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Helper Application from rAwsondayc

Discussion in 'Denied' started by rAwsondayc, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name rAwsondayc

    Additional In Game Names: rAwsondayc

    How old are you? 17

    Location: Nasty Naz, Pennsylvania USA

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 0.5-2

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 1-3

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Junelawnchair, Bob4444444, Sssoul

    When did you join Meepcraft? somewhere around 2014

    Introduction: Hi, I’m rAwsondayc, rAwson, or DawsØn (cause I’m a Twenty One Pilots fanboy). I bowl a lot, participate in chorus & theater, and bus at a Pizza restaurant and a tavern. On Meepcraft, I enjoy making my town nicer and better for all my 0 residents and talking on TS. I was a Moderator a while back, and since then have had a come and go relationship with the server. Now, I plan on staying, hope to seeya around some if i haven’t.

    Why should you be Helper? I am a very hard worker, at the pizza restaurant I am known as the best busser they have, and the owners son is a busser too. When it comes to getting things done under pressure I have experience on the server and in the real world. I’m very honest, and do whats right for the greater good. I work very well in a team, but am able to get a large amount of work done with great quality by myself. I have a very optimistic outlook on life and bring others up with my positivity. I bring humor to the workplace and make it that much better in rough spots. I was previously a staff member, so I understand the schematics of staff and how the server works. Since my previous staff time, I’ve been through stuff and my personality has changed (I’ll explain more in weaknesses).

    What are your weaknesses? I become easily distracted at times, but shake it off and continue forward whenever I do so. It’s been awhile since my time, and some of the plugins and commands are rusty or a new concept to me, I’m more than willing to put in the time to improve. I was demoted by Cooleys for some rude comments on ban appeals and other applications on the forums, but since then see my errors and keep a positive outlook.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have a semi professional resume if a staff member would like to see, I have some personal info on there so I'd rather not share publicly (this is 100% serious). I take a visual media course in school and have experience with film and editing because of it, if this may become helpful in some way. I look forward to your responses and the possibility of an interview, thank you for the opportunity!
    cooey, Draqq, GroovyGrevous and 4 others like this.
  2. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    Cant tell if this is a troll app or not.

    Either way, you just came back. Wait like a month or two

  3. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    Is it that cringe? I'm completely serious.

    I believe I understand the fundamentals of the current servers state enough to help other players, I hope that my lack of time is referring to my knowledge on things thus.
  4. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    -1, I can't really tell if this is a troll applicaton...
    But you like just came back
    I would like a little longer introduction....
    I haven't seen you HELPING at all in /g, you might not be on too long... that is very important.
    -I don't really know who you are.
    +Maybe apply once you get more familiar with community, players, and some other things too :p
    Good Luck! -SpanishSpider
    CrazyYoungBro likes this.
  5. SirCallow

    SirCallow Legendary Meeper

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    I feel like you would be a great Helper, but I think you need to spend a bit longer in getting to know the server, as a lot has changed in the last few months. Wait a bit, freshen up on your knowledge of the server, hang out on the forums a little, and I would highly recommend you to be a staff member. <3

    -618 if you didn't know.
  6. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    What makes it seem like that? I don't understand. nhjed said it first and whatever, but you just seemed to bandwagon with him. I don't see how it is a troll application in the slightest.

    Why should he have a longer introduction? Honestly it was a really good intro. It was straight to the point with no extra crap included. There's really nothing more he can explain, and I feel it's perfectly suited in the application.

    Anyways rAwson, about you. We've had a bumpy past, but I believe you would be a good helper.. once you improve on some stuff. At the moment, I see you as a helper; not moving up to mod soon, just helper. That isn't bad, but I feel that you could stand out more as a candidate and a potential helper. I feel you could adjust easily to what the team has become, and I can see you fitting in. You really need to improve on helping in /g, and talking in global chat in general. You have to show us all that you're active, involved, and dedicated. Once you do that, I'm definitely all for you being helper once more.

