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Your First Car Accident

Discussion in 'Other' started by GingerManOWNS, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    What was your first car accident like if you don't mind me asking? What exactly did you take away from it?

    My First Car Accident: Okay so I was just in my first accident 2 hours ago literally. My friend and I were driving and the roads a little slick because of ice we were going the speed limit and didn't expect the turn and when we went around it we lost control of the car. I wasn't driving but still we lost control hit a bank and the car coasted we still didn't have control then we went up another steeper bank that flipped the car over. We couldn't get are seat belts off for a bit but we finally did and right away called 911 then our parents.

    I walked away releasing even going the speed limit or a little under it you can still lose control of a car in bad road conditions so we know now that around turns like that we could only be going 15 MPH and should always go the speed limit. Even if people make fun of you for going slow or something just remember you'll be the one walking around with a car.
  2. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    Mine was about 3 years ago when we were driving through the mountains. A deer jumped out and we swerved to save its life but we crashed into a tree. Thank god we all survived, just my dad got a broken arm.
    KaiUsesThis likes this.
  3. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    (This is my mom's first car accident, not mine)
    So my mom works as a pizza delivery person for Papa John's and had just delivered to a neighborhood nearby. She was going home after her last delivery, so she took the road that took her to our neighborhood. She was driving down the road and there was a 20-year old male driving on the left of her. He tried to go faster than her and make a turn, but he didn't make it far enough to make a safe turn and eventually crashes into my mom's car and makes her swerve onto the side of the road.
    My dad texts me that my mom was in a car accident, so I had to wait from 7:30 PM to 11:00 PM for my parents to come home. My dad had told me that my mom was fine and only the chest area and shoulders was where the pain was from the seat belt. The guy blamed my mom for speeding and trying to make a turn, and his insurance is currently aggravating my mom by sending her mail and telling her these decisions they'll make against her.

    Once I had told my brothers, my youngest brother yelled "WHAT?!" at the top of his lungs.
    sicklynerd and Cherrykit like this.
  4. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I haven't been in a car accident... anti-rip
  5. NuckleMuckle

    NuckleMuckle Popular Meeper

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    My fifth one was Friday morning, on the way to work, when I got rear-ended as I was stopped in traffic. Again. Accidents 3 and 4 were pretty much the same, and they've all come within the last five years.

    My first was as a passenger in high school. We had six people piled into a tiny Honda Civic hatchback - the driver, three in the back (including me), and two sharing the passenger seat by having one sit on the floor. We were going past an elementary school letting kids out when some dumb woman pulled out of the school right in front of us. Everyone in the back seat was fine except minor bumps (and I didn't even have that), but the people up front got banged up pretty good, and the car was totaled.

    My 2nd was a similar accident - I had right of way at a two-way stop, dumb woman left a stop sign right in front of me. This one was quite a bit worse, though, since it wasn't a school zone. The limit was 50, and I was actually compliant, since I had just turned onto the street a short way ago and was still getting up to speed. My car was destroyed, and apart from various minor injuries from the airbag deployment (these things are not as soft as they look in slow-mo, and I had a number of issues, including golf ball-sized welts on each wrist, to prove it), I had back pain that limited my activity for at least six months.

    What I took away from all of these is that it doesn't matter how good, smart, or safe a driver you think you are, because other people will do stupid things and put you in situations you can't escape. You'd better be prepared to be in an accident every time you get in a car - everyone seated correctly, belts on, car in good working order, etc.
    cooey, metr0n0me, KaiUsesThis and 5 others like this.
  6. Inkfy

    Inkfy Celebrity Meeper

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    my first one was when I was 5 months old yeah c: my mom tried to kill me.
    sicklynerd likes this.
  7. Richard FS

    Richard FS Active Meeper

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    I don't drive yet but I fly. I actually have two stories that are fairly short as their isn't much to describe, but anyway. This past summer my Step-mother was in the hospital with brain cancer, so I had nothing to do all day but ride my bike around town. I had made a wrong turn somewhere, forgetting that I usually would take the next street up, and ended up at an intersection with the highway. I looked, was absolutely sure that no cars were coming, and took off as fast as I could across the highway. About halfway across, I suddenly heard the loud screeching of tires and as I looked to my side, I saw a car coming straight at me. Nobody got hurt, but that was the last time I rode my bike anywhere that summer.

    My second (and final) story might be a bit more adrenaline-filled for those of you not familiar with airplanes. I have been taking flying lessons for the past few months, and back on a weekend last august, I headed out in the C172 with my instructor. We were working on my radio communications that day. There were a few other aircraft following the same approach pattern as we were, and when I asked for permission to turn for my final approach, I was told to go around due to a Citation jet already on its' final approach. I misunderstood and continued my final approach to the runway. Right as I had set my flaps on full and was ready to flare over the runway threshold, I heard the tower come on yelling at me to "Go around! I told you to go around!" Frightened, I quickly opened the throttle and climbed out at almost 15 degrees pitch (with full flap, mind you). If it weren't for the instructor being there, I probably would have stalled and fallen back onto the runway, getting pulverized by the oncoming Citation.

    Stories weren't as short as I said they would be. Hm.
    cooey, metr0n0me, KaiUsesThis and 2 others like this.
  8. Llamazon

    Llamazon Celebrity Meeper

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    8 years ago:

    A young llama has just finished shopping for groceries at Wal-Mart with her mother in the big city. She bought some goldfish and a bottle of sprite for the car ride home. In the car, about 30 minutes into the drive, llama is sipping from her sprite when the car crashes into a white truck. Llama snorted the sprite up her nose as the car jolted. After the police came and the crash was sorted out, young llama continues to cough and wheeze as she tries to get the sprite out of her nasal passages.

