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Portal Talk (SPOILERS!)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by lollisweet101, Jan 24, 2018.

  1. lollisweet101

    lollisweet101 Celebrity Meeper

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    I've gotten into the Portal series fandom. It's enjoyable so much :D
    Here's a question and a few comments I would like to say!

    First off, the question, which portal character is the most evil?

    (A) Wheatley- A 'moron' core that was meant to make GLaDOs 'behave' & 'slow her down' in Portal 2. It filled her head with a list of terrible ideas. By 'terrible ideas' meaning that he refused to run the complex protocols to keep the facility from combusting. During Portal 2 the testing chambers kept falling apart as well as the staff areas. Even evacuation was recommended by the pre-recorded messages. As well as nuclear threats. "SHUT UP!!!!"

    (B) GLaDOs- The main 'robot' that controls the testing facility & the test chambers. As well as having a facetious & clever coding-mind. She knows how to set up a paradox, "It's a paradox, there IS no answer!" She also tries to guide and monitor Chell (the protagonist/the person you play as) along the way in Portal. After test chamber #19, GLaDOs tried to kill Chell by trying to lure her into an incinerator. Chell, who is described as a 'tenacious' test subject, finds GLaDOs where she is located. GLaDOs tries to finish the job and destroy Chell with deadly neurotoxin. Chell eventually destroys GLaDOs, even though you will die if you don't defeat Her in 6 minutes.

    (C) Chell- The main protagonist of the Portal series. After being abandoned by her birth mother on a doorstep, she was donated to science for tests. Portal 2 is where Chell's personality really develops. GLaDOs harshly condescends Chell by saying that she is a horrible person after killing her, and that the testing suit she wears looks stupid on her. Wheatley, the maintenance core for the relaxation vaults, helps Chell regain the Portal gun after trying to get out of the relaxation center when the reserve power runs out. (The reserve power ran out because of A.E.G.I.S., i'll get into details about that later.) Then after putting Him in charge, as revenge for what torture GLaDOs made her go through, Wheatley realizes that he's sacrificed everything to get them to the main computer. He turns GLaDOs into a potato, throws her into the closed elevator with Chell out of anger, and punches down the elevator. The glass floor cracks, causing them both to fall into what seemed like, a bottomless pit. (yes that actually happened, a complex computer device in a potato. gee wiz.) This is necessary info because all of this happened because of Chell.

    Now, Portal Stories: Mel takes place in 1952, when the Olympian is taken in for a test in a sleeping chamber. After major malfunctions, Mel has been asleep for decades and wakes up in present time. A Cave Johnson impersonator, a core named 'Virgil' guides Mel and says that 'nothing is out of the ordinary.' In the beginning, you can see that the place is in perfect condition. Years later, the place is busted, and there's danger all around. Mel saves Virgil by attaching him to his production line again. If it weren't for that, Virgil would've drowned in the maintenance area. When they eventually find the A.E.G.I.S. computer system, they first deactivate the neurotoxin. Virgil & Mel eventually find out the other target out of the 3 objects that AEGIS was targeting. The 3rd client was GLaDOs because she killed EVERY scientist in the facility before being destroyed by Chell. They unintentionally gave GLaDOs a chance to get back in power, which is how she woke up from the dead in Portal 2. Literally Portal Stories: Mel are the events right before Portal 2 occurs. After Mel leaves and escapes from Aperture after sleeping for decades, and seeing the destroyed Aperture Science Facility building surrounding her. In the final cutscene after the credits, AEGIS does one final procedure before shutting down. And that was to drain the reserve power. After the reserve power runs out & AEGIS shuts down completely, it wakes up Chell from suspension. There's even a voice clip from Portal 2 that says, "You have been in suspension for, 9999 this courtesy call..." and leads up to the entire story & plot in Portal 2.

    I hope you enjoyed my Portal chat! I am considering getting the 3 games, but it all depends. Portal came out in 2007, Portal 2 came out in 2011, and Portal Stories: Mel came out in 2015. The first idea for Portal Stories: Mel popped up in 2011. They got to coordinate the two stories together, and with Portal 2 out it was less complex to combine the two. And that is how they got Portal 2 and Portal Stories: Mel to connect together event wise. SEE YA! ;)

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2018
  2. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

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    A. Your font
    B. Why Portal? Why didn't you choose COD, or Mario?
    C. A neat-o kiddo in one of my periods thinks he'll be the guy to create a real life portal pistol, so that's his career.
    D. Spoiler Alert! (Thanks, never would have had the ingenuity to find this myself)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2018
  3. lollisweet101

    lollisweet101 Celebrity Meeper

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    A. I like this font better than the other crappy ones there are. Actually, this is probably the only good one because every other font has this weird "D" to it, making a weird ': D'. just... NO.
    B. There's a ton of info about Portal out there and I felt like writing down me knowledge, I hate COD and there's not a paragraph load about one Mario game.
    C. xddd don't let your dreams be memes ;)
    D. lmao
  4. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

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    wats portal
  5. Marthacuddles

    Marthacuddles Celebrity Meeper

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    some weird game.
    play sudoku
    riri30 likes this.
  6. WhoNeedsJimbo

    WhoNeedsJimbo Popular Meeper

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    A) Wheatley is just imcompetent, and being incompetent isn't very evil.
    B) GLaDOS is the villian in my opinion. I've played both 1 and 2, and I can't find a clear motive for these tests besides "science". Remember at before the events of Portal 1, she literally gassed and poisoned all the employees.
    C) GLaDOS is the one at fault, she tried to kill Chell in chamber 19, so she's just pinning the blame on her. She later realizes that she did this for freedom, so she lets her go at the end of Portal 2. Again, Wheatley is literally a core designed to make robots dumb.

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