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Helper Application from jcheino12

Discussion in 'Denied' started by jcheino12, Nov 4, 2015.

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  1. jcheino12

    jcheino12 Well-Known Meeper

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    Member Name jcheino12

    Additional In Game Names: jcheino

    How old are you? 14

    Location: USA ,Ohio

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-4

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-5

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's Twister307

    When did you join Meepcraft? over 1 1/2 Years ago it what the game says but i joined about 3 years ago before the time on meepcraft plug-in was put in

    Introduction: Hey whats up guys it is me, Jcheino i am i here because i feel this server has a great community and base and i would really really love to be a part of it and do the best known to even be possible. So right now i am a Freshmen at Harding High school and it is a lot of fun but the bullies there are pretty bad to minecrafters like me. I feel that all bully should be dealt with accordingly with the thing they have done and i like to take things by the book and step by step. I am also a guy that like to have fun and help others to have fun and i love to share. When i see something wrong i like to help take care of it and make the situation better all round. That is me in a Short paragraph. Oh and the Way i Live is summed up in my mato YOLOSLIW. It means you only live once you live it will. It means do not just go do what you want with you life make a difference try to change the world for a better.

    Why should you be Helper? Helper would be a good way to integrate my skills and ability into the large responsibility of a staff member without giving to much power to a IRl jobless person like me. Even though i have never had a real job (mostly because i am only 14) I fee i am ready to do this and make a difference in the way people feel about this super fun server.

    What are your weaknesses? Some of my weaknesses are i am some what naive so i don't like to have to change the way i do this but i am a very faster learner if i keep to the change. One of my other weaknesses is I have A.D.H.D this is a disorder that make it hard for me to wait or stay still so i can get side tracked sometime but a simply reminder of what i came to do snaps me right out of it. The final one i know of at the time is that i do not like being told no i am a rebel if i do not feel it is right i sometimes just don't do it even if it is but i find it wrong so sometime the leash on me can be hard to control.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Because i am a new freshmen in high school my schedule if a little bit wacky right now and i am trying out for the bowling team (Don't hate me) and if i make it my schedule will have to be completely redone but i can manage it because this is something i love to do and things i love to do i always make time. Thanks so much for reading my application.
  2. jcheino12

    jcheino12 Well-Known Meeper

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    omg i just now saw that i missed the l after the 14) it is ment to say *feel
  3. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Your last post was 5 months ago, and it was your last helper application. I find that you don't care about the server or its players, but you care more about having the title. I haven't seen any improvement from your application last time, only disimprovement.

  4. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    As bob said, you don't really care much for the server.

    I can not see you as a staff member
  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    This explains my -1.

    All you care about is being helper and nothing else. I understand you improved somehow, but the only improvement was getting TS. Also, your inactivity and immaturity is something you need to work on.

    For now, -1.
  6. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm going to give a minus one, heres why:
    You're not very active at all
    You are a little immature
    Your app was bad, use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, the works.
    As said above, you seem like you don't care about the actual server.
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  7. xtJunior

    xtJunior Unknown Vigilante

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    This is being Denied due to your maturity and activity. Apply in the future when you improve on these.
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