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Accepted Jack_The_Bear's ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Jack_The_Bear, Nov 30, 2013.

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  1. Jack_The_Bear

    Jack_The_Bear New Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: Jack_The_Bear
    Date/Time: I have absolutely no idea
    Reason: Ads
    Ban Length: I have no idea, Thinking is was permanent, was banned a while ago
    Staff member: Sirrr_Pig
    Why to consider my appeal: I heard about this server from a very good friend recently, and I try and get on and I'm banned. i don know if my account was hacked or anything, but I don't recall ever coming on this server before, if I did advertise, i am very sorry and i would like a second chance as this server seems very cool :)
  2. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    This appeal is accepted due to how much time has passed. Please take special caution to mentioning other servers in MeepCraft. Thank you.
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