Nahhhhhhh stop kissing up to VKL.
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Best Posts in Thread: To y'all
Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder
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To you,
The one reading this I’d like to say hi! I feel as though I kind of got off to rough start with Admin but I hope with honest opinions and joyful criticism I could become the Admin you look to for Meep. Over the past few weeks I have been thrown hatred, abuse, threats, names, assumptions, ect all my way. Now I sit back and wonder why this happens where it all started why did all of this happen? It’s simple really the people on our server have very vivid imaginations and tend to get a tad ahead of themselves. I gave my pal VKL a +1 for helper because why not you all laughed right? Love the kid but I am in no way shape or form bias towards him. After that began the appeals of “vkl sucked up to Courtney to get a +1” and calling me a liar and unqualified. I honestly love to joke around and have fun it’s a Minecraft server for god sake learn to live a little. Being fun doesn’t make me corrupt it makes me a fun person to be around and I apologize if I over stepped my boundaries in trying not to be a hard butt. One thing that happens to be floating around are quotes and screenshots from yours truly but they aren’t wrong. I stated that LadyCass had made alt accounts to make posts which she did she made an alt account to post onto VKL’s helper application in which was harassing and rude once I noticed who it was I merged the two accounts together now that I look back on it I probably should’ve just let children be children but I didn’t feel that was right. I said what I said in that slack chat with the intention of her seeing it and going “oh hah yeah that was me” but nope it was blown into oblivion and this “mystery” person used to it pump wrong information into your heads.
On another note I am damn good admin (Klutch does call me conceited LOL) but I get things done I try hard to do right, I try not to comment on all this bullcrap because it’s ridiculous and pathetic because it is. Quote me on that won’t you because we should be a family we should love one another and back each other up when something happens good or bad. I am not horrible and I like to joke around I say a few cuss words here and there when I shouldn’t but are you really going to get onto me for cussing. We should try hard to be better than some people but you all love the drama llamas, which we all do but once it’s getting to the point of harassing me or Klutch for being the bad guys that hurts. Listening to the names I am being called and the horrible things that people say about me discourages me to no end. I don’t want to log on at the end of the day to say hey cause I am unsure of who even likes me anymore or if all I’m going to be spammed with is how horrible I am. I get it on Snapchat, on here, in game it has to stop. This isn’t a popularity contest I am not here to be your best friend but I am here to help this server be all that it can be because I KNOW what it can and I know it will. I am more than open to talking to you guys on Discord or in game if there is ever something you see that I specifically could work on PM me and say something. Don’t harass me and call me names and say how horrible of an Admin I am. I can’t work on things if I don’t know what I could work on.
Another note, recent bans yes I ran the command yes I agree with them but I didn’t ban them because they called me names in a text message or in another slack or cause I felt like it LOL that's so silly. I wasn't the one who came up with the idea therefore don't assume it was me it's easy to but don't.. Do we owe you an explanation? No we don’t. Do we owe you proof? No we don’t. It’s written all over forums the toxicity and inability to move forward and I don’t believe that we will grow as a server with all this going on. If you guys want this server to stay and want this server to be better than ever you might want to help us and work together on what we can do to be better. If you have ideas that you don’t want to voice publicly message me or Klutch about it we will do what we can do get it done. If you want to code a plugin go for it send it to me and ill look at it. I am not code illiterate but may or may not send it to Reggles heh. I am still learning all the new and exciting things I can do with different perms now. Like I updated all the rules and simple things to include Discord but you guys didn’t notice it did you? Admin is a bunch of little things that add up to bigger things. Admin is also a harder job than I had envisioned being here but I am doing all I can with what I have. Yes somethings are taking longer than others such as jobs and boosters but you all know as much as I do that if we release a half-assed plugin it will be over for Meep and then we will get criticized for “omg this sucks you should have fixed it before !1!!11!!” This server will not be all that it can be without every single one of you helping towards reaching that goal and helping us. I do believe we should be more transparent in communicating with you guys and I am really sorry for that and I promise to do everything I can to help you and talk with you about whatever you want and hope for, for Meep.
In the end it’s up to you guys and we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you all so thank you for being here and for those who are uplifting and caring thank you most importantly.
