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Staff application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by UMADBRO?, Jan 18, 2014.

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    UMADBRO? Well-Known Meeper

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    In Game Name: Mygmail
    Skype Username: roenhoku
    Teamspeak Username: UMADBRO
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 10
    Timezone: PST: -2
    Hours online per weekday: About 1-3 hours
    Hours online per weekend: 3-4 hours
    Exclusive----> Helper

    My name is Mygmail, most of you know why... If you don't, let me walk you through it. First of all, I was going to make my name insanely awesome but, my brother played a trick on me. I don't know how he did it but he could! I enjoy Tae Kwan Do- just got 2nd degree red belt. I also enjoy bowling, and also soccer. I live in Los Angeles, California. I just participated in the Spelling and Geography bee. I am now in the district championships soon moving on the the state championships.

    Why should I be a Helper?

    Now I am an Admin on another server that used to belong to me but now belongs to my friends. They don't really know how to install plugins via FTP so I help the sometimes.

    I have been playing Meep for a fairly long time now. I try to get on Meep every single day even if its for 10 minutes in the morning I will still try to come on and talk a little in /shout before i have to come off.

    I'm going to say it now, I've never been staff before. But hey, there's a first time for everything isn't there.
    I'm fairly familiar with staff commands as I'm fairly observant and I have many friends who are either ex-staff or are currently staff. However I have been mayor/assistant so when it comes to towny commands I know them like the back of my hand.


    My dad works for an astronomy agency and they have to look for comets and all of that stuff so he
    has to take trips and always take his computer which has Minecraft on it.

    Admitting that I am wrong
    Yes, one of the worst ones yet. I have a very hard time when I am arguing with
    someone and they actually look it up and prove that I'm wrong, I get all worked up.

    Teamspeak is another weakness of mine.
    I get nervous to talk on TS sometimes because I have no idea who I am talking to.

    Crime record:

    Idk what this is but I am going to put my bans and stuff.

    Ads ban

    (Rules Violations) Forum ban a few times


    I think I will be a great addition to the staff team.


    EDIT: Updated crime record
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014
  2. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    The app needed some more to it. I'm confused when you say that you have been admin on your friends server, but then you state that you haven't been staff before. I haven't personally seen you in-game,but we are different timezones.

    As of now, I'm at a -0.5
    Good luck in the future!
    UMADBRO? likes this.
  3. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You've had so many warning points and so many warnings and..just..no.
    You try and act like a mod even though you aren't a mod, just because you're a mod on another server doesn't give you authority over here and an ADs ban is pretty major because you know what that tells people?
    "I don't like this server that much so I'm just gonna tell you to go to a new one"
    So, no.
    To show to you how severe my -1 is I'm going to apply it to a law of physics:
    A person at -1 will stay at -1 unless a force greater than prior bad acts is enacted upon it.

    UMADBRO? Well-Known Meeper

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    Thank you for the feedback.
  5. Juiced

    Juiced Popular Meeper

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    Too short, -1
  6. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Basically this except you also have talked back to me in a warning message where you were clearly in the wrong, you havent listened to a word ive said in any of your past applications, and seem to begin minimodding every time you apply as if applying makes you automatically staff.
    DeathBunny55 likes this.
  7. Ninja_of_Tempest

    Ninja_of_Tempest Celebrity Meeper

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    Edits are an auto deny I believe
    Better luck next time
  8. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    You cannot edit applications. This has been denied. Reapply in no less than 2 weeks.
    CyborgZeroX and chaos546 like this.
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