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If You Live In One of These States and Care At All About Education. . .

Discussion in 'Other' started by creepersareokay, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Injury by firearm? These stats are COMPLETELY flawed. Your stats also have suicide and gang violence included so if you want to talk about which places on earth have the highest suicide rate and gang crime.

    Please for the love of god dont be stupid and act like you have even close to a reasonable argument on this topic.
    Natsu and Jalapenos like this.
  2. Jalapenos

    Jalapenos Celebrity Meeper

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    DeVos built the best charter school system in the country. She put it up in Detroit before it became a warzone. After the government shut down her charter schools due to pressure from union thugs (all democrats), the education system in Detroit went from the best to the worst in the country.

    While I agree that she is one of the most atrocious public speakers ever to have been in a situation like this, she is more than capable of doing what she did in Detroit on a national level. She is smart as a whip and she proved it.

    Oh, and about the gun thing, guards and teachers should be armed. What if some teachers in Sandy Hook were armed? Democrats have this tendency to equate guns to evil which is just plain wrong. Guns save lives. They save your life everyday. Without guns other people with guns would hurt you. Be happy there are guns because it is likely you would not be alive without them.
    cooey and Aarett like this.
  3. Izzybellau

    Izzybellau Meeper

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    The problem here, though, is that America doesn't need better charter schools. We need a better public school system, as most public schools are really the only option for the majority of students in America. Conditions are honestly awful in most of them, especially in larger cities like Los Angeles and New York. Even if DeVos is as talented as you say in terms of improving a single school or even masses of charter schools, this is excluding the needs of the majority of the nation's students.

    And it's really not as simple as moving kids into charter schools, it's a waste of resources to move students or build newer, better schools when there are thousands of schools that are desperate for improvement. So many kids come out of American school practically illiterate, we rank less than 40th in both reading and mathematics standardized tests in the world for a reason.

    So I can appreciate improvement in any regard, but we need it in a different area than what DeVos can provide.

    As for the guns, at this point it's really just a matter of opinion. I wouldn't say that the argument that we need guns because they're killing us in the first place makes much sense, but everyone is entitled to their opinions...
  4. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Excluding suicides (still, however, including gang violence) the statistics are (for homocides per 100,000):

    USA (2014) : 3.43
    Australia (2013): 0.16
    Denmark (2011): 0.22

    Gun ownership per 100 citizens:

    USA: 112.6
    Australia: 21.7
    Denmark: 12

    The USA, which has a much higher rate of gun ownership, obviously has a much higher gun homocide rate as a result. However, this correlation continues into total homocides (per 100,000):

    USA (2013): 3.9
    Australia (2014): 1.0
    Denmark (2014): 1.0

    Are you trying to say that the amount of guns in the USA isn't a major reason that the homocide rate in the US is significantly higher than Australia and Denmark?
  5. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Its not what Im trying to say, its what im saying. The fact that theirs more guna here in the US means theirs more violence with them is obvious. However, the fact remains that we have no logs of who has what guns. The only guns registered in a federal list are NFA firearms (like full auto and guns that dont meet requirements) but oddly enough, never in the history if the USA has a NFA registered firearm been used in a mass shooting.

    If you think about it logically, and I know thats hard for liberals; guns are more so ised safely in America every day than they are for crimes. However its not broadcasted in media because, who cares. How many times was it reported that a thug was gunna rob a convenience store, but decided not to because they have a shotty behind the counter? None. So theirs no stats on that.

    If you wanna keep talking about some fantasy where all guns disappear, go for it Peter Pan. If you want to talk about REAL statistics, pull up places like Texas where the crime rates are lowest because people are legally allowed to carry. Where so I get this opinion from? I carry every single day, and Im well trained. Logically, literally, and yes statistically making me, and everyone around me safer individuals.

    Do you?
    Muunkee, 7acespade and Courtneyyy like this.
  6. Jalapenos

    Jalapenos Celebrity Meeper

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    What you are saying is spot on. Public schools are horrid and she is anti public schools. You are acknowledging there is a massive problem with the system; she wants to redo the system.
  7. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    This alone should disqualify her from being a serious candidate. She's so bad even her own party is turning against her.

    +1 Izzy. Redoing the system is not the same as fixing the system.
    Izzybellau likes this.
  8. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Robberies per 100,000 people in Texas in 2014 - 130

    Robberies per 100,000 people in Australia in 2014 - 42
    cooey, funkyrainbows, Dockson and 2 others like this.
  9. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    10/10, gud point. Do you really not see the flaws with this?
    Deljikho and Izzybellau like this.
  10. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Im dead Hahahahaha. Thank you.

