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Not Sure What To Say...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Killer2themx, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    I gotta admit, making this thread is hard. Although I don't care about minecraft all that much anymore, saying goodbye to a community I have been a part of for, what, 4 years? Almost 5? Yeah. Well, you get the idea. I have been becoming distanced from meepcraft because it just does not interest me anymore. The community is dying out (but I will still always love it), the games are becoming stale, meepcraft is moving really nowhere. Yes, Minecraft is dying. But meepcraft still has room to improve. To increase it's player count. But anyways, let's get on with it.

    I feel like I have been very anti social on meep in the past year or two. That is because I have nobody to relate to. I don't truly respect any of the new members, and they don't interest me. Seeing old members is probably the highlight of my week. I just don't really know what to say. This is all just really hard to digest. This community is really a second home for me. Everyone I have met along the way mean a great deal to me. Also, I apologize for this not being thought out. I am literally just writing whatever I think of. To be honest, I feel like telling my story. Let's see...

    I began July 23rd 2012. I was around 11. I started playing minecraft because friends told me it was awesome. It was. I played all the time. I remember my first town was called Havenbrook. It was run by Tapout6000 and frogy106. It was a wonderful place and I remember always wanting to be assistant. I did anything I could, and I remember my main source of income, my mushroom soup shop. Anyways, eventually I left the town and moved on to a town run by the infamous killeryi. I remember all the great times we had. It was called Camelot. It was co run by a friend of mine named TheWickerMan95. He built the town. I remember it was next to a town called Pandoria. We had all kinds of territory wars and they were messy I'll tell you that. I feel so scummy for forgetting the mayors of that town, but it was really long ago. Later, we bought Pandoria for a lot of money (Pandoria was huge!) I think around 5 mil to be exact. We then went on a huge buying spree and made all kinds of grinders. We ended up building the largest grinder of every type of mob. Pretty impressive, more like pretty eggplanty. Anyways, we built all kinds of features in the town and eventually made it the largest town in meepcraft with around 400 residents. At least at the time. That town was epic. I remember when town years became enables and we spent the entire day defending the town from raiders. We had massive cobblestone walls that surrounded the ENTIRE TOWN. Millions worth of cobblestone. Tnt cannons going off and stuff. I remember an assault got planned and we had like 39 God armor players trying to get inside. Nothing tnt and arrows can't fix :). Anyways, at this time, I know I've skipped a lot, MeepNetwork began. We don't have to go into that. But duping was huge back then, and tbh, that was how the mayor, I forget his name, paid for Pandoria. Yes I was aware and no I did not care. Well anyways, meep reset and I had to work my way from square one again.

    After meep reset, I went to work making money from a grinder and built a town with Wicker. We named it Eternity. Wicker did an amazing job. That town was gorgeous and was worth millions, even at the time when a vip rank sold for 100k. I got my money together and paid fluffbearrct and candy master to build me a mansion from Zephyr. But that town was really worth millions. Seriously, hillbilly (dumbest kid alive) tried to offer us 30 million. I declined. Idk why. Things fell apart and we lost the town. I moved from place to place until I got to Jwarian's town now which is Dax. I love it here. I went over A LOT of details, but those are not too important.

    Listen guys, meep will keep declining in numbers, but stick with it. Don't ever let it die. Meepcraft has made my minecraft experience unlike any other experience, and I want you all to know that. I would put together a list of everyone I have met along the way, but it really would just be too big. In the end...

    @Fuzzlr keep putting your best work into this server, over all the times we have either chatted in game, on skype, or on the phone, you have always been a guy who I respect and when I was little, looked up to. Keep doing your thing man.

    @DianaB72 keep being awesome

    @Jwarian Homie I love you and I will still come on to help with Dax.

    @BooBear1227 Best neighbor ever :)

    There are so many more people who I want to talk about and to link them here, but I just can't. They have left or I cannot remember them. Do not take it personally, I just have bad memory.

    What I have learned from meepcraft wi stick with me for a long time. In my attempts to get mod, I have learned the joy in helping others, I have become more social, I have actually learned a lot about business and it is the main reason why I will be pursuing it as a go on in life. The things I have learned here go on for miles, but the the most important is the friends I have made along the way. Thank you for everything you have done for me, you guys are the god damn best. Wish I could meet you in person, and maybe I will, but I doubt it. Keep being awesome.

    One regret I have is never getting staff. It was always a goal of mine, and I tried so god damn hard to get it, but failed in the end. Maybe I will come back to serve you as a mod (which I still would love to do), but this is something that I will always remember. I started my meep career saying I was 19 so I could get mod. Alien_Venom saw through it pretty fast. Anyways...

    Guys, an experience is what you make it, regardless of what it is. Meepcraft has made my minecraft experience unreal. To give you an idea of what this means to be, know that I am holding back tears. This community has meant a lot to me. Make the meepcraft experience the best one it can be for you, and so your best to succeed. I wish you all the best.

    -Killer2themx (Will)

    (I will come on time and time again so my account won't reset)
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  2. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

    Likes Received:
    Hope your future is bright. Gl bud.
  3. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Keep building sweet stuff man. Always have loved your work, and I hope you keep it up.
  4. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey, I still remember you from the very old Meep days. Take care in your endeavors.
    2legacybball and Killer2themx like this.
  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    See ya soon, bud. Even though we never really talk, I wish you good luck in the future.
  6. oraleDK

    oraleDK Meeper

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    Sad to see a person with the world's best name leave the server... Will's unite! (In case someone out there could not tell that this was a joke, it was)

    But seriously, it's sad seeing so many people leave. I hope you come back some day.
    GL in life
  7. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Appreciated :)
  8. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    Another good meeper gone, have fun in life.

    More Will's unite!
  9. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    Thanks for the support guys means a lot to me :)

    I'll be active (if I can) on forums, but we'll see
    Muunkee likes this.
  10. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    I have only ever seen you on forums, but out of all the leaving threads that have been made recently yours makes me the saddest.
    fasehed likes this.
  11. Fangdragon1998

    Fangdragon1998 Queen of the Nubs, La Elite Dragoness, Kæri On!

    Likes Received:
    Later kiddo <3
  12. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    <3 stay in touch Fang
  13. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

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    lol i cant imagine the day i make one of these threads for good
  14. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    seems like u knew what to say after that long paragraph or whatever english word is used for that !!¡&!!1!!! :)
  15. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    lol id cal it an essay lol or nmaybe a thesis loL or however you spel it!!
  16. CwAwesome4

    CwAwesome4 Celebrity Meeper

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    I agree
  17. Thee Boss

    Thee Boss Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Yeah it’s not doing so hot these days

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