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Discussion in 'Discussion' started by epick8, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

    Likes Received:
    Stop spamming
    These kids want a real talk, we can have a real talk.
    Lady_Hestia and metr0n0me like this.
  2. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    @Courtneyyy, klutch wants us to stop. Lets pack up the thousands of other dog photos we have and move to a different post.

    Okay, I'll be serious. For me, a toxicity ban was really a savior sometimes. It was a way to get rid of the people who always spammed in chat "(RANDOM ADMIN) IS A (INSERT RANDOM INSULT)" which, though it only was directed at me in one case, in all the scenarios those were annoying. But sometimes I find it's being used quite a bit, lets say your meepcraft bully that everybody hated became a really great person, then he said "y'know, the server needs more work" (and I probably am exaggerating this) then he gets banned because staff didnt accept that and he wasnt pardoned for his actions that happened more than a year ago.

    Honestly, thats how I see it. It's gonna be flawed, so I'll wait for a reply.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    you're letting an angry thread go on....? Wow. This is some sorcery.
    cnkropp and Erebus45 like this.
  4. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

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    tryin real hard to lighten up the conversation, I see.
    Courtneyyy likes this.
  5. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    But it doesn't work since everybody LOVES to see crap on these forums like toxicity about toxicity.
    SuperDyl and nath.banana like this.
  6. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    drama is fun
    WeAreNumberUno likes this.
  7. Geeneus

    Geeneus Popular Meeper

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    Tsk tsk tsk...

    People on this server are so easily offended... Everything is "toxic."

    Muunkee is not a toxic person at all... Like not in the least...

    I think we are confusing toxicity with speaking your mind. Is that offensive? Speaking your mind? Seems like it.

    I don't care about this server or this community, but it is concerning that human beings even have the capacity to think like this.

    This community has too many adults that really need to mature and recognize the value of real conversation; real conversation that does not mask genuine thoughts to save one's feelings.

    Negativity is toxic.

    Disagreement is toxic.

    Honest critical opinions are toxic.

    This post it toxic.

    Anyways, everyone have a wonderfully toxic day.
  8. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    wait i thought this was a baby racoon
    Courtneyyy likes this.
  9. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    @Geeneus The difference is pretty clear to us staff members that ban for toxicity.
    "This kitpvp plugin is rough. lots of bugs and the kits arent very balanced. We should try something else."

    "Kitpvp sucks. Whoever made it is a retard. These kits are literally cancer."

    Let me give you 1 more example.

    "Your staff app was very short and I didnt feel like I learned much about you other than your favorite football team. im a -1 for now because Id like to see an app with a little more information"

    "LOL is this guy serious? We dont care about football. Who even are you anyway?"

    Now this is the fun part. Where "Toxicity" comes into play.
    When I see that once or twice, I usually blow it off like "Eh they're having a bad day. But when its time and time and time and time again, Thats when it becomes an issue to me. Pretty straight forward eh? Hope this helps you understand.
    GroovyGrevous and Pmx728 like this.
  10. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I went through all of my posts and out of the many in February, I only figured like 2 posts that completely trash someone like a toxic person and several more so were a bit rude as hell lolol but I just still don't get it, toxic?
    I really
    really dont
    get why I was banned
  11. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    I didnt ban ya.
    Sometimes its just a reminder tho those players with tendencies that we can and will remove ya. Its like a mini warning.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  12. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    How is a perm ban, which I would not have gotten lifted without my hefty complaining, a mini warning lolol
  13. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Is this post about you or did I miss something?
    Did I ban you or did I miss something?
    Pmx728 likes this.
  14. Geeneus

    Geeneus Popular Meeper

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    Well @KlutchDecals, I respect you a lot, but we disagree deeply.

    Right now this is pretty much your server, so it is up to you to decide how to run it, not me.

    I have to say though, most people with a developed brain do not appreciate communities where honesty is looked down upon. A community where young adults have to jump through hoops and say "Well, you know, maybe this can be done another way?" instead of "This is terrible," is a community that is only for a select few.

    I'd get it if this server was geared toward little kids, but it isn't. All around there are teens and young adults who should be able to share their real thoughts without offending each-other and being banned for toxicity.

    Now, I don't bring this up a lot, but I will to show my viewpoint. I am a developer who makes games geared towards children and young teens. My games been have visited over 1.4 million times.

    When I am developing and working with my builders and testers, everything is most productive when we can be completely and brutally honest with each-other.

    Me: "Hey, we should add this feature, it would go like this."
    Builder: "That would be a rip-off of that other game. We'd get hate for that."

    Builder: "Hey, what statue should I put in the middle here."
    Me: "If you add a statue I will delete and won't add it to my game."

    We don't jump through hoops with "Well maybe-s" or "because this or that-s," and it'd just slow us down if we did.

    Human interaction reaches its pinnacle when we can be completely honest with each other, and it is diseased by political correctness and weaklings who can be offended by online text.

