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Denied Unban crazyyoucantaste

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by crazyyoucantaste, Oct 7, 2013.

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  1. crazyyoucantaste

    crazyyoucantaste New Meeper

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    IGN: crazyyoucantaste
    reason for ban: x-ray
    expires: never
    Person who banned me: Diana
    date banned: 10/3/13
    why should we consider your appeal: I think you should consider my appeal because everyone in this world, no matter how smart people may be, makes mistakes thus everyone deserves a second chance. Please forgive my previous actions of xraying and give me the so needed opportunity for me to prove to everyone in minecraft that I do in fact know how to play legit without hacks or mods. Please I beg you I implore you guys just think about that moment when you did something wrong for the first time could you have used a second chance YES! if you didn't get a second chance well now is the time to start that domino-effect and give someone else a second chance. I WILL NEVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE HACK AGAIN IN MINECRAFT. Thank you for your time.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2013
  2. crazyyoucantaste

    crazyyoucantaste New Meeper

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    I have to admit you brought up a great point however if by any reason the admins suspect anything if they see me doing things that are against the rules I should no longer have any more chances thus I should be perm banned but as of right now I am asking for the admins' trust for them to trust me that I have deleted all mod/hacks from my pc.
  3. georgiadogs123

    georgiadogs123 Active Meeper

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    Well, a screen shot would be more convinceing. Of all files, not just log in
  4. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    Denied for now - However I may consider this in the future. Please re-apply for an appeal in a weeks time, I will consider it further then.
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