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Gummibirr's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Sqreix, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: GummiBrr
    Skype Username: Sean Tan (GummiBirr)
    Teamspeak Username: GummiBirr
    Mic use: Very much
    Age: 12
    Timezone: Gmt +8
    Hours online per weekday: 2-3 hours
    Hours online per weekend: 4-7 hours
    Position Changes: Citizen to Helper

    Introduction: Hi ! I used to play on Meepcraft So much Even i'm just early to play Meepcraft I can't leave meepcraft Fuzzlr is like my Air And meepcraft is my World :3 Btw let me get this straight my name is GummiBirr I'm from philippines I am 12 years old on 6th Grade I love rapping, making poems and solving math problems

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?
    I want to be a helper because i love the people of meepcraft sometimes when i see people needs help in shout i help them too. I'm online in Teamspeak too But i guess you really cant see me everytime cause in america your morning is evening to me and your evening is 1am in my country and i'm asleep at that time . I just really want to be a helper cause i really want to help meepcraft and the citizens and This server is the BEST !
    My Weaknesses are when i my name is called on the spot of an event or like i will become the MC in front of many people but i'm not really scared i'm ready on that kind of events
    I really love the server and i want to be part of it . Otherwise , Id like to be a Helper in this SERVER ;)
  2. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Weak Application

  3. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Application was bad, I've never seen you before in game, or on the forums. Grammar, spelling and punctuation Errors in your app. I'm all for a fairly short and to the point application, but this is just pathetic.

    I'll be shooting some suggestions your way in just a minute.

    Hello, I am PhoenixPuppy and I used to be part of the staff that accepted, denied, and promoted people. Some of the key things I (and others) looked at were:

    • Good grammar, spelling, and punctuation in the application.
    • Have a well thought out application, many people say you should have a long application. Though I really disagree, I believe a well thought, short and to the point application is best. Don't fill your application with random stuff no one cares about, and has nothing to do with becoming a mod (EX: I like skateboarding, and eating cookies at my Grandmothers.
    • Follow their application format to the point.
    • Write your application one week in advance to applying, and have a few friends peer edit it for you.
    • Help people in /shout as much as you can, many people believe that if they don't see you helping in /shout you're not doing it at all.
    • Don't suck up... just a thing that ticked me off, many people would try to suck up, change their opinions or blindly agree with things I, or other staff would say.
    • Have fun with your application, and be creative.
    • Follow the rules to the point, though you should already be doing this.
    • Make sure to have TS and Skype.
    • Becoming staff really is a popularity contest (though it pains me to admit it), the more friends you have (especially if they are other staff members), the more of a chance you have to becoming staff.
    • Be active on the forums, (again I disagree with this) many people will look at your posts and say "This person only has 10 posts, he/she is not "active" enough to be staff".
    • Be patient, don't advertise your application in game, and don't ask/msg/mail staff members to look at it. Give it time, they will come.
    Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to mail me whenever, though I'm not very active. Also I'm sure if you msg any other staff on here they will be willing to help you out as well.

    Best regards,
  4. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    hey shaving, I have to be honest.
    I've really only ever seen you talk/shout in pvp.
    Your app, well... er... sucked. Shorter then mine that I wrote in october, and i'll tell ya, mine as pretty bad.
    I can't Go higher then -1. Sorry, but good luck next time
    Lastly... Phoenix's reply to your application was longer then your application, which is NEVER agood thing
    Videogames321 likes this.
  5. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • - never seen you help IG
    • - app was short
    • - forum activity could be better
    i am a -1, good luck!

    CRE3PERK1LL3R Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -Never see you help in game
    -Needs better forum activity
    +OK teamspeak activity
    -I have seen you act up and be immature many times

    -1. Sorry, but you are not ready.
  7. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I don't know if I should vote as you're my town assistant. But. Your app was weak, you need to be super dupar active on TS and forums. I would be at a -1.
  8. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

    Likes Received:
    -1 You app was a little short. You need to work on forum activity. I have seen you IGN but still those are two bad's vs one. So -1 Good luck though!!! :)
  9. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

    Likes Received:
    It hasn't been 2 weeks sines your last application was denied. You must wait the required time in between each application as it will be auto denied. Please re-apply in no less than 2 weeks. Thank you for you cooperation.

    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.

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