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President Trump

Discussion in 'Debates' started by creepersareokay, Nov 8, 2016.


How Will Trump Do In Office?

  1. Good, mang

  2. Not so good, mang

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    But completely denying the existence of the mounting evidence of illegal activities of any kind is blindly supporting someone. That's probably the literal definition of blind support.

    Why do so many current and former team members have connections to Russia and have either lied about them or are now being accused of committing illegal acts connecting to Russia?

    metr0n0me likes this.
  2. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    I'm just quoting you bby. <3
    metr0n0me and Blue_Marlin like this.
  3. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deljikho <3 aww so sweet.

    @Deinen As I said, if Donald Trump did something wrong. I wouldn't hold It back. This is why I would never be a lawyer. I couldn't defend guilty people. I will defend Donald Trump if he is "wrongfully" put up for impeachment (which I highly doubt). However, if there is as @MeepLord27 said, "Concrete" proof that Donald Trump is helping Russia and committing Treason. Then I'll be there during the process. However, I voted based off of what he was saying. So far he has done everything I voted for with the exception of 2 things. I wouldn't be blindly supporting him if I'm pissed at 2 things he has done/hasn't done. I honestly don't believe anyone Trump affiliates with is connected to Russia. I'm sorry but you posted the stupidest chart and some really stupid articles on "why he is connected to Russia". I'm not buying it. Bring me proof and then I'll see it. There is 0 proof out there right now. The proof will come in a court case. Then I'll decide. Until then, I'll keep denying Trumps ties to Russia.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 11, 2017, Original Post Date: May 11, 2017 ---
    Refresh the page, I edited a spot. I used the wrong word. <3
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    But there is actual concrete evidence of him consistently saying false things.

    What has he done that you've voted for? It's barely been over 100 days. Please explain what he's done thus far.

    Paul Manafort?
    Micheal Flynn?
    Carter Page?
    Jeff Sessions?
    Rex Tillerson?
    Roger Stone?
  5. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen he hasn't done everything but so far he is checking off the list is what I should have said. He still has 3 years and like what? 7 months? Not including him getting reelected :)
    -Started off good with Immigration
    -Got rid of Obamacare
    -Is putting NK in their place
    (These are just a few)
    -Putting America/ns first!

    He hasn't fully lied tho. Sure he exaggerated some things and has said some.... not fully correct things but he hasn't bull face lied to America.

    Stop bringing up Flynn and Manafort. They are gone!
    As for the other four. There is no proof that they are helping Russia and have any "ties" to them. Talking to them and having ties are different things.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    He has done nothing to fix immigration, except deport people. I'm making no moral claims on this action, Obama deported record number of people.

    No he hasn't, the Senate won't even vote on the Congressional AHCA.

    This hasn't been resolved yet.

    Can you provide any evidence backing up this claim? I'm not sure in which way he is putting Americans first.

    Purposely saying things that you know are untrue/false is lying. Donald Trump lies, consistently.

    Analysis | Trump says he invented an 84-year-old phrase. But, why?

    Carter Page
    Jeff Sessions
    Rex Tillerson
    Deljikho likes this.
  7. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen Obama did not have the record for deportations. They changed the meaning of it. Within his numbers they include the people they denied and didn't allow to enter. That is not deporting someone.

    They are in the process of replacing Obamacare. It's gone. Even if the senate doesnt approve the new AHCA they are already getting rid of Obamacare so they'll just make a new one.

    That's why i said "is" putting them in their place. It's still going on. If it was finished I would have said "did put them in their place"

    How can you not see it?
    On and on and on, come on Deinen.

    Obviously he didn't create a phrase that was created 84 years ago when he is only 70. Let's be smart for 2 seconds! Pleaseeeeee, it's a joke. Can you say something he has lied about that actually effected America/ns (like Hillary's emails) OOOOOPPPSSSS I SAID THAT NAME AGAIN! Also, the crime rate doesn't count, that's exaggerating not lying.

    As far as Russia, I'll state this again. Drop the subject until we have a court case or they find something in the investigation. Until then, I'm not going to continue this topic.
  8. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    I mean, I get that Comey's firing is extremely suspect, and that it's probably related to the Russian connections, but let's not pretend like Comey was some great FBI director here. While he might not have deserved to get fired when he did, he definitely should have been on the hot seat.

    But, like, why? There's too much evidence now to deny. Nobody's saying that Trump is a Russian double-agent or spy, but there's WAY too many ties between the administration and Russia to not get suspicious. We're not saying we should impeach Trump right now because of unsubstantiated claims (if you'd want to impeach him or do something about it through the legal system, you'd have to let the investigation continue) but that's not the case. I don't see why we can't discuss a major issue plaguing the Trump administration, and something that is clearly going to be a huge issue for the administration moving forward.

