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Chat RuleChanges

Discussion in 'Denied' started by metr0n0me, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Recently many older players have been leaving, citing "declining community," among other issues. I suggest that we don't enforce chat rules as much as we currently do. For example, I was told to talking about history (Roman Empire and crucifixion), because it might not be suitable material for younger ages. A similar incident seems to have happened with @Richard FS. Although staff warned him multiple times that he was breaking the rules, and the ban would fall in line with current rules, I see nothing objectionable about discussing history (Disclaimer: I wasn't online, so I don't know how offensive this was being). You might say that Hitler isn't suitable for younger children's ears, but isn't Hitler universally bad? An example of how strict MeepCraft is becoming about chat is the word "nazi," which is censored under the current filter, with the reasoning: "Inappropriate language is not allowed on MeepCraft!" How is the word "Nazi" inappropriate?

    I don't support allowing cursing, even on a limited basis--that's something best left for teamspeak. However, chat is becoming incredibly boring these days, with discussions of Cleaves' gender, "JOIN MY TOWN" "selling !@#$!#@" and what-not becoming the norm. The server is becoming quieter and quieter, because there is simply nothing left to talk about.
    Dart_Knight, cooey, Khafra and 14 others like this.
  2. Klitch


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    He wasn't banned because he mentioned that, that was just one of the aspects of his ban. In the end it was because of his extensive ban history and his inability to follow the rules and not be toxic.
    metr0n0me and Muunkee like this.
  3. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Ah, I see. I'm not disputing the semantics of the ban itself; I'm debating the relevance of the server rules. The ban of Richard FS may have been completely legitimate--I'm not asking you to overturn it.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 7, 2016 ---
    The ability to have a relatively free discussion about politics, religion, etc. fosters the development of the community and makes new members feel relevant. As of now, shout consists of small talk and inside jokes, with the occasional question asked by a new citizen. Oftentimes, new players will feel as if they don't belong in the server, and are often excluded from general discussion. However, if chatting about larger world issues is legalized, newer players will feel as if their opinion carries relevancy, thereby feeling included in the community. I remember when I first joined the server, I was shocked at the intelligence of the playerbase (shoutout to Skaros123) and marveled at its ability to carry on discussions about world issues. Sadly, I don't feel this is the case any longer.

    This inclusion into the community can lead to donations. As players feel welcomed by the community, they're more likely to enjoy the server, and stick around. More importantly, however, it will lead to the rekindling of an underrated aspect of Meep's decline--community.
  4. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    I couldn't have put it better myself.
    Toostenheimer, Pmx728 and Enron like this.
  5. Enron

    Enron Celebrity Meeper

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    Technically I shouldn't be posting with this account considering my main forums account is banned, but considering this is a discussion about breaking rules It seems fitting.
    Metr0, you need staff back. Honestly, the server just needs more people like you in charge, people who actually know how to make people want to join and stay on a server. If we listened to what people like you and Deinen said half the time, the server wouldnt be nearly as dead as it is. Maybe if we actually took advice from sensible people, the server wouldn't have wasted 3000 dollars on a shiny new confusing way-too-big spawn when all people wanted was a simple one like we had a few years ago. But alas, it seems like the most competent people we have on staff are Summrs and ForteMizuki, and he's only a helper. This suggestion gets a +1, and so does the concept behind it. The concept that we need a government of the players, by the players, and for the players. Meep cannot sustain itself by expanding the server to meet the expanding needs of the server. 75% of the server is either broken or useless. Honestly, did we really need to add UHS when infected, hunger games, and parkour, things people come to this server to do, are broken? And even worse, UHS is donors only. Adding donor-only feature to a server that desperatley needs new players isn't helping anything. What we need is something that can get new players hooked on this server, so they keep coming back. To accomplish this, we need a good staff team and a friendly community, which can go hand in hand. Staff, I appreciate all you do. I know you sacrifice your time and voulenteer just because you want to give back to the server (or in Deinens' case spawn in gold blocks). But obviously, something is not right. New players just leave the server, because they feel left out. Staff rarely ever talk to new players other to answer questions. And it's not just staff, many ranked players do the same thing. New players feel ignored, left out, and they leave. The chat is the singular most important part of getting new players to stay. Wether the player likes spleef, or PVP, or towns, they will all come in contact with the chat. The staff and the community in general need to be more friendly to new players, and stop just saying "just do /modreq" when it's a question that could easily be answered by non-staff. It just gives more work to the already busy staff.

    -Dat_Coffee, former toxic forums member

    P.S. Staff, please accept some tech applications soon so you can actually get things working again
  6. TechnoTyson

    TechnoTyson Popular Meeper

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    If you want to talk about history, use skype, slack or ts even. Meep is a child friendly server and if you hide it enough you can get away with some pretty dirty things (Jadey cough cough) but staff can't always watch chat and I think it should be kept as clean as possible and if you don't like the ads toggle /tr chat.
  7. Richard FS

