. Any type of feedback would be enjoyable, but I ask that you please justify your response as to what I can improve on for next time :)
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    +1 cause +1 cause +1.
    While the app was short, I've seen you in-game a lot, you're friendly and have great work ethic.
    Jinkeloid and ShadowBlizzard like this.
  3. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    When I was staff, I saw a great deal of work from you. You work hard, and get the job done good. I suppose you have a good modreq count, and that's always a plus :). The app was pretty good, could've been better, but it was good. You are a great person, and you definitely deserve the position.
    Good luck.
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  4. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    OMG Bob we are twinsies. +1 reasons above.
    Bob4444444 and ShadowBlizzard like this.
  5. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    You are hard working, motivated, and we both seem to have close, if not the same, opinions on a lot of stuff. I do think you will make a great mod, but not now. I still think there is more to you I haven't seen that you are capable of doing as a helper. You have huge amounts of potential, and I feel that once you have unlocked that, you will be truly amazing. As of now, I just want you to reach for that. It has nothing do to with how you preform in terms of modreqs or community involvement, but I'm sure that as the smart individual you are, you will be able to find out what I'm talking about. Once you have done that, my vote will easily shift. For now though, -1

    Good luck!
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  6. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't think I could sum it up better, -1
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  7. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    Pretty much, except I'm gonna stay +/-
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  8. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    You're a great friend of mine <3

    But I'm going to give this a +.5 simply because you've only been helper for a month (sounds like it's been a good month though ;))

    Good luck! :D <3
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  9. Ranger_621

    Ranger_621 Well-Known Meeper

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    All I can say, is
    Why did you wait a month?!?!
    Good luck mate, I'm rooting for ya.
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  10. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 My neighbor
    I think you just need a bit more time in the helper position and a bit more time handling bigger cases
  11. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    +1 In your time as helper, you've proved yourself. You've doen a great job, being very on point, knowledgeable, professional, respectful, and nice :)!
    ShadowBlizzard and jmelara like this.
  12. jmelara

    jmelara Popular Meeper

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    • Super nice
    • Helpful
    • Active on all 3 parts of the server
    • Loves me
    • Qualified
    You would be a great mod! Good luck :)
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  13. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Best friend on TS
    Fun to be around
    Probably best helper I know
    I love you
    Very Very active
    Good luck! :D
    jmelara and ShadowBlizzard like this.
  14. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    Not ready yet.
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  15. Ryder

    Ryder Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Couldn't sum it up better. Sorry -1
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 2, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 2, 2014 ---
    Way to be unbiased!
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  16. _Chef_Carrott_

    _Chef_Carrott_ Popular Meeper

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    I think you need more time as helper, and more experience handling bigger situations. Maybe in like 2 months?
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  17. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    +0.5 You are a great helper, but as chrisandmatthew said, you have only been a helper for a month. You need more time before becoming a mod.
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  18. ToonMichaela

    ToonMichaela Celebrity Meeper

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    shadow. i have seen your name almost every time in /g on the server. you are always willing to help. but i have to agree with others. just give it some more time.
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  19. ShadowBlizzard

    ShadowBlizzard Celebrity Meeper

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    May I ask what I can do to improve on this?
    jmelara likes this.
  20. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

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    Good friend, good helper, and good...uhhh...i just give the +1...
    ShadowBlizzard likes this.
  21. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    A really good helper who I believe is ready for the mod position +1

    Only negative is: He hasn't seen Lucario and the Mystery of Mew yet....
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