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Mania_madness Helper App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Mania_Madness, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Mania_Madness

    Mania_Madness Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Mania_Madenss
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: Mania_Madness
    Mic?: Yes
    Age: 14
    Timezone: AEST
    Hours online per weekday: 1 hour
    Hours online per weekend: 7 hours
    Position Changes: Citizen - Helper

    Introduction: I am 14 from Australia, i realy like Meepcraft, it is a awesome server, i like all the minigames, even towny and ctf. i have been playing this server, alot.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod: The reason i should be helper, is that i would like to help the new players, and, that when i play i hardly see any helps online, and i would help alot. I have been Co-owner, Head-Admin and mod on other servers, although i will kick players who are rude, advertise and spam, i would be nice to plays aswell.

    Weaknesses: I am a bit of a noob in minecraft becasue i cant help on every single thing, but that wont stop me from helping the server, i will learn.

    Conclusion: I am experinced at helping, i am not rude, if no staff are online i will be. As i come on, normally, although i will not disappoint this server.

    Thanks for reading :)
  2. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 I'm afraid
    That app is tiny
    I have never seen you online
    Try to work on forums activity, we generally like it is applicants are active member+
    That's not really a weakness...

    I checked your profile... "Messages:1"
  3. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

    Likes Received:
    Denied; two weeks is fourteen days.
    I suggest getting more involved in the community and improve your knowledge of the game.

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