    Population of Texas - 26.96 million (2014)
    Population of Australia - 23.13 million (2013)
    Jalapenos, 7acespade and Kachess like this.
  11. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Its really not. They can read the other threads, like the ones actually about guns and gun control
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 4, 2017, Original Post Date: Feb 4, 2017 ---
    This entire thread is what happens when people take a complex issue and try to point at a single variable to account for the recorded numbers. Gun violence is much larger than just guns, yet this entire derailment fails to bring this into account.
    Erebus45 and Natsu like this.
  12. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Actually, I'm dead. Hah

    Deljikho likes this.
  13. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    The death rates are so high on this thread yet we don't have guns on meep
    Erebus45 likes this.
  14. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Yeah I don't understand his reply either lol. When per capita is taken into account it doesn't matter on overall population size. There's clearly 3x more armed robberies in Texas, per person, than there is in the entire country of Australia. Perhaps the causation is that seemingly anyone can just carry a gun around?

    So, that's supposed to be the lowest crime rate? Our lowest crime state has 3x more crime than an entire country? How is this even an argument that guns are safer??
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
    funkyrainbows likes this.
  15. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Assuming that the fact you stated at the end is indeed a fact, less gun control still makes it easier to acquire guns illegally. If basically anyone can get a gun legally, it is very easy for someone to be given, or take a gun, from those people. If guns were much harder to acquire, it would be harder for everyone to obtain a gun, legally or illegally.

    It is correct that instances of that are not reported, however, according to this source, the USA has a much higher robbery rate that Australia (102 vs 42 per 100,000 in 2014). While there are many reasons that could influence this difference, the higher prevalence of guns in the USA doesn't seem to have helped this number too much.

    An increase in the amount of guns does not seem to have lowered homocides either, which I stated in my previous post.

    Also, the homocide rate in texas is 5 per 100,000, above the national average of 3.9.
    The statistic was per 100,000, also, the population difference isn't much compared to the difference in the statistic that he cited.
  16. Patrickbabylon

    Patrickbabylon Well-Known Meeper

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    Omg I knew I jalapeños is the devil look at his LIKE count 666
  17. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Its simple. You're comparing a state to a country. When you attempt to break it down per people, it skews the statistics.

    Let me phrase it like this.
    In the USA, Theirs WAY more people than anywhere else. Unemployment rates, poverty rates, suicide rates, gang crime rates, I mean literally everything 10 fold. You're trying to make an argument based on the simple fact that that theirs more of something, therefore its more dangerous. Its a completely stupid and invalid argument. If we have 2 rooms, and I cover 1 floor in legos, and the other I leave open. . . Then send
    through it. . Where are you more likely to step on legos?

    But does that make legos more unsafe? No its just THE difference. You're all sitting here attempting to make an argument based on fear. I guarantee you've all never shot a gun, and if you have it was grand pappys old .22. I literally own 8 firearms and carry every single day. Does this make my chances of getting shot by a gun more likely than someone whos never seen a gun? Well that depends on the place you live does it not? However myself carrying a gun statistically and literally makes me less likely to be a target and more likely to defend myself. Like how does population per place not make sense to you. You throw robberies per 100000 persons into an equation like it makes a difference and this is where @Deljikho and @n00bslayer_99 makes no sense. Those statistics I posted prove that theyre similar numbers wise. so per 100,000 people, robberies are MORE likely in the USA. correct? Ok, so how then do those numbers link to guns? Clearly, By your point and mine, Texas has higher crime rates than Australia. And youre going to tell me that this is simply explained because Texas has firearms? LOOOOOOOL. Thats hilarious.

    Analogy - human 1 goes to the shooting range in the USA. They carry a gun, they're surrounded by others carrying guns.
    human 2 goes to the shooting range in the France. They carry a gun, they're surrounded by others carrying guns.

    Whos more likely to be shot? Thats your question? lol. Do some research on Lexington and Concord and let me know your plans to move this "Gun control" out.
    Deljikho likes this.
  18. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    Yeah lol, I've gotta learn not to get on forums when I've had a few drinks haha. I assumed it was armed robberies and now I realize that's not even the statistic. My bad.
  19. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    But lets ignore these and make guns look bad instead
  20. Erebus45

    Erebus45 Celebrity Meeper

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    Ouch, no need to attack all liberals like that. I am a liberal and I know how to think logically. I also know the difference between there, their, and they're.
    cooey likes this.

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