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Best Posts in Thread: Phobias

  1. DeerlandingXD

    DeerlandingXD what tha!!

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    I have a few but the main ones I have are
    Pretty much every one Master has above, minus the Atelophobia and Apiphobia.
    Hyalophobia- fear of glass. Nah, I'm not like OMG DONT BRING ME NEAR THAT WINDOW!! Its mostly broken glass or sharp objects in general (
    couldn't find fear or sharp things), they make me feel weak at the knees and I start to panic.
    Claustrophobia- One of the most common 'phobias I think, fear of small spaces. Elevators freak
    me out.
    Anxiety-ophobia- Not a real thing, but I do have cases of anxiety sometimes, mostly for irrational reasons. Like, i get scared and anxious because I'm afraid that i will be anxious even though the only reason I'm anxious is because I'm anxious about being anxious and its a baad cycle. Kudos to you if you understood what I was saying!
    And apparently I have Omphalobia too! Belly buttons make me cringe.