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Helper Application from LargeUnit

Discussion in 'Denied' started by LargeUnit, Jul 15, 2018.

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  1. LargeUnit

    LargeUnit Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name LargeUnit

    Additional In Game Names: PetiteUnit, GargantuanUnit, SmallUnit

    How old are you? 17

    Location: Ontario

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's Epixaid, twomoo1119, kidnplay,

    When did you join Meepcraft? I'm pretty sure it was sometime around 2013. I have taken multiple breaks and lapses, but I have been playing consistently since February of this year.

    Introduction: Hello, I am LargeUnit. I am a Canadian from a short drive north of Toronto. This year, I will be heading into my senior year at highschool. I aim to take just about every course the school offers and I have played on many of my school's sports teams. I work a part-time job and in my spare time I am either reading something to do with philosophy, or playing Meepcraft. I am really into philosophy and religion and I will happily discuss with anyone who wishes to do so. I have loved playing on the server ever since my friends introduced me to it back in 2013. Despite multiple hiatuses from Meepcraft, I have loved seeing it change. I plan on staying for as long as I can.

    Why should you be Helper? Dedication - I log onto this server for multiple hours every day because I truly enjoy playing Meepcraft and the community it has. I wish to be even more involved than I already am, as a helper.

    Work Ethic - In addition to my dedication the server, I am constantly working and making my stuff better. I have spent countless hours grinding, building, etc. in order to one day reach my goal of baltop 1.

    Impartial - I have few to no personal feuds and I know I am able to treat everybody fairly and equally. Personal feelings do not get in the way of my job.

    Experience - As stated previously, I have played Meepcraft for ~5 years and I have experienced it all. I know how to do most things the server offers and am more than capable of helping with most situations.

    What are your weaknesses? Immaturity - In past times, I have found myself making inappropriate comments in global and other chats. I have spent the last few weeks improving this behavior. I know that I am able to be mature in chat.

    Lack of knowledge - Despite playing on this server for many years, I still find that I am routinely learning new commands that I had no idea existed. Also, I have never been staff on any server or game before.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know:
    Savage2017 and Pmx728 like this.
  2. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    Listen, I’ll be honest. I think we already have a lot of moderation staff - some might say too much - and I don’t think we really need more. I do think that if someone applies and does have something unique which could benefit the team, we should take them in. Do you posses any unique abilities or life experiences as described?
  3. LargeUnit

    LargeUnit Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the comment. We advertise 24/7 staff and utterly fail to deliver. I think the 'lot of moderation staff' could use some support as per the amount of hours and the time of day that they're actually online.
    boombox123, SuperDyl and Math_Pro like this.
  4. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I’m sorry, I don’t think we need anymore staff.
  5. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    I don't play much so I don't have much to say but I don't think you're an absolute stand out to be considered to be in the staff team, as numbers are so high. If you proved the past few weeks that you were a huge standout from the others and you could be so much help, staff _might_ consider you, but then again I doubt it.

    anyways good luck you're nice
    alex77034 likes this.
  6. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    We don't need more staff please

    1/4th of the active playerbase is staff
    Enron, Courtneyyy and Lt_Sponge like this.
  7. Lt_Sponge

    Lt_Sponge Popular Meeper

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    You'd be a Good moderator, But meep already has enough
    LargeUnit, Pmx728 and SuperDyl like this.
  8. LargeUnit

    LargeUnit Celebrity Meeper

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    Yes, we have a large list of staff members. A long list of people, many of whom are rarely online. I happen to play for very long periods every day and can confidently say that many on the long list of moderators are rarely online and that there are long periods everyday which go un-moderated. I was very modest saying that I play 4 hours per day in my application, any active player knows that. I'd rather not state an amount of hours that I cannot fulfill. If the only knock against me is that the staff team is too big, I am in intrigued as to how people wish to improve the the server. We concurrently complain about how the server is dying and how nothing gets done, while also suggesting that the staff team is too large. I am in no way apathetic towards the server, I want to make it better.

