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Finding My Old Town.

Discussion in 'Events & Giveaways Archive' started by Vexmae, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    Have you got a knack for finding things?
    Then that gift could result in winning 5k!

    As you guys know I used to own an Alpha town called HighMoon, and unfortunately, it was lost due to the reset.
    if anyone has the alpha world download you can win 5k easily, all you need to do is find the town (in the picture below) and message me on forums with a screenshot or just a message with the coordinates. (so long as the cords are there, you win either way) But. No coordinates = No 5k! just because I want to see my town once more.
    I also am holding a competition if you can find my alpha house too. now the only problem here is I never got a screenshot of it. but I can describe it very very well. it's a full row of flat like houses, all different coloured houses, and there is 1 plot wide roads, followed by a giant 9 plot circular skyscraper, and a 6 plot mansion like abstract house. my house is filled with heads. and there are pressure plates on the stairs when you walk up there is a firework. now my house is literally FILLED with heads. if you can find both places. you win 10k! or if two people find two different things. you both get 5k. I've looked for ages and I am close to giving up, this is my only chance.
    good luck everyone!
    (Picture below of the first part of the contest)

    riri30 and Natsu like this.
  2. Vexmae

    Vexmae Royal-Tea Staff Member Mod Media

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    Boosting the price up to 50k to those that can find the area shown in the picture! I've already found the House with all my heads in

    also *nudge nudge*

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