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Helper Application from jackson gray

Discussion in 'Denied' started by jackson gray, Feb 20, 2016.

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  1. jackson gray

    jackson gray Meeper

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    Member Name Jackson Gray

    Additional In Game Names: NoHaxJustDoge (Real name: Jackson Gray)

    How old are you? 12

    Location: Southern Maine

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 5-6

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 6-7

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's N/A

    When did you join Meepcraft? 1-08-2016

    Introduction: Hi i'm NoHaxJustDoge! Im from Maine and I'm 12.
    I love playing mine craft and love the server meepcraft!

    Why should you be Helper? I feel like I should be helper because I feel the need to help people on meepcraft everyday. I love helping people in game and on their problems they may be having.

    What are your weaknesses? I'd like to say I have no weaknesses, but unfortunately I do not like to use teamspeak instead I feel more private using Skype. Another thing that I feel I could improve on is using forums. I do not like using the forums, I like to help straight from Minecraft.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:
  2. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Hi there! You seem nice in-game, but I would like to point out some things..

    -Your application was really short and underdeveloped and could have used some more information about yourself that would help you stand out! Do you participate in any extracurricular activities/hobbies/leadership positions in or outside of school? Any past/present occupations in which you help people? These would certainly help your application!
    -Your Introduction doesn't really seem to explain you. What personality traits/characteristics do you possess that have aided you in helping people in the past? How much experience (if any) do you have with towny/server commands, and do you have any familiarity with Prism commands?
    -Your 'Weaknesses' section needs some work. Have you noticed any personality traits of yours that you could improve your control on? Are you selfish? Sadistic? Too trusting? Along with that, how could you control it (them)?
    -Also, references would be nice to include in a future application :)

    -I have seen you in game, but I haven't seen you help in /g before. In addition, I have not seen you on the forums (until now) or TeamSpeak. Get yourself out there more (in positive ways, of course!), so people will notice you and understand who you are <3

    Overall, I will be giving you a -1. Please remember that a low score does not mean that you are a bad person at all; it just means that you have room for improvement :) I suggest that you look through Accepted applications to see what elements (traits, formality of writing, etc.) you are aiming for in a future application!

    Nevertheless, good luck!
  3. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Jackson!
    I'm going to make this short and simple. You are a very nice guy with only the best intentions but you are not ready to become a staff member yet.
    Your application was bad and you didn't put a lot of effort into it. Personally i would have loved to get to know you more out from your Introduction, sadly it didn't give me much of an indsigt in who you are. Yes it's fine that you like to play minecraft, we know that. But tell us about you and who you are when you're not on minecraft. Do you play sports? What is your family like? School? Other things you enjoy?

    I honestly think you have more weaknesses and the weakness you stated isn't really a weakness. I would say that you're ignorant because i don't recall ever seeing you trying to help. I could imagine you helping someone and since you haven't been on the server that long i think you should get more knowlegdeable especially with towny commands. I feel like you wouldn't know the answer to the questions you will get asked as helper.


    If you start improving on what i stated above i definitely think you should apply again, just not anytime soon.
  4. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    You want helper so you can help people.. You can do that as a player! Anybody could do it! A helper's job is more than just a person asking "how do I mine" and the end; there are many commands and rules involved. The rest of your application was also weak. Your introduction shouldn't just be your name, you should explain some clubs you do, what you do here on Meep, etc. If your privacy is a weakness, I don't think you'll bond too well with the community, which is a MAJOR part of being staff. As a staff member, you use the forums a lot to do many things, and if you don't use it, that will not be good. I haven't seen you online either, and I don't see you being a reliable staff member at this time.

  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Alright. The first sentence should be the first of a nice paragraph. Really introduce yourself, let us get to know you a bit.
    The second sentence kind of feels like you're sucking up.
    You can help without the helper tag.
    Really convince me. Why should you be helper? What to you bring to the team? How are you better than the rest of the applicants?
    Activity on all 3 aspects on the server is VERY important.
    You should be active in game, on forums, and on TS, everyone should know you!
    Help out in global, chat on forums, be active on TS.
    You only joined last month. You should take several months and really really get into and get to know the server while being active.
    Currently a -1, you don't seem to know the job too well and you didn't put much effort into the app, so nothing makes me think you'll put effort into being a staff. Try being really active for another solid 1 - 2 months, then try again. :)
    2leah2 likes this.
  6. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Jack! am going to be a -1 here's why;
    -You don't help in chat
    -You aren't extremely active
    -Never on TS
    -Not active on forums
    -Really short introduction, let me get to know you, you know?
    -Not enough reasons for "Why I should be Helper" What can you offer that current staff can't?
    As for weaknesses you are immature, you can be rude but not very often!
    =] Good luck!
  7. FatBrownMan

    FatBrownMan Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey Jack I've seen you ingame and you feel like a nice person to talk to but I really don't see you as helper. First off you don't really help also the application is quite short and effortless. The next time you do apply do put effort into your application as this was short and boring

  8. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    You were giving away your account not long ago, and people were paying $500 per entry. Not sure if you're still continuing that, though.
    MoonlitMadness likes this.
  9. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    Im going to be honest. Your application was really bad. You should give me lots of solid details besides "I love mincraft" and "i help people." I would like to know exactly why you should be helper. I do see you in game but its not usually helping. You don't have experience which means you are pretty naïve to the server. I think you need a solid 2-3 months before you reapply to gain experience. Heres a very big tip.

    Look at other accepted applications. What did they do that made them get accepted? Look at comments especially.

    I believe you are very sweet, but until you change these things you just cannot be helper. -1
  10. MiniArch_

    MiniArch_ Popular Meeper

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    Hey Doge!

    I am sorry to say it but I have to give you -1 for now. Here is why.

    - While I can see in /g that you are very active, I personally don't feel like you are active enough for staff.
    - In reality you are very new to meep. I would suggest that you stick around a little longer and become a little more known.
    - I also don't see you very active on the forums, I could be very much wrong though.
    - You even said you don't like to use ts often...ts is a big part of being staff.
    - Your app was very short.
    - While in one way what you did for your app is all that's needed, in my mind it wasn't enough.

    I wish you the best of luck!

  11. jackson gray

    jackson gray Meeper

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    Lasy night i tried to keep chat clean because it was getting a little dirty, and another mod flagged me for "mini-modding" like wth? If im supposed to help in order to become helper, then whats the point of even applying?
  12. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    Mini-modding is basically doing a moderator's job when they already have it handled. And it's considered annoying as well.
    Trexy and Pmx728 like this.
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Mini-modding is attempting to do a staff member's job for them. It's not only considered annoying, some consider it rude as well. Helper is more than just helping in chat, you also have to deal with other modreqs like thefts and scams.

    This reply has proved to me you have the wrong mentality for this position.
  14. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    For this reply alone, -1
  15. triscope

    triscope Celebrity Meeper

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    I highly doubt that a staff member would say that.
  16. Jess_4Ds

    Jess_4Ds Ya Know!

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    We would like to see a better app from you as this one does not tell us much. Also you are pretty new to meep and in order to be a successful staff member you should spend more time getting to know the server, helping out in global, and getting a good reputation within the community. Thank you for applying and we look forward to future apps, but at this time we are denying your app.
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