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Best Posts

  1. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    You probably all know that my 3 day temp-ban was recently changed to a perm-ban. I do not care, nor will I ever. I've sealed my legacy, people know my name and DancingCactus got what he wanted. I do not care what happens to Meepcraft from here on out, the server will fall soon and I will laugh. I will go on Teamspeak occasionally to talk to some friends, but will not interact in-game on any account besides ones that you're too stupid to figure out.

    May 13th, 2012 - June 13th, 2014

    25th month anniversary, legacy completed, legacy remembered, server fallen.
    2leah2, Enron, zsuzsu1 and 33 others like this.
  2. j32400

    j32400 Popular Meeper

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    [NOTICE]: I am a Christian, so I am specifically talking to other religious people who might be reading this. So if you are an atheist that is fine, but be warned.

    Quite frankly I think that gay/lesbian relationships are wrong. Plain and simple, wrong. But at the same time, America is on a decline, fueled by political correctness, and any who should dare stand in the way of political correctness are in for a hell of a time. That being said Gay rights laws WILL BE PASSED. There's no way to stop it. (well, there is, but it's not easy and no one is taking any action to do so) However, I do not have anything against gays. They are sinners just like anyone else. Just like me and you. But, what drives me CRAZY is the fact that you can't just accept them, in today's society, you have to AGREE with them, or you get in all kinds of trouble. And I will accept gay people any day. I will have them in my church, I will sit next to them in the pew, no problem. But the fact that if I claimed what they were doing was wrong I would be in trouble!? In my opinion America has come to the point where the slightest thing hurts people's feelings, and that they can't tolerate getting their feelings hurt. That is all. I'm not getting into any arguments, because ultimately, I will change no one's opinion.
  3. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    I'm a hospital pharmacist and I like eating chicken.
  4. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    Edit: This post is now 64 days old and I am so depressed at how prophetic it was. In retrospect, why do I perceive so much “virtue signaling” in the replies? Is it just me?

    TL ; DR - I am sad.

    Given how many times I have seen posts like these I am very tempted to just delete this and give up like I did in the past. If you have something to add, please do so, trolling or not. The opinions of those who read this are the most important for THEY are the veterans and the loyalists.

    The rhetoric discussing the current state of this server should be addressed sooner rather than later. The current trajectory is bleak and it needs to change. Someone needs to step forward and show leadership by providing us a vision for Meepcrafts’ future while at the same time actually acknowledging mistakes made in the past to foster trust with what is left of the community.

    Stop deleting opinions you dislike on discord and address them instead. If you can’t develop a reasonable response that others will blatantly agree with, perhaps the person talking is onto a subject that actually merits time and thought. If they are a moron, the response should be a no-brainer, supposing it even needs a response.

    Deleting messages on the other hand undermines staff as a whole as it serves to validate claims of bias, favoritism, and hypocritical censorship. That whole deletion of “trailing dislikes” a few weeks back is a great example. It can also be taken as evidence that some are well aware of the reality, are upset by it, but then decide to pretend it isn’t an issue, fabricate another reality, and feed it to us as the truth. It is unfair to the hardworking staff that actually put in the effort to operate appropriately and according to the actual stated rules. People notice, it affects the community negatively, you should do better.

    It is quite unsettling to see assumptions, affirmations, and lazy excuses nonchalantly handed down and parroted as facts. A great example being “it’s finals week” in response to the player count hovering in single digits.

    Why not survey the community? Topics like: their feelings about staff, why they quit, or what needs to change. Simply asking seems to be a logical thing to do when addressing the exodus of the community…
    Also when I say "the community" I don't mean a town hall meeting on discord, that is a very specific subset of players that in no way accurately represents the community as a whole. Too much damage may have been done to accomplish this now but trying is certainly the better option.

    So far we've got a single survey about the tutorial that didn’t even have proper words in the available responses. Invaluable or Valuable? Who honestly expected to get meaningful feedback from that survey? So many new players who have a bad experience will never fill it out because they are either gone or will never make a forum account. You are sitting on a data set made up of veteran players’ opinions about the “new” player experience… TF? I couldn't even fill out that survey, not just because of the grammar issues but because I don't remember what issues I had "starting off" seven years ago...

    Saying “it will be better soon” without providing concrete details is no better than an airline pilot telling you to use the oxygen mask as you fall like a brick into the mountainside. We have windows.

    This isn’t a multi-million dollar game company, there need not be secret projects, it might sound awesome to those working on them but to me it is just more of the same rhetoric with a bit of staff elitism thrown in.

    The projects are for the community yet you leave them in the dark until the very last moment and rarely consult them about said projects? Seems a bit backwards to be honest. Had people known that hundreds of hours of work would go into extreme only for it to be left to decay three months later with no acknowledgement of the mistakes made, I am sure they would have voted the effort to go elsewhere.

    I imagine the reason so many “projects” are kept secret is because the administrators don’t wish to be hassled about timelines and held accountable for broken promises. I submit that that is the problem in itself. Those making the decisions need to take accountability for their actions and mistakes. They also need to be transparent about them. It would be a lot healthier to tell the community why something is behind or shelved than to leave them in the dark for months while leading them with a carrot on a stick.

    Players need to know the server is on a path and what the path looks like. That means solid information and timetables. If this isn’t provided then players and the community become hopeless. Sound familiar?

    The lack of players isn’t a result of skyblock spawners existing or not existing nor is it based on the quality of the jobs plugin. “Revamping” the tutorial or adding a parkour map won’t do anything to retain players either. If you honestly think that player count is tied to such specific aspects of the server than you have your head deep in the sand.