    If someone genuinely thinks that, then I'd rather they said pretend that they don't think that way. If I developed kit PvP, that information would be extremely useful to me. Whatever I did caused strong distaste in the user of my program. When writing programs for users, the genuine, unadulterated thoughts of the end users are the most valuable things there are. Any sissy developers who request "politeness" and "just a suggestion" filters are missing out on massive potential, and they will be blind to many of the improvements they could have made in their future programs.

    Now there are genuinely toxic people and trolls who should be banned, but Muunkee is not one of them, so those groups of people are irrelevant in this discussion. I view Muunkee as the opposite of these people; she often attempts to expose them and make them look stupid. Probably the thing I hated worst about her - she would be too serious about people who were just playfully trolling around.

    I implore you to stop being biased and contemplate objectively whether or not this the path you want to take for your community.

    No, don't worry, it's ok, I already know nothing will change your mind.
  15. Nager2015

    Nager2015 Popular Meeper

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    The ban for toxicity has the potential to directly infringe on our right to freedom of speech if it is inforced incorrectly. I have played on this server for 5 years, have experienced it highs and lows and been member of the community consistently throughout that time.

    The one thing that always kept me coming back to MeepCraft was the fact that the community was like none other. I spent years building up relationships with people and interacting with players and it's certainly the main reason I play today. I played during MeepNetworks which was by far the worst decision ever made on the server. I witnessed the unhappiness of the playerbase and the will for reform first hand. The playerbase became unhappy and left, never fully recovering even after MeepNetworks was disbanded.

    The problem with bans for toxicity is that they are completely open to interpretation. There's no fine line that can be drawn where staff can definitively say that someone has violated the rule. In the interest of justice and fairness, I feel that these rules shouldn't exist unless there is a overwhelming majority of normal players and staff alike that believe the player is toxic.

    The rule which I will paste below is intentionally vague. It is entirely up to the staff team's discretion on whether or not to enforce the rule on a player. Whenever this is the case bias will emerge, even if it might only be subconscious.

    The main reason I disagree with the rule for toxicity is that you need toxicity. There has been times where the staff team have been wrong and it has taken the players to rise up and tell them this. If this rule has existed, I have no doubt that staff members would have abused this at this time. The staff team right now is great and very professional however over time the composition of the staff team changes and I would worry that this rule could be used against players who have honest criticism of the server.

    EDIT: Wording and formatting. This was done from mobile, sorry for any mistakes.
    Erebus45 likes this.
  16. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    HAHAHAHAHAHaHa biased.

    This is the path. Dont spread consistent negativity on this server and I guarantee 100% and promise with all my heart never to ban you for it. I dont care if you agree or disagree. I dont hold you here.
    Pmx728 likes this.
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Not completely but I'm self-centered
  18. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    Klutch when will you realize that you're stepping out of line. In fairness you should of banned me months ago but you kept giving me chances, but I kept shyting down your throat for it. I've now realized that I've been acting like a little shyt all of this time. I didn't need a perm ban to realize this, I just needed an adult conversation with you.
    Also @KlutchDecals isn't getting much likes on his post on this thread, but everyone else that is disagreeing with him is. It's like the gladiator, win the people not the game.
    Negative comments towards you or staff members shouldn't be taken as negativity. They should be taken as constructive criticism. You're representing the server and the entire staff team, and you're acting like a baby when anyone says anything bad about you or the game. It just doesn't look good for you or the server. It's very unprofessional.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 4, 2017, Original Post Date: Mar 4, 2017 ---
    You literally can't say anything about anyone for any reason without being reported for toxicity. It's a damn shame that is what this server has come to. (inb4 perm ban for bashing on the server and being toxic for expressing the truth of how things are now). It's like a police state we live in now, we're constantly being watched, and constantly being judged by one person making all of the decisions for us. It's annoying and evasive.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2017
    Lady_Hestia likes this.
  19. SuperDyl

    SuperDyl Popular Meeper

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    The difference is (and should be) that "toxicity" is saying something in a mean or cruel way. Saying things such as, "Wow, you're dumb!" makes someone feel bad. The staff want to cultivate a server where people feel uplifted, not knocked down. "Toxicity" isn't criticism; it is critism expressed in a way which makes people feel attacked, hurt, or lower in status. We can still be honest and we can still be critical: we just need to watch that when we do so we think of how others might see it, because much harm can occur from a misunderstanding, an easy issue with written media.
    KlutchDecals and Erebus45 like this.
  20. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    @marshallmafers I dont really care about likes. I could just not reply but instead I choose to have the convo.

    You act like youre some type of social god but literally everyone on the server hates you so, Im not too concerned with your memes.
    I had an adult convo with you in game and you seemed to understand, until the next day you acteed like an idiot to achmed. The perm ban got you to my TS twice for a full convo. Id say mission accomplished.

    P.S. Toxicity and criticism are COMPLETELY different. Like I said before,
    "Klutch these kits are crazy unbalanced. Please we need to fix them"
    "Klutch these suck are you an idiot? do you even pvp?"

    If you dont see the difference. . . I cant help you.

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