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I would really like to be staff so please concider me

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Scaliwag21055, Nov 29, 2013.

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  1. Scaliwag21055

    Scaliwag21055 New Meeper

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    I dont have one
    I have been playing since the beginning of june
    11, turning 12 in January
    Eastern USA
    It varies, but i think the average is 1 hour
    For the full weekend I am probably on 3-4 hours, maybe more maybe less but about 3-4 hours.
    I have only been a Cit

    I have wanted to be a mod ever since I filed my first modreq. I want to help people and have fun with people and stop people from doing bad things on meepcraft.

    I think I should be a Helper or a mod because I am good with handling issues and I can do things efficiently.

    I am not very good at finding proof about, well, for eg, if someone camped, I dont usually get proof because it happens so fast usually.

    I think I can be a great mod because I can work hard and get the modreq done
  2. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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  3. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    It has not been two weeks since your last application, so this is an autodeny.

    Please reapply in no less than two weeks.

    I also suggwst that you

    - increase in game activity and helpfulness. We want to see you helo to the best of your ability befre you get the position so that we can be sure that you will help to the best of your ability with the position.

    - increase fors activity and helpfulness. You have to be active on the forums to keep up with current events. It also shows us that you are dedicated enough to help on all fronts.

    - Teamspeak is required. Go to teamspeak.com to download teamspeak 3.You also need to tell us if you can use a mic or not, because the entire interview is vocal.

    - Position changes would be Citizen - Helper, as you are a Citizen now and you are applying for Helper.

    - Your introduction is supposed to be our way to get to know you. Tell us your personality traits, your likes and dislikes, etc. Try and keep anything having to do with Meepcraft in general in your Why section.

    - You Why was an okay start. If you scroll down while one the Compulsory Application Format, you should see another post having to do with Tips. I'd read rhat through in its entirety before even considering applying again. You should list some of your strong points, at least 4 or 5, and elaborate on each. Each point shojld have their own paragraph.

    - Your weakness is not a good weakness. We are looking for something like 'I can let my temper get a hold of me' or 'I tend to overreact when it comes to certain things'. I also suggest that for each weakness you explain how it would effect your work as a Helper and how you are working to stop it from doing that.

    - Your conclusion should be a short summary of everything you said in your Why and Weaknesses section. Make sure it is only 1 or 2 sentences that sum up what you are trying to say on your application.

    Work on these, and I see a lot of potential in you!
  4. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

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    need i say more? -1
    chaos546 likes this.
  5. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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  6. Scaliwag21055

    Scaliwag21055 New Meeper

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    ok. sorry, i forgot that i had to wait 2 weeks. but thanks for the tips.
    ps. do i have to have a teamspeak account for you to accept me?
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