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anikin2002's Helper App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by anikin ultimate, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    In Game Name: anikin2002

    Skype (Yes/No): Yes

    Teamspeak Username: anikin2002

    Mic use: Yes

    Age: 12.5

    Timezone: GST +4

    Hours online per weekday: 3-6

    Hours online per weekend: 3-8

    Hey guys, as you know me I'm anikin2002, Meepcraft was the first ever Minecraft server I joined! I've been on it since the first year (2012) but not the first day, I wish :p. Anyway Meep has always been my favourite server to play on, it's full of people to talk to in game and on TeamSpeak. I have many Meep friends like: Splasho, Rikuo, Neil, 1MinecraftLord1, blueblock10, abdullah999345, lockdown and much more! Anyway guys I hope you enjoy this app and I would love to help Meepcraft out, enjoy :D!

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?
    Helping- I see lots of people that /msg me for help all the time and I try my best to help them as much as possible, I mean why not, it lets them know the server because then they could tell their friends to join and Meep would become a bigger server! If people ask me how to do commands or to build something or to help them, also for someone doing something illegal I help them as much as I can and try to get them to stop, If they don't then I report them.

    Rules: I have only broken 2 rules, logging and spam. One time in logging because I was younger than now and I was protective with my stuff and I didn't want to lose them. And Spam when I was counting down from 10-0 for a stunt kind of thing that I was doing and also for doing t h i s once. But I didn't do it again and I learnt that it is not allowed so I haven't done it since.

    Passions for Meep: I would love to make Meepcraft one of the top played serves on Minecraft because that would be awesome and I would love that. So it could get more popular and people would enjoy themselves more.

    Temper: Sometimes I do over react on some things although not many. For example If someone is harassing me I become really defensive sometimes to try and get them back but most the time I leave them alone and just go somewhere else because I don't really want to do it back. Also if I tell people to do something politely many times and they don't do it, it's a 50/50 in me getting mad because they don't listen.

    Confidence: I am pretty confident when trying something new, unless it's like a bit water slide that goes at high speeds, then I'd say no :p, but I have been on the fastest roller coaster in the world in Abu Dhabi and I live in another city in the same country called Dubai. Although in Minecraft, examples: I would be making a new design for the way I build, I do kind of use 1 technique but I get bored of if sometimes so I decide to change the style I'm building it in, although I usually stay on one topic which is medieval.

    Joking around: I am joking around when there's nothing going on only to keep myself and my friends entertained, but when something comes up, even if it's not too important, I stop joking around and I do what I need to do, although 5% of the time I do joke when something not very important is happening, I only never joke when something is important, that's when I keep serious.

    Strictness: I am not really strict but sometimes when I'm not in a good mood, or if someone's not listening after I say it nicely about my maximum would be 10 times of asking nicely and then I get mad, it's the same with getting strict at someone sometimes.

    TeamSpeak: Sometimes, when there's lots of people, I am shy to talk on TeamSpeak although I did say this last time and it has been getting better so over time, I know this will slowly go away.

    Conclusion: So I hope you guys enjoy, it would be an honour to be someone that could support Meepcraft like this, and it would make me very happy. Hope you enjoyed! :D

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  2. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    same reasons for my previous -1 on your apps.
    i'll wait patiently for this to be auto-denied, since it hasn't been 2 weeks yet.
    inb4 abdullah and blueblock put their biased +1's here.
    Jiltism and Splisho999 like this.
  3. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    it has been 2 weeks hasn't it?
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 8, 2014, Original Post Date: Sep 8, 2014 ---
    if not then that is my fault and I apologize
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 8, 2014 ---
    My last one was on the 23rd of august, it has been more than 2 weeks
  4. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    The date you applied doesn't matter. The date that you were DENIED does matter.
  5. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

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    well no one had told me that and I didn't know
  6. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Which is why you shouldn't be helper.
    You need to learn more about the staff, and the community,and please, BE MORE ACTIVE, I still have not seen you, almost at all.
    you look desperate. Wait a month or two, and REALLY improve on what you've been given on your last app.
    Add me on skype and I can help :D Monkeyhead19998.
    anikin ultimate likes this.
  7. Splisho999

    Splisho999 Active Meeper

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    That's my line you stealer but I agree with everything Monkey said -1.
  8. 1MinecraftLord1

    1MinecraftLord1 Celebrity Meeper

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    Just saying that it may be a timezone issue as I see him on quite regularly, but other than that I completely agree with you :)
    buildmaster1000x likes this.
  9. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Hm. I've been way more on track with sleeping recently, so I haven't been up all night as much as I'd like to. That may be the issue.
    It doesn't solve anything with forums activity though! :p
  10. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    I am on forums, ig, and teamspeak almost all day everyday and I have NEVER seen you not once. You are well-known because of the time you have been on Meep.
    -1 for me although you are well know I have never seen you ig or in ts.
    Good luck to you though :)
    Ranger_621 likes this.
  11. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    It hasn't been two weeks since your application was denied. I'm sorry for the confusion! You may reapply in at least two weeks from today.
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