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Best Posts in Thread: Are staff biased?

  1. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

    Likes Received:
    maybe if you didn't try and troll and cause crap in shout then you wouldn't have been banned, it's as simple as that.. maybe you were told before that what you were doing was fine but you've carried it on for days now and you appear to have no intention of stopping and judging from your previous messages in shout you are only wanting to rake up ban reports against you.

    If you have a ban history then obviously your previous bans are going to be in question for any future bans

    you're doing nothing but trying to push the limits
    alex77034, Pmx728, 2leah2 and 14 others like this.
  2. PainCakexx1997

    PainCakexx1997 Squirrel Power!

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    Does his intentions have to be less clear? #toxic2016=Toxic for life

    Have a nice day ;)

  3. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Im just saying, The ONLY time staff will ever even have to deal with you on a ban type basis is if youre being dumb.
  4. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    If we were bias some players would have stayed banned.. If you push the limits of the rules you will get burned, Don't play with fire.
  5. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    They are all bias, lets overthrow them!
    alex77034, KyloMeep, Pmx728 and 8 others like this.
  6. interdesirename

    interdesirename Celebrity Meeper

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    TO be honest the guy should be permed. He apparently has started up a strip club in meep and has been asking people to join. Staff can do their loging to him.
    Pmx728, cooey, Lakirias48 and 8 others like this.
  7. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    oh I thought Miley Cyrus said that lmaooo

    In all reality; does it matter? Why do you insist on making one of these clickbait threads implying that people actually care if staff are biased or not?

    Just don't be stupid on this server and nothing bad will happen to you.
    Enron, KyloMeep, 2leah2 and 6 others like this.
  8. 00000

    00000 Guest

    You do realize staff can ban for any reason they want, right? They could ban me right now because "PENGUINS AREN'T RED" if they wanted and there's nothing I can do about it.

    I'm not sure that is the reason you got banned. It's actually because you consistently act like an ass, with quite literally nothing positive to say or do. You will be permed soon because of your awful attitude, you are extremely toxic and...
    I usually don't like to kiss up to staff but he is right, pug, you are telling people that you are better than them, being condescending, and literally trying to get people to leave

    And that is the most toxic thing of all. Feel free to leave, nobody will miss you, let the door hit you on the way out.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 29, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 29, 2016 ---
    Haha that last sentence, you have no idea what you're talking about

    But you're right. He has changed, to be even worse. the community isn't even divided at this point it's just...everyone versus him. As a very active member I would expect you to firsthand see his comments in chat that he constantly makes likely without a second thought
    KyloMeep, Pmx728, metr0n0me and 6 others like this.
  9. j32400

    j32400 Popular Meeper

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    Llamazon, Lilliya, Pmx728 and 6 others like this.
  10. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    YES, staff are biased. After 60 bans there is literally no reason to unban vkl. He has been given many 'last chances', he has proven time and time again that he will get bored after a few weeks or a month and get banned again. Of course, however, he is going to get unbanned again in the near future. Just wait and see.

    But in this case, I would say, no, staff are not biased. The people who all got short bans today deserved them, if they don't want short bans then stop doing stupid things that push the rules.
    Enron, alex77034, metr0n0me and 3 others like this.
  11. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Usually, I believe in people having many chances. When MeepCraft bans someone, it loses a customer, thereby decreasing revenue and defeating the purpose of a business. During my time on Meep, I've stood by many banned players, under the premise that they've learned--Draqq, nhjed, VKL, Spider, legendcaleb, n00bslayer, and krazykat600. Most of the time (with the exception of our dear friend VKL), it's evident that most of these individuals changed after time, and actually contributed to the community.

    Even in your case, I'd forced myself to believe that this time, yes, this time, would be the turning point. Time and time again, you've broken the community's collective trust in you, continuing to violate rule after rule, and saying that you'd change. Time and time again, you've hurt people by your actions, whether it be scamming, griefing, etc.--the list goes on. Time and time again, people questioned why "these stupid staff" kept unbanning you, while you clearly demonstrated no remorse for your past actions, and showed no will to change your behavior.

    Finally, on your last chance of last chances, you come and act like the same toxic...person, I guess? (I can't come up with a noun that conveys the extent of your toxicity), acting like, well, an ass, in shout. Each and every one of the community's interactions with you have been negative, as one by one, people have gotten tired of your behavior. Usually, with a "toxic person," players, usually other "toxic people" on the verge of getting banned, will support the individual. Not so here, as you continued to drive players away from the server with your actions, causing multiple players to quit in the span of a few days.

    Think about it. You've gotten Draqq, n00bslayer_99, nhjed, and Spider_Strike criticizing you for being too toxic. Think about that list of players for a second. You've been here for a while and know their histories. You know you're toxic when they, of all people, are saying you've gone too far.

    I do my fair share of staff-bashing, but the only thing I can fault the staff team for here is that they didn't ban you sooner. Good riddance.
  12. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Didn't you join yesterday?
    Kling, n00bslayer_99, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  13. PainCakexx1997

    PainCakexx1997 Squirrel Power!

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    The fact that you guys think this will change anything is hilarious to me, i was almost crying because i laughed so hard after i read this thread. The simple fact is, staff do not ban without reason.... It is this person that is probably being immature and doing things that staff has told him not to do and then getting banned for that simple reason....
  14. KyloMeep

    KyloMeep Mipha's Grace

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    That's a great quote you have there
  15. interdesirename

    interdesirename Celebrity Meeper

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    Spider im glad to see your changing man i completely agree with you on it. You know at first i thought every little ass in chat was trying to cut pugs throat but as i hung around for a bit his true assness came out.
  16. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Yes because the thread was specifically made with you in mind, they're not biased, stop whining and spinning it like "THE STAFF HATE ME THATS THE ONLY REASON I GET BANNED"

    not that it's only my opinion
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2016
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    It's not about bias or friendship.
    I don't see the name when I'm looking at a report. I see the instance, the history, and context.
    I'm not going to ban someone longer because I dislike them - thats dumb.
    I'm not gonna let someone off because I like them - That's even more dumb.
  18. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Yes. Most of them but not all are very bias when it comes to certain players. But you shouldn't expect them not to be bias because no one is perfect and this is staff on a minecraft server not a real life government.