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Helper Application from Qazini

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by qazini, Apr 1, 2018.

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  1. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    Member Name Qazini

    Additional In Game Names: none

    How old are you? 15

    Location: Washington state

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-6

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's bloodyghost, riri30, _EggsBenedict_, agnd, AdrianBFaust, Vexena, SpongeyStar, SupremeJeter, diamondkid123456, CuddlyKittens14, Cluelessklutz, MasterofBoom

    When did you join Meepcraft? 13th June 2016

    Introduction: Hi! I’m qazini, also known as panini by many. I currently reside in Legend as a co-mayor, though I am probably better known for running Peachstreet in Beta as well as the current towny world.

    Outside of Meep I like to read, mostly epic fantasy but really any book that I can get my hands on. Stephen King books are also a must for me, though so far, I’ve not read as many as I’d like to. I really enjoy movies, mostly from the previous century. Tarantino movies are some of my favorites. During the summer I plant a patio garden of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, as well as various flowers. I also hike in the Cascades during the warmer months, which are close by.

    I recently participated in an internship that concluded with a start-up pitch to an executive director from one of the largest companies in the field. It ended successfully, with our group getting connections, advice, and an offer to tour their headquarters, to which I’m looking forward to.

    My current favorite class at school – and really, all-time favorite – is APES, or AP Environmental Science. If you mention anything vaguely related to it, I’ll probably start talking about water body eutrophication or demographic trends. However, I also like Spanish, and I can’t wait for AP U.S. History, which I’m going to be taking next year since I really enjoy learning about the past.

    I’ve joined Meep over a year and a half ago and before then I didn’t imagine that I could get so obsessed with a computer game – I’m not the gaming type. Since then I’ve run Peachstreet for a year and a half, up until I gave it away when I went on a small hiatus during the winter due to life priorities. Now I mostly help as co-mayor in Legend and mine quartz while simultaneously enjoying my newly-discovered world of podcasts. So far, my favorites are Hello Internet and This American Life.

    Why should you be Helper? I am an eager person, always ready to assist others. Over my time on Meep I have done multiple things to help players, especially new ones. I’ve written and edited a towny guide that may help residents adjust to towny commands and get them familiar in the ways of making money. I’ve successfully managed a town for over a year, and through this I have become familiar with managing difficult conversations and instructing players, as well as the necessary knowledge of towny commands and rules, interaction between fellow town staff and management of projects.

    Again, I’ll mention the towny guide I wrote. Even though I don’t consider it to be a demanding project, it did get frustrating when I would have to rewrite it multiple times in a row due to formatting issues. The current edition is the 9th book I have written, and it has been continually updated due to responses from both fresh players and active meepers.

    My school is highly focused on team projects. This year I’m in two year-long groups, one for a competition, another for an internship, in which we meet often and collaborate on our project. This requires team work, reliance upon each other, disputation over ideas, and consensus over them. For the competition, my group’s work involves 4th and 5th graders, which required simultaneously finding a common ground with them and being able to monitor them. These skills can be directly applied to Meep, to the responsibilities of a helper.

    I come from a problem-based approach: finding problems and then coming up with ways to fix them. This is another highly focused-upon skill at my school. Last year, my group investigated and designed a notification aid for people with hearing problems, and this year, with a different group, I’ve developed and proposed a way to involve and teach people about their personal impacts on the world, the impacts of larger establishments such as cities, and the complexity of issues that surrounds conservation of resources. Researching, problem-solving, designing, and completing a project are all skills I’d expect from the role of a staff member.

    I’m an adaptable person and will do what’s needed at the moment. I know what my strengths and weaknesses are and will try to do jobs that are most aligned with them, but I am ready to take on any task, even if it’ll require me to stretch my bounds and make many mistakes to get to a proficient level.

    I’m patient with others and keep frustration to myself when things aren’t going as smoothly as would be liked. Patience is probably one of the most important aspects of a town staff. Residents – specifically inexperienced players – take time to learn things, and sometimes may respond aggressively and create a general nuisance, which town staff must deal with and find ways to create an accepting environment. Assisting, calming, and directing players are all part of this responsibility, and I’d imagine something helpers encounter daily as well.

    I often reevaluate my actions and decisions, especially after unpleasant altercations, though admittedly, they are far and few between for me. I am not a rash person and approach most situations with care and caution. I reread the Meep rules quite often to double check on what is and what isn’t allowed. I’m not afraid to ask questions, since however much you learn you can never know everything.

    What are your weaknesses? I’ve never been staff on any server before, and while I’m knowledgeable in the rules and the general commands, I don’t have the knowledge or the experience of being a helper. I believe I can learn quickly and become proficient, but, as with anything, I would need to practice to reach that.

    I’m competitive, and while I realize that this can be a positive quality at times, a driver of work, it also has some downfalls. Most prominently is typing, which I am fast at and hope to get better at. Sometimes however, though mostly not very recently, it has gotten into the way of helping. Multiple times I’ve answered with the wrong command because I typed it so fast, without pausing to think, misdirecting the person who asked. I’ve gotten better at controlling this over time, as accuracy is more important than speed, and I was worried about confusing players with accidental misinformation, so this is rarely a problem now.

    My discord activity, while it has slowly left the abysmal zone, can safely be labeled as inadequate. It shames me to say that I don’t engage with the discord community much. I’m trying to get myself to visit the Meep discord more often, but I’m still struggling with integrating myself into this part of meepcraft.

