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Helper Application from bloodyghost

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by bloodyghost, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. bloodyghost

    bloodyghost local haunt

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    Perhaps I've somehow invented this phrasing here, but by saying "ala mattisaperson" I am intending to say "a malicious person like mattisaperson."
    ala is a french word that roughly means done in a certain way pertaining to a person. I'm not using it in the exact correct way, but it is a bit of personal slang I have adopted.

    As for the rest of this post, I know that Pseudocorp is quite biased against me, which is why they have gathered here to perpetuate non-constructive arguing and trying to tear me down instead of providing helpful and thoughtful advice. People who truly know me, unlike you or your friends at Pseudocorp know me, know that my positive attitude and helpfulness comes from the heart, and I am sure that no matter what sort of false negativity you attempt to build up against me, in the end the people that matter know who I am.
    I appreciate the challenge you have given me in showing me that there are difficult people in the world and I think this only strengthens my ability to handle people that will take any path to tarnish your reputation.
    Staff or anyone else, if you have any concerns about the validity of what "balz2" has said about me please feel free to discuss or ask, but at this point I don't think getting into an argument with Pseudocorp is going to get anyone anywhere.
    OKNEM and lanekids40 like this.
  2. bloodyghost

    bloodyghost local haunt

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    Responses in bold.

  3. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    I don’t know if you’ve been ingame or watching forums a ton, but I haven’t seen anyone making fun of pseudocorp in a loong time. And I don’t think lashing out at people on forums because of paranoia will help the group’s reputation, but you do you.

    Anyhow, for the application, I’m a +0.5.

    You had a decent application, and you are a good applicant. My main worry is how you will handle a situation if someone is intentionally trying to make you lose your cool. Even on meep, there are some people that their version of fun is making staff’s lives as hard as possible, and I am interested to see how you handle it (how you handled it on this thread wasn’t the best way possible imo, but that’s only one occurrence).

    Good luck!
  4. MasterTurtle

    MasterTurtle Popular Meeper

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  5. cdhoff

    cdhoff Well-Known Meeper

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    I get it, buddy boy, along with share it. +1
    FamousZAmos likes this.
  6. MegaStufOreo

    MegaStufOreo The Cookie Monster

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    I usually write long responses but I'm lazy and still want to comment before a decision is made so here is my verdict
    The application was good, it showed determination and that you give a damn about the server, and honestly I don't see that in a lot of the staff team sadly. I feel like you care about the server and actually look forward to assisting with a staff position rather than showering in the perks of authority. Next, in game stuff. To the people who say he isn't on quite a lot, you should consider seeing a psychiatrist. The activity is very good, along with activity in global and assistance with player questions and issues. To me, what I've stated above is pretty much all I need to see to consider a staff member in the slightest, and I am aware those aren't even close to the majority of your virtues but then again I am lazy. So lastly I'll address a common issue seeming to be of concern which is immaturity. I don't know why, but people's favorite weakness to attack people's applications with is immaturity. It seems as if people can't understand that it's not difficult to understand your task as a staff member. If you have even the slightest intention to be a mature staff member, you're going to be a mature staff member. I have no doubt in the slightest that bloody is more than capable of doing such. Anyways that's all I have to say, I am at a +1.
  7. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    in my opinion you would make a good staff member, I can see you being promoted to mod in a short period of time
  8. 0zblox

    0zblox Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Architect

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  9. J055Y_

    J055Y_ Celebrity Meeper

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    • Nice guy
    • Is careful not to jump to conclusions (from what I have observed)
    • Rational thinker
    • Experienced member
  10. Viperfan

    Viperfan Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Game Designer

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    better than 90% of the staff team
    you made me like 1200 potions when noone else would
  11. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    This is the most beautiful, stunning, and most interesting piece of artwork I have ever seen. Your skills truly show the beauty that's left in humanity. It shows such a captivating tale, that nobody could ever describe. Teach others everything about your art, and go down in history as one of the greatest individuals I will ever know.

    -Wait, what application? Oh, uh, I'm neutral. I literally haven't seen enough of you to have an opinion.
    Good luck though.
    bloodyghost likes this.
  12. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Accepted for Interview!
    lanekids40 and qazini like this.
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