    I'd like to quote CluelessKlutz from another application:

    "This method of thinking has severely hurt the staff team in the past. Since when are there "too many" people doing modreqs, moderating chat, or working on projects. ​

    Granted, I vary my timezone a lot, but the one constant I have is getting on every day about a half hour before towny time for economic reasons. For about the past 3 weeks+, it's one of two options. Either it's just myself, and there are open modreqs, or there's one other staff member. When someone is on, they are doing their job, but they should not feel like they have to stay on or the server will go unmoderated. Adding more versatile staff members such as Madison is a huge bonus to the staff team as a whole. ​

    The concept of "too many staff" is hardly an issue now, nor has it ever been. Speaking from personal experiences, I frequently see high staff members being the ones moderating, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, and it's in no way anyone else's fault, but time they spend moderating global is time not spent making improvements to the server. Being a team requires delegation, and helpers are a critical part of the team."​

    I appreciate all the comments, but I do disagree.
    MAJORKAIGER, cooey, qazini and 10 others like this.
  9. JeterPan

    JeterPan Popular Meeper

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    +1 I think you would be a commited member to the team! I dont understand other people talking about how we are currently have to much staff. As what I have personally seen, we have about 3 to 4, at most, active mods on the server (typically 1 ish at a time - sometimes even 0). I belive sense you are on so often, you will be a great addition to the team and be a huge benefit to the upcoming players that need help while no other staff is online.
    SuperDyl and LargeUnit like this.
  10. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 is very 1 sided and easy to corrupt, and is rude
    LargeUnit likes this.
  11. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    That ticks all my boxes for a great staff member +1, hope to speak to you in an interview!
    J055Y_, cooey, Lilliya and 5 others like this.
  12. NinjaRoxy

    NinjaRoxy Guest

    Can you elaborate on your comment. As saying that proves nothing. Im a neutral on this atm
    SuperDyl, LargeUnit and smk like this.
  13. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    Changing my vote to a +1, you’re smart and you do have a point. Hope to see you in an interview.
    SuperDyl, LargeUnit and smk like this.
  14. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    What a golden comment. This solidified my +1
    SuperDyl, LargeUnit and riri30 like this.
  15. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    SuperDyl and LargeUnit like this.
  16. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    I'm a +1 on this. I think you'd do well and I'd like to see you in an interview
    SuperDyl, LargeUnit and riri30 like this.
  17. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I’ve heard of that quote and I’m pretty sure it was made a while ago before there were enough staff present. Regardless, I think there’s already enough staff members on the job to take care of all the modreqs easily. A lot of staff members live in the EST timezone too so quite frankly I don’t think you’d contribute much.

    You said that you wanted to make meep better and that’s usually a dream of most helpers until they realize they can’t make too much of a long lasting contribution for meep. While you might lend a hand here or there in some plan I’m just worried your abilities and ambitions won’t be satisifed.

    I’m sorry, but personally I don’t think you would do much for meep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2018
    LargeUnit likes this.
  18. JeterPan

    JeterPan Popular Meeper

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    I dont mean to dis you or anything alex, but I don't think your on enough to see the current situatoin with meep. Im playing rn and have been for the last 3 hours and i havent seen all but one staff on this entire time, keep in mind this is mid day in central America. I think expaninding the staff with people who are dedicated into spending lots of time on the server is just what we are needing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2018
    SuperDyl and LargeUnit like this.
  19. Achrow

    Achrow Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Architect

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    I like you as a person, and you are intelligent/friendly from the actual conversations we rarely have , and i agree with you strongly on the comment you made about too much staff even though, you live in USA so you wouldn't be on a timezone which is like UK or Australia which would be more handy considering when It gets to morning for me there is never any staff on.
    I don't see you being a great staff member in terms of moderation if you were applying for architect or tech i would agree as they don't require as much sensibility and maturity compared to a helper/mod (And i'm not saying you can be silly and immature as architect/tech) i think if you really did prove to meep you were mature/sensible it would be worth giving you an interview.
    Good luck! +/- (i think that is the symbol which means neutral)
    LargeUnit likes this.
  20. EnergyAssassin

    EnergyAssassin nerd Staff Member Administrator

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    Regarding too many staff, that's not a very helpful criticism for an application. If there are too many staff, the application can sit until we need staff.

    I think you can be a good a staff member, we've had good interactions.

    The areas you mentioned you need to grow in - mature comments & knowledge - please do, those are important. But I am +1
    Pmx728, LargeUnit and SuperDyl like this.
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