Also, ps I’m a Princess don’t question my inner Princess -
Adrian, GroovyGrevous, Draqq and 6 others like this.
ay f off all you haters you're takin the internet way too seriously
TechnoTyson, MoonlitMadness, Adrian and 5 others like this. -
Lady_Hestia, SSSoul, qazini and 5 others like this.
this seems more about blaming us for being a bad community than you trying to be more approachable and responsible which is why people find it hard to stand behind you
Lady_Hestia, Natsu, GroovyGrevous and 5 others like this. -
hey courtney, thanks for the post. it's really important you stay constantly connected with the community and i think you always are very good at doing that. i think maybe a realistic goal for the staff team is to really try to not fight back with what the community is giving you and just take it in. it's a lot to handle and it's hard not to get defensive (i know i wasn't always perfect), but because most of them are children they see it as a direct attack on them. just tell them that you hear their concerns and will consider them. and you should consider them, but obviously staff knows best in the end as long as they have listened and considered all perspectives.
from the outside of both sides, it seems the biggest issue is communication. perhaps a bit of transparency is necessary. i think people just want to know what's going on because the server means so much to them. you obviously already outlined this necessity.
still, you seem to contradict this point here:
additionally, some staff have said they do not have any authority to do more for the server. they can't help with the big projects. i think you should let them. mods are always, from my experience, the hardest working individuals on the team. let them help you somehow beyond public relations.
but yea emphatically the harassment needs to stop. it's getting ridiculous. i apologize for once upon a time being a part of it. it was toxic and unnecessary and counterproductive. you all deserve better and i should know that after spending time on staff for so long.
i think, as natsu puts it, everyone is just confused and wants to know what's going on. they miss their friends, and if the info comes from you rather than an angry toxic person who was banned for being an angry toxic person, it might make more sense to them!
thanks for your consistent communication, but maybe the communication just needs to be less pushing away and more inviting.Natsu, CluelessKlutz, MoonlitMadness and 3 others like this. -
i apologize
but the point still stands that being more responsible for your actions and acting as more of a leader and less as a player would make people respect you moreLady_Hestia, GroovyGrevous, metr0n0me and 3 others like this. -
courtney seems like the most approachable admin i've ever known.
i mean no offence to you other admins but i just feel as though I can't go and openly talk to you. also I know being admin is a big job and you don't have time for everything but there are lots of posts on your profile and stuff at least give a shot at replying to them? thats just my opinion ok.
Last edited: Dec 28, 2016MoonlitMadness, GroovyGrevous, 2leah2 and 2 others like this. -
Thank you for your explanation. It looks like they have done a quite a lot of stress to you and the staff team, and I 100% agree that that is pathetic and unacceptable. You are a volunteer, like every other staff on the server, and how the players hate on volunteers is extremely wrong and it is depressing to see all of those hate speeches. It is disgusting. It is awful. The people that send those messages have not thought how the volunteers are going to feel when they see it. It is working for something yet not being appreciated. The current situation is absolutely ridiculous and it is not particularly anyone's fault...
However, why has this escalated to the point that I and many others are having to type tremendous amount of anger in this? It is just misunderstanding.
The staff probably had rightful reasons to ban people, and I still have faith in them. However, we are not provided of any information whatsoever about our banned past friends. "None of anybody's business." It might not be our business to break the wall of privacy, but those none of your business things make us unable to judge correctly, because staff are blocking every possible information out of our hands. How are we supposed to make judgements if we are only given one side of the argument? In truth, nobody but the staff and the appealer knows why they were banned, and it feels like all the toxicity bans in the server were unjustified. No wonder why. Then, you say you are the victim of this, but who are the true victims?
It is the community. It is the average player. It is the server. No one knows anything. What causes hate is the concealing of information by the staff. We often don't make biased judgements because we want to, but because we are forced to.
How would we know anything when you say;
We are misunderstanding each other. Even though we love each other, a cold wall of misunderstanding seperates us.
I'm not trying to criticize anyone on their past. Please give us information. I believe that this is the only way for everyone to get satisfied. And if you consider this toxicity then please remove this post.
I hope you take this into consideration and have a great rest of your holidaysGroovyGrevous, qazini, MoonlitMadness and 2 others like this. -
MoonlitMadness, GroovyGrevous, SpongeyStar and 1 other person like this.
shains, PegasusFirestar, metr0n0me and 1 other person like this.