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Best Posts in Forum: Debates

  1. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    For years, people have argued about the types of rights LGBTQA+ people get. Some people are die hard supporters, and other people are seated to their beliefs that homosexuality is wrong and immoral. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and beliefs, so determining the future of these rights is difficult.

    In some countries, being gay means losing your friends. In other countries, being gay means losing your life. Many LGBTQ teens around the globe have been bullied and have had their rights teared apart. Some countries will hold public executions for people who have participated in gay sex. Other countries might throw you in jail at the mere assumption that you are gay. People in the LGBTQ community go through a lot in their lives; being ridiculed, harassed, fired from work, kicked out of buildings, beaten, disowned by family, and sometimes even murdered. Let us remember that history is destined to repeat itself, and that LGBTQ people are not the only people in history to have gone through tough times. Should we consider LGBTQ rights as part genuine civil rights? Or should we continue to discriminate against those whose rights have been taken from them?

    I believe being gay is innate, and not a choice. Studies have shown being gay is caused the same way people become left handed. In fact, lesbians are x2 more likely to be left handed than straight women. I can go on and on and on about the biology behind homosexuality, but that's not important. What is important is the love that two consenting adults share with each other. The reason LGBTQ people are so discriminated against is because of the lack of desire for change. People hate what they cannot understand. They don't know what it's actually like to be gay, and they mock those who are simply because of their differences. Even if being gay was a choice, what happens in the bedroom is none of your business.

    There's those who want to ban gay marriages because of their own religious beliefs. Well, let me tell you something. Equal rights are not to be voted on. Allowing gay marriages doesn't make people conform against your beliefs. Allowing gay marriage vindicates the right of all faiths to freely exercise their religious practices. Many Native American tribes have allowed same-sex marriages. Their belief was that the man and woman exists within everyone, and same-sex marriages are no different than opposite-sex marriages. Love is love, and that's all there is to it.

    Why is it more socially acceptable to be 16 and pregnant than it is to be gay? It seems as if people worry more about LGBT than they do about the real problems of the world. People are throwing millions and millions of dollars to taking away the rights of gay people, and they forget about the real issues. Problems like poverty, famine, disease, and violence are practically pushed aside while big organizations fight to protect "the sanctity of marriage". Why are people able to get married to a hooker, drunk, in Las Vegas by a guy dressed as Elvis and then get a divorce 4 hours later, but not be allowed to get married if they're gay? There's gay people with stronger, more loyal relationships than some of the marriages that are legal. According to the government, two straight people who hate each other have more of a right to get married than two gay people who love each other.

    It wasn't until 2010 that gays were allowed to join the military in the USA. 2010... just imagine that. After 17 years of "Don't Ask Don't Tell", gays were not allowed to fight for their own country. They were not allowed to fight to save the liberty that you all take for granted. There was someone in the military who was gay, and admitted to being gay after he risked his life over seas to fight for our freedom. His confessional was video taped and played in front of a group of GOP members. They responded by "booing" him. What were they booing? Were they booing the fact that he lied to fight for his country? Or were the booing the mere fact that he was gay?

    The state of Mississippi recently passed a law saying that owners of a business reserve the right to not serve people based on one's religious beliefs. This law was specifically directed against gay people, meaning it is now legal in that state to throw someone out of your business if they are gay. History is indeed destined to repeat itself. Americans have fought for the right for people to be allowed to walk into a store without fear of discrimination. Now, it seems as if some people with power feel as if discrimination should be allowed to take place, so long as it is for "religious freedom". But how far does religious freedom take us? Are we allowed to practice whatever we want in church and respect other people's differences? Or, are we allowed to infringe on the rights of others in order to justify our own beliefs? It seems as if the state of Mississippi has chosen the latter. Take a moment to reflect on how far your religious liberty can go, and think about the religious freedom of others and how you must co-exist with them. Humanity can never progress if we are all divided.

    Love sees no gender. That is why I, Skaros123, want to same liberty and rights as everyone else. I'm not a second class citizen, and I do not want to be treated as such. I want to experience what it's like to not live in fear of rejection and humiliation. I look for the day when people will no longer have to come out of the closet, when being gay is socially accepted and everyone can learn to live in peace. I want to get married and find the husband to cares about me most deeply. Someone who will be there for me when I'm alone, to give me a hand when I'm down. Marriage isn't about sex and procreation, it is about love and forever commitment till death do us part. I am thankful to live in a place where same-sex marriage is legal, and rights are given to people who like the same-sex. I hope you will tolerate me, the way I was born, the same way I will tolerate your beliefs.

