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Epinessmjb137's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by EpicnessMJB137, Feb 25, 2014.

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  1. EpicnessMJB137

    EpicnessMJB137 Popular Meeper

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    The Application

    The Usernames, Times, and other:

    Name: Michal (Pronounced: MEE-how)
    Languages: English and Polish
    In Game Name: EpicnessMJB137
    Skype Username: michal.j.b
    Teamspeak Username: Usually either DrMichal or EpicnessMJB137w
    Mic use: I am always on skype, but TS3 is my weak point. Not a lot of people are in the TS server whenever I have had the time (and mic) to join. Most of them are in the LoL room. I use my TBX12 mic, whenever I am @ home. I like to talk, but will not interrupt others, and am able hold back from talking to listen.
    Age: 12
    Timezone: MTZ, Mountain Time Zone
    Hours online per weekday: 1 or 2, when I have school (Sorry, I want to have good grades in school)
    Hours online per weekend: 2-3+
    Position Changes: Citizen to Helper


    Hello, my name is Michal. I started playing MeepCraft in the Early Fall of 2012 (I think in August), and have been playing ever since. To note though, I have left MeepCraft more than once for an extended period of time, only because, 1) I started not to like MineCraft, 2) My Town fell and I quit (Not because of rage, but kind of because of sadness), and 3) School. I have come back and stayed for well more than a month. I like to participate in the Forums (although I may have not been as active as I would like to be), the same as the Server, where I run the town of London. I am currently an Elite (which you don’t care about). In real life, I have sent my project to the ISS (Google my name, Michal Bodzianowski), and am in 7th grade, taking Algebra 1 (which you don’t care about again).

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ?

    Reason 1: Veteran

    I have played on the server for almost 2 years now. This is not a lie. I have applied for mod a long, long time before Helper was even suggested. In fact, I believe this is my 5th application, but only the 2nd Helper application

    Reason 2: Versatility

    I go to a school where I have to bring a laptop to school. I can usually get on for around 15 minutes around noon when I have lunch at school. I can get on for another 10 minutes before school starts, and an hour (or two) after school. At home, I can get on for 30 min-hour if I get my homework done. This is a lot of versatility for a schoolboy.

    Reason 3: Committing

    Now, especially after having read my Introduction, you may think there is no way I can commit because of the times I have left the server. There is one thing though, that you might miss, is the fact where I came back. And back. And back again.

    Reason 4: Smarts

    While I may not know a ton of Java (I don’t think it is as useful as JavaScript, which I am TRYING to learn), I know plugins. In fact, since I have been on this server so long, I know almost every single Towny command. I also know how Bukkit and plugins work, so even if I don’t know the said command, I bet I could figure it out.

    Reason 5: Experience

    The only reason I know almost every single Towny command is experience. I have been on this server so long, I know things others would not especially the history. This is not too important of an aspect except for in the fact of knowing commands and rules.
    Reason 6: Other

    I think I am a nice person, but that is not up to me to decide. I am a very active user of /shout, and this might alarm you, thinking that I want Helper because of the perks. I can let you rest assured I do not. In fact, you should know why I want Helper. It is in the name itself. If you have googled me, and watched my videos, you can see that I am smart, and nice. And, leading into weaknesses, you can see that I am disorganized with my hair (especially in the Huffington Post Live one). I am also O.K. with publicity, so I can let you hear my voice over skype, or over TS.


    Forward: I did not mean to sugarcoat ANYTHING, in the Why section or in this section

    Weakness 1: Lack of organization

    Although this may not impact the duties of the Helper too much (mainly affecting Forum activity), I can say, even though I LIKE to be organized...I don’t really pull it off too well

    Weakness 2: Immaturity

    Of course I’m Immature! But only sometimes, and those times are either when I’m tired or when The Owner is on. (Just last night, I spammed "le" 3 times to get The Owner to kick me.) You can deny me right now, but I know from experience I won’t abuse powers given to me.

    Weakness 3: ...a Bad Computer???

    I do play on my laptop, although I am sure this is not a real “weakness”. It has 4gb RAM. I often will use a program like MineChat for iOS or CactusChat for PC

    Weakness 4: The Last Minute

    I have a VERY BAD habit of doing things the last minute. Again, this is more for Long-term projects, and I do not think it will severely affect my abilities as Helper

    Other Weaknesses:

    I have a certain “illness” I would not like to put on the internet (or at least in public) It will not (and I know this) affect my actions online being a Helper.


    I have always wanted to be a part of MeepCraft. I am applying for Helper, so I can be a part of MeepCraft. I hope I can be accepted, but I am always O.K. with being denied. While I may be only 12, I can be mature. I can also be immature, as with every other 12 year-old, but I know I will be helpful and a valuable asset as a part of the MeepCraft team

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know it is not perfect, but I hope that the message will get across.

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
    Videogames321 likes this.
  2. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    App was decent. Forums activity isn't great. I don't see you ig often and I'm on est. If you are online when i am then you're not helping in /shout. -1 for now.
    Videogames321 likes this.
  3. Videogames321

    Videogames321 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1, App was ok, but not the best written app. I see you help sometimes in /shout, but not enough. Your active though, and also try to improve your forums activity a bit.
  4. EpicnessMJB137

    EpicnessMJB137 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the quick feedback! I will try to be more forum active.
  5. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Overall, your activity is low. Your app could use a little more meat to it as well.
  6. georgiadogs123

    georgiadogs123 Active Meeper

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    -1, kinda inactive and never see you help anywhere, overall the app was, ok. Good luck tho :)
  7. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi epin, I never seen you IG. Nor I have seen you team speak. I never seen you in /shout or help.
    Although you seem nice, and very mature for your age. You se like you work very hard. I really like people who work very hard. So I am going to give you -.5 you will look good as helper, but you need some work. Good luck :)

  8. EpicnessMJB137

    EpicnessMJB137 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I do see you using /shout, and I do remember using /shout when you were on.
    Btw, its *Epic
  9. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh i am sorry haha, Oh and don't reply to every comment, it makes you look desperate :)
  10. TheRealWoohoocheese

    TheRealWoohoocheese Celebrity Meeper

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    Who are you? -1
  11. EpicnessMJB137

    EpicnessMJB137 Popular Meeper

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    I don't though, I just wanted to fix your typo and make the most of it. :D
  12. tristan107366

    tristan107366 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 You are not that active in threads and I have not seen you helping.
  13. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Denied. You cannot edit your application once it is posted.
    Please reapply in 2 weeks, in this time focus on things posted in the comments.
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