  9. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    I'm glad you were all okay. So what exactly did you take away from that though?

    What do you mean...?

    Do you still fly or did you stop after that?
    Richard FS likes this.
  10. Richard FS

    Richard FS Active Meeper

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    @GingerManOWNS Of course. $50,000 and a year of flight school, along with six generations of aviation in my blood, I wouldn't stop just because I made a mistake. And anyway the ATC knew I was a student because the registration number for the airplane was reserved for training. Still scary as sh@t though
    metr0n0me and KaiUsesThis like this.
  11. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    It wasn't his first accident but it was his worse.

    My older brothers accident a couple years ago, he was driving up from Texas to come see us and he'd already been in one accident by the time he'd gotten into Illinois (a car spun out of control because the roads were slick and hit the back bumper). And so he was fairly close to the house, like 15-20 minutes and a drunk driver hit him, but it wasn't a car. It was a semi. The truck hit the passengers side, where his girlfriend was sitting, luckily they somehow made it out alive. But the car was totalled and they didn't exactly have a way to get home lmao. The drunk truck driver drove off after that and the company never did anything about the guy being drunk, and driving and my brother was pretty mad about that lol but him and his girlfriend are well and alive which is amazing :D
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  12. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    Mines not as hard core as most of these but here it is.

    I was in an Dairy Queen Drive Thru getting some food. There was a car in front of me, I had my foot on the breaks. I didn't have the car in park because I thought they would be in and out, 5 minutes later I'm still behind this car not even realizing my foot was still on the break. I'm trying to clean out my car by picking up some trash here and there, I turn around to get what's in the back seat. All of the sudden I hear a thud and I rock forward. I had accidentally let go of the break with my foot whilst reaching for trash behind me. I had only moved like 2 inches when hitting the car in front of me. I got out screaming is everyone alright? I'm so sorry! etc etc I had already reversed before doing so to look at the damage. Passenger got out looked at the back, said ''Mehh'' and got back in. There was absolutely no damage what so ever. But I've been extremely careful ever since.

    Advice for new drivers: If you're in a rush and you have to get somewhere and there is to much traffic and you can't make a turn in time or you don't think you can. Freaking wait until you know you'll make it. It's literally only 2 seconds you have to wait and those 2 seconds can be the difference between life and death, a horrible accident, someone being scared for the rest of their life. Someone ending up in the hospital for the rest of their lives, Just wait please. It's not worth it.
  13. Klitch


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    I backed into someone's car in my school parking lot. Then like 2 months later I rear-ended someone in my school parking lot.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  14. LadyCassandra

    LadyCassandra Rebel Angel Warrior | Sweet Baby Child

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    My god, car accidents...
    I've never been in one, thankfully.
    There are two really close occasions though; one was when my mom was driving me and my brothers, and at a four-way stop we almost had a head-on collision because of a miscommunication that both my mom and the other driver drove forward at once. That was scary. I was like 8.
    The second time was on a road trip, back somewhere between 2-4 years ago. We pulled up at a gas station. I sat in the back of the car. While my dad was filling the patrol, I heard a really loud cracking/breaking sound behind me. But it didn't seem like it was on our car. I turn around, and I see this big BMW backing into a small old car, wrecking the complete back of it. Furthermore, the driver didn't seem to know what he was doing, so he went forward and backed up AGAIN and caused more damage. Then he positioned his car by the patrol station and proceeded to gas up his car like nothing had happened. Meanwhile the people in the small car got out and just looked at the car in disbelief, not knowing what to do. I don't remember the rest of it.

    The one that most recently and painfully impacted me was one that happened just this past Tuesday. The youth minister of my church's mother got killed by being run over. It didn't and can't really get any more specific than that. She was crossing the pedestrian walk, and in the middle of the road, a car coming at high speed turned the tight corner and rammed her. Apparently the guy tried to pull her out from under the car too, which probably wasn't a good idea. But she was dead. She was 58. At least the guy didn't try to run away; apparently he was somewhere in his 60s, Asian, and didn't speak English very well, needing his family to translate for him. It hit the whole church pretty hard. The most heartbreaking part was, my youth minister was supposed to be the speaker of the sermon today. What did he do? He spoke today anyway. He knew that this is what his mother would have wanted, and the church needed. It was just....really sad.
  15. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

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    If I knew about this advice, I might not have had this near crash...
    It was around 4:30 in the evening (by then it's already dark) and I was making my way home from school after staying an extra hour and a half to finish a few things. The ride home is only 10 mins for me, and I usually just go straight on one street. Luckily, it was the most popular biking street in the city.
    5 minutes later I arrived at a nearby intersection, that didn't have any traffic lights. Tired and in a rush, I looked both ways quickly, saw no cars, and speeded forward, passing the intersection. What I didn't know was that there was another car with no headlights speeding down the road. The car missed by a few metres and no one was hurt. The driver of the car seemed as shocked as I was ;-;
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  16. x_bigheart_x

    x_bigheart_x Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, so this one time, my mum, sister, and I were going to the eye doctor because young me needed glasses. (I was cringe af though.) We were at a train passing, and the barriers went down and stuff. The woman behind us, apparently, her brakes didn't work, and she slams into us, and my mum hits the woman in front of us, and the woman in front of us hits the barriers, but luckily no one was hurt except for a headache for me >~<
  17. ToonMichaela

    ToonMichaela Celebrity Meeper

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    first car accident while outside of a car: a car hit me in the face and didnt stop.
    first car accident while inside of the car: rain and ice (as crazy as it may sound it happend) are bad for tires... rip that car.
    first motorbike accident: someone without lights was thought it woul be funny to be a ghost driver at night without lights on at double the speed limit... it hurt....

    Llamazon likes this.
  18. Llamazon

    Llamazon Celebrity Meeper

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