    Long term, players log on because they look forward to playing with friends and participating in what they perceive to be a great community. That community needs to be nurtured, cared for, and respected. Players need to feel that the people making decisions value the community and the prosperity of the server more than personal image and pride. I hate how much this mirrors American politics at the moment, it is sad that the two are comparable.

    The player count had grown during the launch of extreme because people either heard or got a glimpse of the community starting to blossom again and they wanted to join in. After all, nearly all of us do want to see it blossom again, very much so.

    Unfortunately, this time around the blossom was watered with Brawndo.

    As has happened in the past, pride, bias, lies, special treatment, vague rules, and inconsistent management/moderation lead to large core chunks of the community leaving, which in turn discouraged others from logging on for any sustained period of time.

    Only a select few people enjoy playing Meepcraft alone and if at all possible they should not be tasked with solely deciding its future as their perspective is typically incompatible with the idea “community focused”.

    I implore you(administrators) to take a step back and rethink several things and try to extract some wisdom from the Extreme launch, KitPvP and the subsequent events before you just drop more things into Meepcraft. Simply adding skyblock won’t do anything if you don’t address the systemic issues at the top first. It will only result in another few years of the staff team wasting their real lives putting bandaids over broken legs.

    It really won’t make a difference how much effort the staff team puts into specific projects if leadership continues the pattern of ignoring, silencing, mistreating, lying, disrespecting, misinforming, and failing to care for the single most important aspect of the server: the community.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
  5. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Hello all, tonight marks the beginning of the takedown of MN, with everyone being OPed, and cruelty being taken down. With this I say thanks to the thousands I've seen come and go. This includes many of the original staff members who brought it all together: fuzzlr, Deinen0, Cooleysworld, Onis, reggles44, Skaros123, Soudafat, savvvy420, TheJohnseyClutch, nasapc123 and myself.

    "Have faith in what MeepCraft can be, not what it is, even if it's not always the best."

    Hope to see you again in this next year!

    fuzzlr fuzzlr fuzzlr
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
  6. PuppyChuppy

    PuppyChuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): PuppyChuppy
    When you were banned: Don't remember.
    Reason: Chargeback.
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: CONSOLE
    Why we should consider your appeal: To be honest, I don't think this appeal will pass without any money requirement/Fee. But I'll explain myself. See, there was a guy a few months back named "OwenEvan" he was in my town. He was offline for more than a month. Then he comes back and all of a sudden he's getting more active. getting rich. within a few weeks, he was 10x richer than me. He even made it to /baltop. Anyways. He would upgrade his rank. Slowly exlusive, elite, supreme and then.. ultimate. I was very jealous. So jealous I didn't even talk to him for a couple of days. Then one day he says it's his birthday and he has money etc. I say that's cool and make a ":/" face. So after a bit, he says "Puppy look at shout" Those aren't the exact words, but same meaning. Then it says Puppy has been promoted to ultimate or something. Basically it means I bought ultimate. think again, I didn't. I said to owen "what...!?" and he says I bought you ultimate. I knew there was something fishy going on, and I told him is he going to chargeback.. He says no, and he told me he used his parents Paypal without their permission. I already knew what was gonna happen. He was banned some time after. But I wasn't. Many months passed by, I thought maybe it doesn't count? But then, As my "appeal" for macro usage was accepted I did /suicide. Respawned and was banned for charge back. At that time, I raged. Even had a couple of suicide thoughts. It took so long to get unbanned for macro thing and this. Wow. Then I thought about the $20 fee. Even more stress. I wasn't talking to anyone in my household for a day. Just constant regret. All the time on meep. I used my money to buy others ranks for in-game money. My mom always used to say "You're wasting money on games". I'm fearing the day she asks me where all that money went, why won't you play the game you put so much money on? I bought all my ranks untill supreme. Ultimate was a surprise. I did not ask owenevan if he can buy me it. Nothing. The admins say that it's your fault because you trusted the person. I didn't ask him to. I miss my friends. I miss stevecrazy, cascade1324 and my town. I'd like to come back to meep... Please forgive me. :(
  7. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest

    IGN (In-Game Name): qawsedrf1835/alvarezbobby9
    Date/Time: approx. 2450 3/30/2014
    Reason: Initiated PayPal chargeback on delivered goods
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Console
    Why we should consider your appeal: Here we go.
    Recently, a rank was bought for me by @Ghetto_kiwi, VIP-Premium. I have NO solid evidence because I was given it without charge. There may be convo. logs in our skyblock. At some point he did /shout confirmation that he bought it for me.

    What I can do however, is try to explain why one would do this. He was ranked a citizen 2 weeks ago, and he bought all the way up to Supreme. He bought me a rank and @blackphantom2216 a rank.
    He was recently banned for "illegal mod use" or something along that line. If I spent $100+ plus and got banned, (which has happened) I would want my money back as well. I was friendly with him, and if he does show up again, will continue to be friendly with him. I can understand why someone would do this.
    Unfortunately though, I was a part of it.

    Due to my lack of proof, I must sum up with this.
    I am not asking for any exceptions to the rules regarding "paying back" the server, but I would like you all to consider the amount of time I have spent on here, building up my reputation, spending money on others (Keep in mind, I was a "Certified Rank Seller" at one point), and overall, enjoying this server in times of stress and hardships.

    Also, I came on with my alt/brother's account afterwards. Please do not add on to my already infinite sentence because of this. I explained my predicament to a friend and then immediately asked @shainthewolfman to ban that account, as to not create temptation for myself.

    Thank you for considering my appeal.
    I hope this does not dampen your view of me as a person/player.
