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Why I Should Be Mod

Discussion in 'Denied' started by jsweval, Feb 26, 2014.

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  1. jsweval

    jsweval New Meeper

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    well lets start with contact i dont have skype sorry but i do have email it is [email protected] so just email me.

    i am a realy nice person i will encourage players help them with modreqs and many more.

    i will also help the owner fuzzlr with making the server better and help other mods.

    what are my advantages: well is i am a good builder awesome miner and an awesome architect for houses.

    and if players dont follow rules i warn them nicely and then again and then i bann them and report it too you.

    i do have expierence actually owning a server yes so i would say thats a lot of expierence.

    i am in the centeral time zone so i live in the midwest of united states.

    thats it i am looking forward to being a moderator fotr you and jhelping players
  2. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Denied. The format is required. Please do not reapply any sooner than in two weeks.

    I also suggest, that before you reapply, you:
    - Increase forums and in game activity. Help in /shout, generally be friendly, and work on posting contributive posts on the foruns.
    - Familiarize yourself with our rules ans requirements, such as the format.
    - A potential Helper should at the very least know enough about the server to know that building isn't really anything to do with being a Helper.
    - Ensure you have all the required accounts, as well as a working mic. This means you must have TeamSpeak 3 and Skype.
    mrli1 likes this.
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