    I'm going to copy-paste my post from earlier: I would agree that the lie by itself is relatively asinine and unimportant. However, it highlights a concerning trend we've seen with Trump--ignoring the facts, and changing them to fit a narrative. Brushing off actual facts and historical research at-will is very dangerous--from the article, Trump essentially says he knows more than the tens of historians and Civil War-experts.

    Given this, it's reasonable to extrapolate that Trump will have issues listening to experts who disagree with whatever preconceived notion he has, which becomes an issue when the administration needs to make policy regarding something that's not within the scope of his expertise. It's like an art major writing the curriculum for engineering courses.

    TLDR: While this is a little white lie in itself, it shows that Trump can't shut up about things he doesn't know, which is bad for policy.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 11, 2017, Original Post Date: May 11, 2017 ---
    I agree with you there; the mainstream media definitely has a huge bias against Trump (and Republicans in general). I wouldn't necessarily say it's entirely undeserved, but the mainstream media certainly tries to put its spin on things way too much. However, it's up to viewers to see through the spin and pick out the BS, because disregarding facts as "fake news" is also equally bad.

    That's not completely true, illegal immigration at the southern border is down 60-plus percent. Apprehensions are down too, and that's even with the increased enforcement that Trump has brought to the border. So it seems as if his rhetoric has had a huge effect. Whether this is a good thing or not is another question entirely, but Trump's tough stances on immigration has done a lot more than "deport more people."
    Erebus45, Deinen and Blue_Marlin like this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Can you cite any other failures on his part over the last few administrations? Absolutely he wasn't perfect and he was on the wrong side of the question in a few cases, such as electronic security. However, he is a man of principle who has always tried to maintain impartial enforcement of the law.

    Sure, but like @Blue_marlin98 can't make that claim and then sort Fox news and Breitbart out of that claim, because they do the same thing. Roger Ailes himself argued in court that Fox News was not a "news" channel/station but an "entertainment" one, meaning they don't legally have to report factual information. Every single major media outlet now does this, it should all be taken with a grain of salt.

    I'll concede that point, however, it doesn't solve anything. That's not fixing immigration but delaying it until there is another administration. He has no tact or legislative skill to successfully pass anything yet, and his lack of common sense has plagued his executive orders.
    Ranger0203 likes this.
  10. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @metr0n0me I totally agree with pretty much everything you said here.

    I don't believe Comey was fired simply because of Russia. There is a lot more to go with it.

    I don't want to talk about Russia because that's literally all that people seem to talk about. I want to talk about policy. What he is doing in office. Wether he does or does not have ties to Russia (which I don't believe he does) it's not up to us and there is still too little information to talk about it and completely form a "true" opinion. Once the investigations start to unravel and they get into the courts. Then talk about it.

    As far as Trump talking about civil war. I haven't looked into his golf course location, tbh I could careless. The only way that'll get proven is if he hires someone to find proof. Honestly, does it matter? Does his Golf course being part of the civil war have anything to do with making America great again? I mean, can we be forreal?

    For the media, it'll always be bias so I'll continue watching Fox News (real news, hehehe).
    @Deinen Fox news the other night on the five called Trump out. I've never seen CNN call out any of their candidates. Fox News did to Trump tho!

    He is atleast trying to fix immigration. He has stupid people stopping him. This leads to both of my issues with Trump right now.

    1.) The Wall
    2.) Paul Ryan

    These are the ONLY issues (right now) that I have with Donald Trump.
  11. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    And to say that he "was on the wrong side of the issue" here is grossly understating the mishandling of the Clinton email situation. There's absolutely no reason he'd need to drag that sort of thing through the media as much as he did.
  12. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Point taken.

    He didn't, though. Chaffetz was the one who immediately leaked his briefing to them, to the media.
  13. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Right, as I mentioned, we as viewers need to sort out the facts from the BS, when it comes to dealing with the media. I agree that Fox News also has a bias, (just look at their syndicated columns and selection of front-page articles for this). I joke about Blue_Marlin only getting news from Fox, Brietbart, etc., and sure, they're the punchline for a lot of people's snide remarks, but if you look at it, they're guilty of the same bias that CNN, MSNBC, etc. are committing--just the other way around.