    Richard FS Active Meeper

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    I'm almost never "toxic". The only rules I have ever broken on Meepcraft are arguing with staff on an occasion where they accuse me of doing something I have not done (Like yesterday, banned for 1 hour for "Sexual content", something someone pulled out of thin air). The argument gets heated and that's why staff don't like me. And
    Really? I've been banned like, maybe four times in a course of a year.
    You can't permanently ban me from a server for saying the name "Hitler", and while I was not talking about the Hitler involved with WW2 (nor any other specific person named "Hitler"), Chaos still accused me of it and banned me. This personally is very heartbreaking considering my family has a rich German heritage, and some of my past relatives' names have been "Hittler". Whether you people realize it or not, "Hitler" is not the name of just one single person who conquered half of Europe, but many Germans have the surname Hitler (or Hittler). That's like saying, if a guy named bob killed 5 million people, then we would no longer be allowed to say the name "Bob" because it might offend someone.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 7, 2016, Original Post Date: Mar 7, 2016 ---
    @metr0n0me Thank you for starting this thread, this is the exact issue I've been trying to make people aware of for qute a while on here, but because nobody knows me, the thread just ends up getting lost in the sea of other threads. You are a "celebrity member:, so I'm going to assume a LOT more people know you than me, so this might actually make a difference. Viva Revolucion!
  8. MiniArch_

    MiniArch_ Popular Meeper

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    Metro I agree with you, I went to say someone was a "grammar Nazi" the other day I couldn't....in my mind its really stupid....while I do understand meep is trying to make itself "kid friendly", little kids aren't the ones buying ranks...the older teenagers are....and they help pay the bills. If the little kids don't like what very truthful topics we talk about let them either leave, or grow big kid ears. I'm not saying we should allow cussing and all, i'm just saying that the topics such as "Nazi" and "Crucifixion" and other ones like that shouldn't result in people getting warned...I mean..c'mon guys, these are real problems the worlds faces, we aren't always going to be able to sit on our butts playing videos game pretending to be in our own little fantasy world.
    Cherrykit, metr0n0me and Richard FS like this.
  9. CaptainCluckers

    CaptainCluckers Popular Meeper

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    The word "Nazi" is filtered not because of it's meaning but because of its potential to start toxicity in chat. If the word nazi was to be allowed in chat, they would most likely be accompanied by comments aiming toward discrimination of the Jewish religion. MeepCraft global chat is not a history lesson, so we should save it for the classroom and let the professionals discuss it.
  10. Lord_Walrus

    Lord_Walrus Popular Meeper

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    This is cringe worthy.
    Dart_Knight, Enron, SX1 and 10 others like this.
  11. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    If the word is accompanied by discrimination of Jewish people, then the mods can warn the perpetrators of the offensive behavior. While MeepCraft isn't necessarily a history lesson, it would be nice to be able to talk about issues beyond MeepCraft--ISIS, politics, etc. Staff members can easily shut down discussions if they get out of hand.

    While you're at it, do you think it should be illegal to talk about Einstein in shout? Because according ro your logic, we should "let the professionals teach it."

    EDIT: I smell a helper or media app coming
  12. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    I believe we do this to some extent already - you can talk about what you want, and if it gets out of hand we'll stop it. The thing with arguments about ISIS and politics etc is that people have many different, strong opinions which can easily rip the chat into pieces. Thats why we originally made the 'debates' section on forums - because players were sick of the consistant arguments in global chat. I really dont see any real need to alow people to have these discussions on the server many people come on the server to "decompress" from the stress of the day. I think your concern for lack of 'real' conversation may simply be because we have a lower player count; less people = less talking.

    On another note: richard was not banned for saying Hitler or even making a conversation about Hitler. Please stop using that as an argument when it is obviously false.
    2leah2 likes this.
  13. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Nah, it's already there, xd!
    metr0n0me likes this.
  14. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Please. You constantly run your mouth in chat, what with staff insults, server insults. That's why you were banned. You were so damn salty - and you refuse to admit it!

    +1 to this suggestion though.
    We don't need to let conversations get out of hand. If we can talk like mature adults I don't see why and conversation about adult topics shouldn't be allowed. No I don't mean sexual content don't even.
    When the conversation gets heated,then it either needs to be slowed, stopped, or taken to PM.
  15. Klitch


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    GroovyGrevous, SJP and metr0n0me like this.
  16. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    This is a simple suggestion and 10 arguments are going on at once. Regarding @Richard FS's ban, MAKE A FORUMS CONVO AND STOP ARGUING ON THE DAMN THREAD.

    Anyways, +1.
  17. Richard FS

    Richard FS Active Meeper

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    90% of the time, while I'm usually serious about what I say, the angry (or current buzz-word "salty") impression I give off is typically meant as a joke, even though I do usually have a degree of anger towards the subject. I'm surprised you can't tell with the laughing face emoticons and the "lols" and "lmaos" at the end of every message. Also, it sounds like someone else is a bit "salty" as well.
    So how about you cool your cylinders and get a breath of fresh air?
    n00bslayer_99 likes this.
  18. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    To all of you debating Richard FS' ban, get off my thread. As I stated above,

    1) I was not online when the ban occured
    2) The ban was legitimate, for all I know
    3) I'm not "using it as an argument." I'm using the fact that we aren't allowed to talk about Hitler (again, I realize the ban was not for talking about Hitler) as an argument.

    This thread is for a suggestion; if you're not here for that then go somewhere else.
  19. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    I'm sorry, what? The definition of a Nazi is "a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party". If you can tell us what the actual definition is, that would be great.

    About the suggestion, +1.
  20. Richard FS

    Richard FS Active Meeper

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    exactly, thank you

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