    Love conquers hate. Support equality, and be proud to love.
  2. SJP

    SJP spicy jalapeno pepper Elder

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    Before creating a new thread or posting on threads in this forum, please keep in mind a few rules:

    • Keep debates clean and orderly. Spam posts will be deleted and warnings will be dealt.
    • Be mature.
    • If a thread discomforts you, don't view the thread.
    • Threads and arguments should use logic and reason.
    • Fun debates are allowed. http://www.debate.org/ has a very nice set up for debates and events.
    • Do NOT rant or flame players on debate threads. This is not the forum to do so.
    • Do NOT create 'troll' threads.
    Edit (6/6/2014)
    Warnings will begin to be dealt to posts and threads which break these rules.
    If you end up with enough warnings, a forum ban will be applied to your account.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2014
  3. j32400

    j32400 Popular Meeper

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    [NOTICE]: I am a Christian, so I am specifically talking to other religious people who might be reading this. So if you are an atheist that is fine, but be warned.

    Quite frankly I think that gay/lesbian relationships are wrong. Plain and simple, wrong. But at the same time, America is on a decline, fueled by political correctness, and any who should dare stand in the way of political correctness are in for a hell of a time. That being said Gay rights laws WILL BE PASSED. There's no way to stop it. (well, there is, but it's not easy and no one is taking any action to do so) However, I do not have anything against gays. They are sinners just like anyone else. Just like me and you. But, what drives me CRAZY is the fact that you can't just accept them, in today's society, you have to AGREE with them, or you get in all kinds of trouble. And I will accept gay people any day. I will have them in my church, I will sit next to them in the pew, no problem. But the fact that if I claimed what they were doing was wrong I would be in trouble!? In my opinion America has come to the point where the slightest thing hurts people's feelings, and that they can't tolerate getting their feelings hurt. That is all. I'm not getting into any arguments, because ultimately, I will change no one's opinion.
  4. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Whew, good thing they didn't notice my spawned in money.
    Enron, Shellcode, SuperDyl and 27 others like this.
  5. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    In absolute seriousness, it is time to put this to rest.
    As said in the other thread, there was no bribe, the rules were not changed in his favor, and he was rebanned after the miscommunication. End of story.
    I'd highly suggest working towards determining sarcasm in good humor from actual information. The idea of no one being with me while I gather materials stems from conversations in my town chat.

    I maintain my balance, town, and administration position for one reason, and one reason only: It's fun. Forgive me for any perceived abrasiveness in regards to this, but I have worked day in and day out on this server. Personally, I have logged on every single day for the previous two years. . . every single day. . . to some platform of the server, the only days I've missed being in-game directly are those when the server was down for the 2017 reset. In this two years, I have tried my absolute best to improve the server. Granted, I have made mistakes along the way; it's all part of it. As of my writing of this, I have completed several thousand modreqs, participated in the creation of more than thirty editions of the Meeptimes, written the outlines for dozens of projects around the server, attended all but two staff meetings, been present at every single interview save for one, written dozens of suggestions, overseen many projects from start to finish; such as tutorial; Halo's new spawn and map updates; the new towny spawn; and more, and above all tried to make playing on Meepcraft an enjoyable experience. This isn't a list to brag about myself. It's just an example of what one person on this staff team puts into trying to make it enjoyable to play on. Not to mention, this is a volunteer staff team. There are absolutely zero rewards for any member of the staff team, and we intend to keep it that way. At the end of the day, it has always been about giving back to the server, and making it a pleasure for everyone else.

    It is far from easy to find the balance in being a member of the staff team and also a player. First and foremost, I remain as a player as well as a staff member. In my experience, the best way to decide on what works best for the server is to play it for yourself. Every step of the way, the struggles anyone in the community has have also been mine. When we went through the 2017 reset, I lost hundreds of hours of work, and the deep memories of the experiences I had within it right along with everyone else. I grinded with my friends mining in mesas for gold in order to found our first town. We laughed and cried together when weather was re-enabled unexpectedly and our beautifully paved roads were buried in a blizzard. Drilling away underground, I mined up the iron, diamonds, redstone, and more to build with. Every cent of my balance has been earned the same as everyone else. Voting, grinding jobs, playing minigames, completing quests, selling items, building machines, and all the rest sound familiar? Regarding my shop, I gather every single item myself, whether by creating it or purchasing it from others. As a result, my stock runs low sometimes, and things run out. All part of it. Towns like Legend don't happen overnight. Here's a picture of my town's land when we first settled it:
    Working for the previous year, many players right here on this server built their town together to live in. It's taken months upon months of work, but here's how it's come:
    All done by hand. The game is supposed to be fun, so why shouldn't it be fun to do things?