    While I wouldn’t label school and the work associated with it a weakness, it is a hindrance to the duties of a helper, so it’s on this list as well. I am diligent about my schoolwork most of the time, but I often have copious amounts of homework, which I place above Meepcraft. However, I still have time for Meep every day, and I try to make sure that space of time is as extended as possible.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I have been absent from Meep for about three months – the majority of November, December, and January, as well as the beginning of February. My life had gotten very active at that moment, so I needed more time on my hands than I could have had if I kept playing Meep. I am back now, with the same enthusiasm as before.

    I will be on vacation for most of my spring break, which has started just this Friday. Accordingly, my activity will be lower than usual. Needless to say, I'll try to be on as much as possible.

    Thank you for reading this, I will be looking forward to any comments you may have, positive or negative.
  2. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    panini, you are undeniably one of the best applicants by far. you're always so helpful, welcoming and do whatever it takes to make anyone's time on meep special. I enjoy being with you panini and I think you'll really give a boost to the staff team!

    good luck panini, ready for world domination? xd


    but she lied and told me /pwarp eggz buys easter eggs so -0.000000011
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
    smk, iKitten, riri30 and 2 others like this.
  3. Lt_Sponge

    Lt_Sponge Popular Meeper

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    You are a very helpful meeper, I personaly think that you would be a good moderator! +1
    _EggsBenedict_, iKitten and qazini like this.
  4. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    I'm excited about this application, if you are accepted then you'll probably be one of the best helpers we've had, you already do the job even without the tag
    smk, FamousZAmos, iKitten and 2 others like this.
  5. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

    Likes Received:
    Hi Qaz!
    Well, that was a top-notch (no pun intended) application.
    The fact that you put in so much time and passion into what you do shows your helper qualities, and I also think that running the successful town you created has shaped you into the, let’s be honest, near perfect helper.
    SuperMod Panini in a few months?
    Easiest +1 I’ve ever given.
    smk, qazini, iKitten and 1 other person like this.
  6. CryogenicNewt05

    CryogenicNewt05 Popular Meeper

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    you're good as co-mayor in Legend and a good mayor in Peachstreet so +1
    Although I'm kinda concerned as we already have so many helpers
    qazini likes this.
  7. bloodyghost

    bloodyghost local haunt

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    I think you are pretty much the most capable person to be staff that I know. Constantly helping in global, very intelligent and a problem solver. Kind, encouraging, professional. Couldn’t really ask for a better applicant.
    Huge +1
    smk, qazini, iKitten and 1 other person like this.
  8. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Finally! I can see you going far within the staff team, without a doubt. +1
    qazini and iKitten like this.
  9. iKitten

    iKitten >^-^<

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    I always see you helping in the chat, and you are a very knowledgeable player! +1
    qazini likes this.
  10. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    Hi Newt! I realize there is currently an abundance of staff on Meep, especially in my time zone. As I haven’t been staff before, I can’t know for certain what is lacking in the team and what is not, but I think I can offer some skills that would prove useful. As I mentioned in detail, I think on a problem-solving basis, and am always eager to help in any situation if needed, even if I’m unfamiliar with it. Thank you Newt and everyone else who's replied, the it's very kind of you all.
    riri30, iKitten, Adrian and 1 other person like this.
  11. steviefiveo56

    steviefiveo56 I just build here

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    +1, I think you would be a great addition to the staff team! GL!
    qazini likes this.
  12. FamousZAmos

    FamousZAmos Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Why haven't you been accepted yet?
    For real Qazini is one of the most unconditionally kind people on this server. Without a doubt you WILL be one of if not the best staff of all time. As for discord activity, you've always been willing to talk with me and ghost if necessary, albeit you were awkward as heck.

    Your references are somewhat weak

    +1, you'll be great
    SpongeyStar and qazini like this.
  13. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    You should be auto accepted tbh, anyways +1 from me.
    FamousZAmos and qazini like this.
  14. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    If there is a small player base, like there was a few months ago, it would be reasonable not needing another staff member because there's no point really. However now that the playerbase has increased massively, I think that more staff the better to help have better control of the server. Plus, qazini is a qualified member of the community!
    FamousZAmos and qazini like this.
  15. Spiderjel

    Spiderjel Popular Meeper

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    So I bought one of these +1 by accident you want it? Here *hands +1". But seriously I would like to see you on the staff team.
    qazini likes this.
  16. CasualMow

    CasualMow Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 we could totaly meet in seattle xD

    Its something I could do since I live in Portland, OR
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2018
  17. diamondkid123456

    diamondkid123456 Popular Meeper

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    It's a definite +1 for your service to the greater community!
    qazini likes this.
  18. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    I don't think I've found anyone as suitable for the position as you are, I have high hopes you will get accepted this time around, need I say more? but one thing that gets me asking was your past inactivity, I can understand if it does happen to come up again but do you think you'd still be able to stay staff if you do decide to take some time off for educational reasons? but then again, a temporary staff is better than no staff, regardless of time as staff, I'm sure you'll make your mark, unlike me as of right now aha
    I'm hurt
    qazini and FamousZAmos like this.
  19. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Expected this for quite some time, you will be a fantastic staff member.
    iKitten, riri30, qazini and 1 other person like this.
  20. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Didn’t even have to read the application, +1

    Seeing the way you help new res you are definitely qualified.

    (I’ll go read it now lol.)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 10, 2018, Original Post Date: Apr 10, 2018 ---
    Can we just go straight to SuperMod?
    iKitten, qazini and FamousZAmos like this.
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