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Vortexlegand198's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Darren Darcy, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Darren Darcy

    Darren Darcy Popular Meeper

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    In Game name:VortexLegand198

    Skype Name is Darren Darcy

    Mic use:A little



    Hours online on weekdays:About 4-6 hours

    Hours online on weekends:8-10 hours

    Position Change-Premuim to Helper

    Experience:I have been an admin on 2 servers EjCcraft,JordanCraft

    Hello my name is Darren but my in game friends call me Vortex and I have a good side and a dark side,the good side is that I know what is good in bad on a good day witch is almost every day but I have been Banned twice before but I have got over them and moved on to lead a better life in meepcraft and I have made some very good friends on meep and I have recently donated to the server and I dont regret it at all.I am also pretty active in chat.

    Why Should I be helper?
    I think that I should be helper because I am willing to help people and get the new comers of the server to get used to the environment of this wonderful server.I have been on this server since about 4 mounths after it started I think and I found it on the web and I just said wow that looks like a great server so I went on and I was greeted by some of the nicest people ever and ever since I started playing Minecraft in 1.2 I have always want to be one of those people.

    My weaknesses are that sometimes I get carried away into dreamland and start doing some random things but I have recently got a lot more focused when playing minecraft and If I start something new I will carry on with it.

    Conclusion:My conclusion is if I see someone getting abused or someone spaming or greifing I know that strait away I will stop this and ill will always try to make new and fun ways to make people happy on this amazing server.

    Thank you for your time

    And thank fuzzlr for creating the best server ever.
  2. MyGmail

    MyGmail Celebrity Meeper

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    Team Speak?
  3. Darren Darcy

    Darren Darcy Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    It wont let me use it for some reason
  4. MyGmail

    MyGmail Celebrity Meeper

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    No TS = auto deny
    Never heard of you
    New Member
  5. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    No teamspeak :/
  6. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    Denied, TeamSpeak is a requirement to become a staff member.

    If you wish to re-apply, only do so after 2 weeks time.

    Also before re-applying I highly suggest,

    - Downloading the TS client and becoming active on the MeepCraft TeamSpeak server.
    (If unsure how to download the client you can view a detailed guide to using TS here.)
    - Becoming active on the Forums- Answer questions raised in Q&A, and also provide constructive feedback on Suggestions.
    - Becoming active in-game, and also /shout. Assisting in /shout is great way to show your dedication to helping others.
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