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Helper Application from FamousZAmos

Discussion in 'Denied' started by FamousZAmos, Sep 8, 2017.

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  1. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    Member Name FamousZAmos

    Additional In Game Names: FamousZAmos

    How old are you? -67

    Location: Earth, The Milky Way

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-4

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) Too much

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's bloodyghost, megastuforeo, qazini, tyer_corey, _Jeter_, anyone who's currently banned, Hypixel staff.

    When did you join Meepcraft? around 2013, only active in 2017+

    Introduction: I'm ZAmos. Nice to meet you. I'm 5'11". have purple hair, a toxic reputation, and an irritating sense of humour. I deserve admin because of the maturity I've shown previously, I has never done a break a rule.

    Why should you be Helper? This isn't an Admin app? Oops. Well anyway review this as Admin app.

    What are your weaknesses? I....I....sometimes I look at another man's diamonds :.(

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I NEED AMDIN CAUZE I AM GOOD AND WILL HELP ALOT PLEZ LIKE THIS THRAED AND VOTE FAMUOSZAEMOS FOR ADMIN
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 8, 2017, Original Post Date: Sep 8, 2017 ---
    ban this kid omg
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    you're so funny
    Pmx728 likes this.
  3. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    Nice job, you're going to want to apply someday and when that time comes someone will point this out.
  4. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

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    I don't intend to apply... becuase I WONT NEED TO AFTER THIS!!!! WHOOO!!!
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 8, 2017, Original Post Date: Sep 8, 2017 ---
    it waznt a joke yoru bullying meee I am is saad now
  5. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    Please don't file troll apps, have a nice day.
    Pmx728 and EllieEllie like this.
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