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$500 Budget build (keeping aesthetic in mind)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by minetifa, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    Skiziboo - Saved Part Lists - PCPartPicker

    I've never really tried to make a budget gaming rig, as I don't see myself needing to budget myself considering my age and my priorities.

    This is my first budget rig, and I (of course lmao) had to keep some sort of aesthetic in mind, leading me to use the case I used and the fully modular PSU.

    Help me fix this if you can (keep red/black aesthetic ((i hate this color scheme but its common and its not hard to find parts that match))
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 24, 2016, Original Post Date: Nov 24, 2016 ---
    As with the last one, this is keeping in mind what I need it for. Which is gaming, video editting, photoshop, streaming, recording, yada yada yada (which is why I picked a 6 core processor)
    Pmx728 likes this.
  2. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    If you're going for a budget build, you might want to consider going used to get the best bang for your buck. Yeah, you can get an FX6300 + a motherboard for $150, or you could grab an old Xeon and an old Socket 2011 motherboard, and go from there. Only thing you'll have to do different is get 4 sticks of RAM rather than 2, otherwise your RAM will run much slower than it could. Used video cards are hot, too. Everyone upgrading from their 770s/680Ti's for the new stuff, they'll be selling their old "junk" for cheap. Just make sure and do a lot of research on what you're buying, what your best deals are.

    Look around, see what you can find. I bet you money you can find an i5-2500+mobo system, or an i7-960+mobo system for under $150.
    minetifa likes this.
  3. minetifa

    minetifa Celebrity Meeper

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    I liked the CPU/mobo because it has 6 cores plus a nice clock speed. the cost would be about the same as the two you linked, as well. the video card I picked would obv. be used, also.

    And again, looks matter a lot to me. As said in my last post, I'd rather pay $100 too much and lose a little performance than have components that look bad
  4. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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    But the Xeon is an 8 core with a higher IPC than the FX-6300. And then you need to consider that, like every other Bulldozer/Piledriver CPU, the FX-6300 isn't a true 6 core. On every FX series CPU, the FPU is shared by two cores, so the FX-6300 is a 3 core CPU with 6 processing threads, whereas a Xeon is a true 8-core CPU, with 16 processing threads. The only advantages to the FX is that it supports a couple niche instruction sets, and can be overclocked. But even overclocked, it won't match the performance of the Xeon. There's a reason you don't see a lot of AMD hardware in server configurations.


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