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Helper Application from Oswin

Discussion in 'Denied' started by KyloMeep, May 4, 2020.

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  1. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Member Name Oswin

    Additional In Game Names: KyloMeep, _Wendys_ (not for long, its a stupid name)

    How old are you? 19

    Location: United Kingdom

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-3

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 2-3

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Riri30, Vexmae, Achrow, oKling, Adam34falcon

    When did you join Meepcraft? Sometime in 2012

    Introduction: Hello everyone. I’m Oswin or James. I live in the UK currently and I work as a produce sales assistant at Morrisons. I’m currently studying Level 3 Computer Science and I am currently working towards progressing to Newcastle University to do a degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
    I’ve previously spent a lot of time on the server helping and running towns in the past. For example, I helped out with New London and ran Dubai in Gamma (the one with GMall). I’ve played on the server since the old days in 2012 and have loved playing on the server and interacting with the community since.
    I like to spend my time travelling around the UK, visiting new cities and seeing new sights. My next trip will be to Durham to check out the cool Castle and Cathedral that sit on the hill there.

    Why should you be Helper? From working with customers for hours on end in a supermarket to my past experience working on this and other servers, there are many reasons which I will discuss that I should be considered for a place on the staff team.
    My previous experience working on other servers has allowed to me gain the necessary knowledge to let me perform to the standards that Meepcraft expect. I have previously been staff on Meepcraft a number of times and each time I feel I set a new standard for what I am capable of doing. From helping out with Modreqs to suggesting many ideas to help make extreme a fantastic experience, I feel like I have proved that I have what it takes to be a great staff member. Due to me previously being staff on the server, I will mostly be able to jump straight into helping out as I would not require extensive training due to me being previously staff.
    Others servers have allowed me to gain experience using the backend and to configure plugins which I feel is necessary for any staff member who is wanting to progress upwards through the server. These servers all ended up being successful for the time that they were operational and I feel that at some point I will be able to bring my skills to Meepcraft.
    Now it’s all well and good being able to run the backend, but Helper requires moderation skills. This is another area which I am able to exceed standards due to working with customer all the time at work. Working in a supermarket has allowed me to gain great customer service skills which is important when the staff are the face of the server. When someone needs help, they come to you and not having the right skills will leave a bad impression of not just you, but the server itself.
    Due to myself being within the UK timezone, I am able to fill an area where not many staff members are available. Many times I have logged on to see that there are no staff members online but there are around 20 players. Having more staff members available at more times helps out the server to fulfil its 24/7 staff goal and I think I can be a part of this.
    As with last time, I said I wanted this to be a long term "project" for me as I want to progress though the system to hopefully be a super-mod or admin. This is still the case this time and I have no intentions to quit without much notice like last time unless something drastic comes up.

    What are your weaknesses? The amount of time I have been playing on the server has been dramatically decreased due to the fact that I keep getting called into work. As most of you might have seen, I am still active in the community with the discord cinema I made. I will deffinitely make more time to spend on the server if I get the position as I do take my jobs seriously
    I changed my name but it will be changed back to Oswin because I don't like it and its stupid. I just need to wait like 25 days to change it back

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I know people are going to comment on the fact that I have been staff not too long ago. It was a mistake for me to leave my position and I regret that I did a lot. If I don't get the position and people don't think its time to return, I completely understand that point.
  2. Achrow

    Achrow Celebrity Meeper Staff Member Architect

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    You were staff before and were great at it so I don't see why you shouldn't be accepted again, you also have a unique timezone and the cinema you have made is more proof of your love and dedication to the community! good luck!
  3. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    EllieEllie and KyloMeep like this.
  4. CasualNuker

    CasualNuker Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 no need to say why you need this position back. Plus your a Star Wars geek.
    EllieEllie and KyloMeep like this.
  5. Adam34falcon

    Adam34falcon Celebrity Meeper

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    Absolutely +1! Great person and previously an extremely good staff member + I can watch free movies while playing Meepcraft. :p;)
    KyloMeep likes this.
  6. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    Glad to be of service ;)
    Adam34falcon likes this.
  7. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    KyloMeep likes this.
  8. Exiarules

    Exiarules Meeper

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    +1 has good movies showing, would recommend :D
    Adam34falcon and KyloMeep like this.
  9. qazini

    qazini Neighborhood Panini

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    Hey Jamez, we appreciate your interest in helper, but we've decided to deny your application this time around. If you'd like to discuss the reasoning, feel free to reach out to me or another high staff on discord.
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