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Helper Application from ExReDe

Discussion in 'Denied' started by FatBrownMan, Feb 3, 2016.

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  1. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name ExReDe

    Additional In Game Names: Kiyonato

    How old are you? 11

    Location: GMT Peterborough

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 12

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 12

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's 2leah2

    When did you join Meepcraft? 20th november 2015

    Introduction: Hi guys my name is Vlad but most call me George! I'm 11 years old with loads of friend and humor loaded (sarcsm included)
    I was born in 21st april 2005 in Romania (my home country)
    When I was 3 I moved to england scince my family thought we could have a new start there. At first I was really shy and timid and could'nt speak english but just by 1 year I was speaking it fluently! I always get B+ or more on my grades and never give up at all! I have loads of friends and I'm usually sweet to be around *quoting them* I currently am wishing to learn the guitar but yet to find an instructor also I have a youtube channel and I'm learning how to become a better editor than my state at the moment. I have a large town on meepcraft (at the moment I'm writing this) with 14 residents! Most residents said ''I wouldnt switch this town ever!'' Also I guess most people dont see me on considering this is a u.s server!
    I'm trust worthy and fun to be around (as I said) I never steal or get mad (easily) I'm also a sporty person which loves Football and Hockey! The teams I support are: Arsenal, Real madrid and Bayern Munich.
    I'm the co-owner of the hive the #1 lounge of meepcraft. I got co-owner 2 days after I got staff on it scince I was trust worthy and got accepted in the interview. I am in all the top groups at school and currently one of the best pupils in year 6. I love science and maths and wish to become a architect in the future! That was my introduction!

    Why should you be Helper? I'm positive I can make a huge difference in the staff team as: Stopping hackers, racism and rudeness in general also lets not forget about griefers! I've been staff before and I must admit I abused a bit, not too much but a bit. I've been admin of a server till it closed of hackers and griefers. I would'nt give up meep for anything in the world or help people. I can tell when something is wrong and is required to be delt with. On a server this big and growing there will be problems and I will be there to fix them.

    What are your weaknesses? Being taunted in a racist way.
    I hate being taunted because it makes me think I'm weak and where there is more people involved it makes me think ever worst.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I can get sick easily but not too much so I might not be on when I do get sick.
    2leah2 and CrazyYoungBro like this.
  2. CrazyYoungBro

    CrazyYoungBro Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -Nice App ( But could be in more detail)
    -Very Helpful
  3. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Hi there!

    I have seen you on /g and the forums; you seem like a nice person! However, I believe that I have only seen you once or twice on TS (but this could just be because of our times zones, so I will not say that this is a weakness).

    However, I would like to be honest about the 'Weaknesses' part of your application; I would think that everyone would hate to be taunted for whatever reason, even myself. Next time, please be a bit more specific about what you believe are things that you can IMPROVE within yourself. For example, can you be too trusting of others (like me), or can you actually be too distrusting of others? Can you be argumentative at times? Sadistic? Immature? Have you tried to fix these weak points, control them, or do you plan to fix them in the future (and HOW)?

    Overall, I will give this application a +0.5! I believe that you would make a pretty good candidate for Helper! <3

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016
    KaiUsesThis likes this.
  4. HoF_Code

    HoF_Code Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 great app

    -could work on mature
    +very friendly
    +from what I know your helpful

  5. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi jiku!
    First time i met you turned out to be a pretty good day, you were making a video for youtube and all was cool. You asked for two people to come pretend fight so you could take some video of that. I volunteered because being a citizen and getting to be in an exclusives youtube video is pretty big (thats just what i thought). So i came there to help you out and you were such a nice guy, you got everything you needed wrapped up so there was no confusion between us, ever since that day we have been friends and we have had a lot of good moments together both in-game and on team speak. At that time i would never have gussed that you were 11 years old, you are so mature, sweet, friendly and most of all supportive. Whenever i need an ear that will listen to all my nonsense you're there and you're so trustworthy i can tell you anything. You were also the first person i ever trusted enough to do a face reveal for.

    I could mention so much more about how great you are but we can save that for another time.


    Because i believe Jiku/Kiyo would make a good helper.

    + Active
    + Friendly
    + Mature
    + Trustworthy
    + Helpful
    + Understanding
    + Experienced

    - I honestly think you could interact more in global chat, not that you don't do it but i want to see you more.
    - When you're chatting you sometimes use a little rough expressions but to be honest; this is easy to handle, just work on it.
    - You're 11. Yes everyone is immature but i don't think you're immature in-game it's mostely on team speak. (Not that i'm not immature because you know i am)
    - You're helpful towards me but try to help out whenever you see someone asking for help.

    Good luck! ;)
    Its_Madison and junelawnchaired like this.
  6. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    +You seem nice
    -Never seen you on ts
    (How did you get 12 hours on a weekday?)

    Good Luck!
    Its_Madison likes this.
  7. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Woops! Sorry about that must've clicked the wrong thing I'm usually on 6-8 hours on week days! Again I'm sorry lels.
    Its_Madison likes this.
  8. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    You're a nice person with the right intentions, but I just don't see you as a helper.

    The first thing that catches me is your age. Yes, even if you were the most mature 11 year old in the world, you'd still have some pretty big troubles. I doubt you'd be able to see the constant sex references in chat.
    Moving away from that, I think you're too immature to handle the position. I don't think you'd be able to handle the constant criticism and pressure.
    I've never seen you be overly annoying or do anything bad in chat, although I've never seen you be helpful or do anything particularly nice either.
    On the forums, your comments are generally unhelpful and immature.
    And the application man, let me tell you, it doesn't matter how long the intro is, it's useless when your why section is only 4 lines long.

