I usually don't post many "serious" threads around here and I don't know if this is really the right place to ask but my daughter has recently started referring to someone as her "daddy" and she isn't talking to me? I'm her only father and she isn't adopted. She never knew her mother? Help? --- Double Post Merged, Feb 13, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 13, 2016 --- Is this a sign of me being a bad dad? Has she replaced me with a different father figure because I was never there for her?
Tim, are you an adult?, or is this an in-game issue? Also, yes, if you aren't there for your daughter then yeah, you aren't the *best* dad.
I uh... dude, what? In the event this is serious (I don't know how), your "daughter" has a daddy kink.
UGH DAD. JUST STAY OUT OF THIS OKAY! This isn't about you. This is about me. and him. and his big hands