    +1 for interview.
  7. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    Heyo, I've had the pleasure of knowing you throughout most of my time on Meep, and you've always been friendly and you ask the right questions, which is a great trait to have as a helper. As you mentioned in your app, there's never a dull moment when talking to you; you have a very like-able personality imo. You're a hardworker and I think you would be a great addition to the staff team. +1
  8. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    @Bob4444444 Very very true, I don't know why I feel this was a troll application. About his intro, I re-read it about 6 times, and noticed you're right, it is a very detailed introduction!
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  9. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    - He always falls off the island in skywars.
    -But in all seriousness you are very cool and fun to be around and due to your past experience as staff I think you would be a good addition to the team +1
    Toostenheimer and rAwsondayc like this.
  10. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    I only started seeing you on the server 2 or 3 days ago....

    You were a bad staff member from what I remember. You would half-ass the modreq's, get into arguments, and arguably the thing I disliked the most about you, you jumped to conclusions like it was a trend.

    On top of that, you were at a point extremely toxic, if I remember right it was just after your demotion. You would post threads and make comments flaming the staff team and other players.

    -1, if you've changed you need to show that over time, not 2 days.
    Pmx728, rAwsondayc and Dockson like this.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I've only seen you the past several days, and while I like you and all, I only remember you as being a toxic person and a mediocre staff.

    You have just came back, you no longer know the server or the people, and we don't know you. Things have changed and we need to get to know you again.

    There's currently no reason, I think, of why you should be staff.
    Currently -1. Try again in a month or two.
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  12. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    good guy
    good work
    good @ not banning me
    cool dude
    good fit for staff team
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  13. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    This was the actual reason for my demotion. At the time I was posting some rude and somewhat inappropriate comments on the forums, and Cooleys had decided it was my time to go. I lashed out and took my anger out on other members who I had felt had done the same but not had the punishment for it. I see now the severity of what I did, and would like to once again apologize for this and my other shenanigans that were toxicity related. I see the error in my ways, and after taking a large break over october-december from gaming, I learned some people skills and got better with my words. I hope that people can see that I have found my errors as learning mistakes rather than lingering atrocities in the past.
    Bob4444444 and cooey like this.
  14. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    I feel horrible about saying this but I feel I have to. :)

    You need to show me that you can improve and your application was a little short compared to the others (look at people who have been accepted for interview or accepted period, don't look at mine please it was awful)
    Anyways heres the pros and cons
    -You were demoted from helper (not always a positive)
    -I really have never seen you help or ever chat or on ts at all
    -I wouldn't say you are a really hard worker. that's what most people would say
    + You were helper before so that shows you were able to help

    -1 for me as of now. Chat more and be friendly! Good luck!
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  15. Iatemyfriends

    Iatemyfriends Supreme Leader

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    I was staff back when this guy was staff and I can honestly say this guy knows what he's doing and I feel like the current staff could really use a guy like him.

    rAwsondayc likes this.
  16. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    I see how the demoted can be a negative, but I'd like to think of it as bad at the time, but it really allowed me to grow now into who I am. I'd like to say my TS time is frequent, I'm usually in a channel with some buds messing around, but there are times where I'm on the server and not TS. I'll try to be on TS more frequent while playing, and it seems like a lot of the comments are the same with "talk more and be friendly". Thanks for the comment
  17. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

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    You were doing fine when I was staff with you, if anything you changed for the better. Even though you messed up, it's been a while and people change. Why not give it a shot? +1
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  18. giraffeboy09

    giraffeboy09 Popular Meeper

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    Always been a good friend, doesn't mess up too much and always works hard on things
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  19. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    New semester at school started, and due to study halls and privilege cause upperclassmen, I get home at a little after noon (est). This privilege can be taken away by the school if my grades are super low, but for now you might be able to catch me on earlier.
  20. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    • App could have been a bit more detailed
    • Very mature (I just saw you in game a few minutes ago)
    • Previous experience with staff
    I've only seen you active recently. I'd suggest playing a bit more and getting to know more people (if you haven't already)

    Best of luck to you! :D
    rAwsondayc likes this.
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