    When someone says something like "I read the front page of Fox News for most of my news," people tend to form very different opinions of a person than: "I read the front page of CNN for most of my news." And yet they're guilty of many of the same tactics. Are Brietbart's tactics a little more egregious than CNN's? Sure. Buuuuut,

    --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2017, Original Post Date: May 12, 2017 ---
    But Comey was the one who:
    • Testified under oath that Huma Abedein forwarded hundreds of thousands of emails to Weiner, which is a flat-out lie
    • Overstepped his authority in pursuing the investigation of Clinton. The attorney general is supposed to be in charge of this kind of stuff, not the FBI director. The FBI is simply supposed to hand the investigation's results over the attorney general, who will then do their job. So when he cleared Clinton and said she shouldn't face prosecution, he was overstepping his authority.
    • Sent a letter to Congress saying that the FBI was opening its investigation of Clinton, again, right before the election. The FBI is not supposed to get involved in partisan politics. It is not supposed to interfere with elections, and it's certainly not supposed to make an investigation public, especially right before an election. But Comey did. Why couldn't he have waited 11 days? Why couldn't the FBI reopen the investigation quietly?

    He's the FBI director. Being low-key is part of the job description--his aptitude for the camera, and testifying before Congress, and exclusive interviews, and just in general being obsessed with the media make me think he was not the right guy for the job.

    Now, obviously the timing was ridiculously shady, and it's a stretch to say that Trump fired Comey right now for non-Russia related reasons. But Comey was the wrong guy for the job, from day 1, and his track record definitely supports that assertion.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I'd hardly quantify that as a lie, because he used the word "forwarded" instead of "backed up", because forwarded implied email which implied printing of. The emails were backed up to the laptop.

    Right, except remember the AG recused herself from this investigation and clarified the decision would rest with Comey?

    He privately sent the letter, but Chaffetz leaked it. I'm not sure I could fault his judgement considering the circumstances. He said the investigation was over - then found more emails. We can argue if it was the right or wrong decision, but the logic is of principled judgement.
  15. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Are you sure? I don't think I remember this actually.

    He himself admits that he knew it would be leaked: from the Senate judiciary hearing on 3 May 2017:

    In October, I sent that letter only to the chairs and rankings. Yes, did I know they really going to leak it? Of course, I know how Congress works, but I did not make an announcement at that point.


    So he knew the letter was going to be leaked, but sent it anyways. I don't see any logic or principled judgment here; instead, I see a rash attempt to bring a nonpartisan institution into partisan politics.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2017, Original Post Date: May 12, 2017 ---
    I quote:

    His then spouse, Huma Abedin, appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding e-mails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State.

    There was no implication of printing of; Comey directly stated that Weiner printed out the emails on a regular basis, which is a gross misrepresentation of what actually happened.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2017 ---
    also what's wrong with Paul Ryan? @Blue_marlin98
  16. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen I like how you'll defend someone you like who lied, and change the meaning of a "lie" for him. Yet, you won't even let me talk about Trump without pointing him out as a "liar". Why is that? Is it to benefit you?

    @metr0n0me Thank You for saying what's right but let me clarify I don't just "read the covers" of a Fox News article. I actually pay attention and I don't ONLY watch Fox, just Fox is more real.

    Also, Paul Ryan. He just doesn't fit for the job. He doesn't support Trump (except repealing Obamacare). He does pretty much anything he can do to stop Trump, he had 7 or 8 years to think of a healthcare plan and he couldn't get it passed because it was basically Obamacare using different vocabulary. When he did get healthcare passed, it barely got passed because there is still a lot of issues that need to be fixed in it. He wanted to be President and because he didn't get the job he took the next best thing he could to attempt and get what he wanted changed, done.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    5 years ago, Obama demanded loyalty from his FBI director, do you support that?
  18. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    The president should have loyalty and respect from everyone below him. I don't care if you are Hillary Clinton. Respect the President. If you don't like their views or what they are doing then you protest and vote s/he out or vote against what they are attempting to do. If you love the country you do everything you can to help it succeed. Not go against everything/one to benefit yourself.
  19. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Ah, well. It wasn't five years ago or Obama. Before Trump fired Comey, he asked him to pledge loyalty to him. Comey responded that he can pledge honesty.

    It is very scary you think entities sworn to enforce the law should be loyal to a politician, and not the people, or Constitution.
  20. Blue_Marlin

    Blue_Marlin Popular Meeper

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    @Deinen I didn't fall for your stupid trick. So please don't think that I did lol, and when did I ever say that he should demand loyalty? I think that as a worker of the President you should stay Loyal to the President. In return the President should remain loyal to the people. Therefore everyone should be loyal to everyone. Wether you agree or disagree.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 12, 2017, Original Post Date: May 12, 2017 ---
    If you are not loyal to the country then you shall be removed from office or put in prison. Just like Hillary Clinton should be in jail for not remaining loyal to her country.

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