    All in all, this thread is a disrespect to hundreds of thousands of hours put into this server by a volunteer staff team that only wants things to be fun. Granted there are issues, but aren't there always with any group of people? Simpy give it a rest. The more time that has to be put into dealing with inanity, the less gets put into making the server better for all of us.
  6. IGotBored

    IGotBored Celebrity Meeper

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    cooey, iKitten, jadenPete and 25 others like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    HAVE YOU HEARD HIM TALK?!?!?!?!?!?!?



    If you vote for him, you need to leave America, please.

    Now, go



    (Political Background: Registered Republican for the past two elections, voted for Ron Paul. Voting this go around for Bernie Sanders. Both men have lived the lifestyle they espouse to the public)
  8. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Best: I think all of the retired staff! All who gave so much time to the server and the community. They got up every day and regardless how they were treated and regardless of the time they lost in game actually playing the game they still gave all to a server and Community they loved as volunteers.

    "Volunteers are not paid --- not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless"

    Worse: All of the ex-staff members that became staff for just the title of staff! Also for those who forgot that Staff are also members of the community.

    "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success"[/B][/B]
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    There is a clear lack of Deinen0 on the worst staff spot, please rectify, thanks.
  10. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Well, the time and place is when your kid is hungry.
  11. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Thing is, the Bible condemns divorce and says if a couple is to divorce then the woman is to be executed. If you live too strictly by the Bible, then you're falling into a pretty steep hole. It's heart breaking to see a divorce, but does that mean I want to start chucking stones at the woman? No.

    The reason society has become so accepting of many practices is because we have learned the old methods of punishment are cruel and unnecessary. Jesus spoke out against religions that don't progress with time.
    Last edited: May 21, 2015
    Adrian, fasehed, Cherrykit and 21 others like this.
  12. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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  13. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    He is Transjenner
    Burritoh, JumboAce, Muunkee and 21 others like this.
  14. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    It's silly
    surely having this month dedicated to gays contradicts their equality beliefs

    try having people have a straight month then see what happens
    iKitten, jadenPete, SuperDyl and 20 others like this.
  15. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Caitlin Jenner winning woman of the year proves that men are better at everything, including being women.
    Burritoh, Trexy, fasehed and 19 others like this.
  16. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Faith doesn't cause those things; it's used to justify them, and while faith may not help you physically, it can provide you mental and emotional support. How do words like "Love your neighbor as yourself" cause war? How do words like “Give generously to the poor and do so without a grudging heart" cause poverty? On of the five central pillars of the Muslim faith is giving at least 2.5% of your annual income to the less fortunate. It isn't in religion where evil lies; it is in people.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    qazini, Math_Pro, SuperDyl and 18 others like this.
  18. Courtneyyy

    Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder

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    So this topic has always been something that has been under fire for a long time and I never really had an opinion about it until today, today changed it all. At my job one of my positions is called Mickey Merge that's where the fastpass line and the standby line well merge. I had this lady she was about 25 her child started screaming cause well she was hungry and her mom, I could tell she was getting super upset and trying to do everything she can to calm her down. She asked me if she could step out and feed her and then come back through, I told her of course but I also told her that she didn't have to she could do it right here. So she plopped down right next to me whipped out her breast and fed her baby, the amount of disgusted looks I saw people making at her were SO horrible and I was ready to defend her the second someone decided if they wanted to make a comment about it. She had nothing I mean she kept her shirt down but she was literally next in line to see Mickey Mouse and her child was hungry! Under federal law she is allowed to do it where ever she sees fit. Do you agree with that? Do you think it should be allowed? Do you think its gross? Would you stand up for someone if someone else was being rude about it to a mother?
    Last edited: May 29, 2016
  19. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

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    that's what boobs are for and I don't believe people should be shamed for using them. there's commercials and huge posters and bulletin boards with boobs on them to sell products in almost every public setting and nobody minds then, so if u have a problem with breastfeeding in public you're cordially invited to physically fight me
  20. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    What a wise decision MrsMegan.