    -1, good luck though.
    cooey, evilalec555 and Toostenheimer like this.
  9. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    I'll keep it simple. I've never seen you in game, (timezones, maybe), and I think your app could have been MUCH more in detail. For instance, your introduction was longer than your "why" section.

    Elaborating more on your weakness would have been even better! ;)

    Good luck! :D
    evilalec555 and anikin ultimate like this.
  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    This was a nice intro. A good start to the app.
    This is where the niceness ends. You don't really go into how you'd be good. YEah, you can do the generic staff things, but what else is there? Why should you be staff? Why are you better than the rest? What do you bring to the team? Why should the community trust you?
    This isn't a weakness. This would be under immaturity, which is very much one of your weaknesses.

    I understand you're young, but you can still do this! I suggest taking a month, working on your attitude, and be sure to study the report a player section to know all the chat offenses and the like.

    Also, try getting more active on TS and help a lot in global.
    FatBrownMan and KaiUsesThis like this.
  11. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    Hey ExReDe!

    I do believe that you can make the server a better place, but I don't think that you can handle that right now.

    I feel that your immaturity will affect you if you do manage to get the position, and your activity is less than impressive as well.

    Also, I've never seen you on ts before, and this one of the most important because this is where the actual interview takes place.

    I do wish you good luck, but I have to -1
  12. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Sorry Exre im still -1

    You don't really help and I never see you on ts. Try to be more active and get yourself out there!
    Heres why I -1'd
    Abusing Perms (even though idk what happened) Is not acceptable nor trustworthy
    I don't think helper is right for you. Especially right now
    Your a great guy but I don't really see you help a ton, granted you do sometimes.
    Sorry im -1

    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  13. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    No vote, Sorry friend
    -When active on TS usually laughs in a very annoying way or play "John Cena?"
    -Not helpful on TS or in /g (not saying that IN ALL)
    -Multiple spelling errors :/
    -Can be annoying / helpful-ish in /g
    +Nice introduction!
    +Okay "Why you should be Helper", I think you summed that up pretty well :3
    +My friend
    -Can spam a lot
    I believe you could be a great Helper!, but... we need to work on these things first.
    I would not trust you doing any of my modreqs, but if you can prove to me that you can handle this position, maybe i'll be a +0.05 or maybe even a +1! Nevertheless, Good Luck!
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
  14. LIAHKIM55

    LIAHKIM55 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Good to go
  15. CaptainCluckers

    CaptainCluckers Popular Meeper

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    Hey ExReDe, when we first met you seemed very cool and a nice person. However following our meeting I met Rhyshawk ; Rhyshawk and I started to talk and skype, and you became very jealous and hostile towards me and to me, that showed a lot of immaturity, especially since we invited you to the call, but you insisted we not add you even though you wanted to speak to Rhyshawk. Shorty after this unfolded I bought the Elite Rank; this is important because, when I was Elite you had pm'd me some hostile messages and continued to be very jealous because you had wanted the elite rank yourself. I understand Jealousy because everyone gets jealous at some point in time, however its takes self-control to not message someone the things you had messaged me, and staff without self-control is not a good reflection upon the server. I'm not saying you won't make a good helper because I believe you can help in some way or another, however you need to work on a few things.

    Things to Work on:

    -Help more in Global
    -Make a name easier to read/say (Personal preference)

    ExReDe I wish the best of luck to you! Although I voted -1, I hope you succeed at some point, this being said, if you don't get accepted, then wait some time and apply again(If you truly believe you'd make a good helper).
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  16. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    Your a great guy but -1 Sorry Bud,
    I got to witness you be a staff member on a different server and you abused your perms to the max. For example, you fore tp'ed to me and poured lava all over my base. You also were very spammy by making an inside nickname which cause 3 people to leave the server. You also would spawn in massive zombies in the survival world. The worst thing you did though, was using /eco to get 800 million dollars when the richest guy only had 100k.

    Also when someone told you that your YouTube videos sucked and all you do is spin around, you got very defensive. Tbh I think you are too young and Helper just isn't your thing. You don't need to be helper to help the players and the community. Your a cool guy to talk too and very nice but -1 :/

    Key Points:
    -Cant take criticism
    -Abuses Perms
    -Not Trustworthy
  17. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Pmx and Clucker's posts basically sum up my -1.
    Just because you're staff on another server doesn't mean you can be a jerk and be very abusive. I've been a staff member on my friends' server and helped him out with building any some technical stuff. Some players actually got to join, and I was very kind to them and helped them out in any way. Because of Pmx witnessing you be a very abusive staff member makes me lose trust in you.
    Instead of being very jealous of others in what they accomplish, congratulate them instead of giving them rudeness. That lets the player (in this case, CaptainCluckers) be a better friend to you. Jealousy isn't the way to be a "friend". If you still keep the jealousy up, gossip will soon begin to emerge.
    For now, -1.
  18. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    According to your application you play Meep for 12 hours on weekdays are you ok dude
  19. le gooboy

    le gooboy Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Solid -1

    -Application was short, relatively weak.
    -Seen you on teamspeak talking maybe once.
    -You seem pretty immature and a bit young to be staff.
    -Seem to want to be staff for the wrong reasons.
    -You are a pretty new member.
    -I am almost 100% positive you are lying about your in game activity. If you are playing 12 hours a day during week days you need help, not helper.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  20. anikin ultimate

    anikin ultimate Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm gonna say this.
    I have only seen you once before.
    Never on TS.
    The intro was longer than the why you should be a helper part.
    You are pretty new.
    And the game activity, if that was a mistake then it shows you are not aware of what you are saying.
    You can't click on the wrong thing. You type in that section.
    -1 from me.
    Trexy and Pmx728 like this.
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