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Best Posts in Forum: Denied

  1. Old_Pink

    Old_Pink Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hornemans plagiarized a decent sized portion of his application from two different sources. For example:

    From http://www.support4change.com/index...catid=51:poems-to-express-yourself&Itemid=207: "But just who am I?," you ask. "How can I describe myself? I experience the world and my place in it through all of my senses. I see, hear, feel, touch, smell, and taste something every day. I have hope and desires, worries and certainties. How can I put all that together and say 'I am this' or 'I am that?' "

    From http://www.askamanager.org/2014/08/open-thread-august-8-2014.html: In addition to being flexible and responsive, I’m also a fanatic for details – particularly when it comes to presentation. One of my recent projects involved coordinating a 200-page grant proposal: I proofed and edited the narratives provided by the division head, formatted spreadsheets, and generally made sure every line was letter-perfect and that the entire finished product conformed to the specific guidelines of the RFP. (The result? A five-year, $1.5 million grant award.) I believe in applying this same level of attention to detail to tasks as visible as prepping the materials for a top-level meeting and as mundane as making sure the copier never runs out of paper.

    Hornemans almost completely copied these passages. He didn't even take the time to put it into his own words. Is this someone that we want to be a helper?

    (Bob4444444 and Worena_Ravenclaw originally found these cases of plagiarism, I'm not going to plagiarize their efforts ;), this thread is just to bring more attention to the issue and expose hornemans for who he is)

    @Hornemans, anything to say?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
  2. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

    Likes Received:
  3. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    The ironic thing about this post is that you're copying another post by Skaros on a thread about plagiarism...
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:
    You have been a longtime member of this great server, a driving force in the separation from MN, and a solid member and leader of the staff team on MN and when the separation occurred!
    You have always been a great voice on the server and always able to gain community support regardless of position, rank, or even side you take on any suggestion, topic etc. Many years ago when I met Bill Ford he told me that I could sell Ice to an eskimo, and I feel the same way about you! (That’s a good thing) I wish I had you on my DECA debate team in high school because I honestly believe any argument and regardless of side you have the golden tongue and would come out on top!
    That being said! You know based on conversations we have often that I respect you and hope to see you back on the team, adding strength to parts of the staff team that you excel in.
    I take the positives you brought to this server and this staff team in consideration when you returned after your first resignation. I took those into consideration when the staff chat zips were shared; I took those into consideration when the Gold Block situation happened making one of the biggest cases we have ever had. Your perm ban regarding that was less than a month long, so many have done far less and been banned far longer, I personally fought the gold block case telling staff “no he did not do that” telling them they had to be legit, based on conversations I had with you where I asked you to just tell me the truth and you at that time were not honest. Followed by the alt removing all the money Lakewood the day of your ban, leaving the town you build and love at a huge risk of being wiped (this was done by your daughter) who is no longer on the server .
    I think your recent actions with Lakewood and building your town back to greatness is a huge step in the right direction! The training system you have been working on with new players to the server and the fireworks for the benefit of the server’s community is also another great step in the right direction. I still consider you a great online friend and respect the ideas you have shared with me and just the back and forth banter we share. But I do think a bit more time is needed, and even though you have a lot of +1’s from the community and some of the staff you need to keep doing the positive things you do and show everyone that past mistakes can be turned into a stronger tomorrow. I will not mention names but even on staff today there are people who in the past have done terrible things on this server and with in-game actions, in-game help, in-game banter have risen above it all and become great again!
    Application (currently) declined, please keep moving ahead and re-apply in the future! I hope this does not change anything between us; I do enjoy the online friendship and banters we share.
  5. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

    Likes Received:
  6. Alien_Venom

    Alien_Venom Popular Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:

    Active - Check
    Good at Job - Check
    Australian - Double Check

    hippapajo, Uiopy1, liam1910 and 25 others like this.
  7. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Member Name VKL_ReWinDzz

    Additional In Game Names: none

    How old are you? 21

    Location: New Jersey, USA

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 8-9

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 7-8

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Kling

    When did you join Meepcraft? May 13th, 2012

    Introduction: Hello I'm sure most of you already know me and don't need this introduction at all, but there's a few who don't so I'll try my best to let you guys get a feel for who I am. I joined Meepcraft about 8 years ago. I've been around for probably 90% of that time and throughout my time here there have been plenty of ups and downs. I've seen this server through it's highest point and I've stuck around when it was at it's lowest. This server has tremendous meaning to me and I think it's made me a better person as time goes on. When it comes to Meepcraft I usually like to play towny exclusively, but of course with the occasional minigame trips here and there. Since the new extreme world has come out I've spent many hours enjoying that with my friends while creating our town. In my outside life I like to play basketball and football as hobbies and I enjoy playing video games on my PS4 and chilling with my friends. I don't currently attend college, but I'll probably be looking to go to a trade school. I'll be 22 in July and I hope that gave you guys at least a small idea of who I am and what I like to do in and outside of Meepcraft.

    Why should you be Helper? I believe I'd be a great fit for the Helper role mainly because of my experience, knowledge and activeness on this server. I've been around longer than 95% of the current players and i've been studying the same set of rules for around 8 years and I could be a great help to the many new players that need help figuring out how the new Extreme world works and everything in general all around the server. Although my history is long and cringeworthy I have put all of that behind me and am moving on in life. With my history comes a lot of cons, but also some pros. One being my familiarity with the rules of course, but I understand the example and role a staff member plays and the impact they have on the server. I can set a good example for people to follow in becoming better people themselves and I'm fairly certain I have the staff member mindset when it comes to hard work and determination. I've seen Meepcraft at it's very low and I've always wanted to somehow try and bring the server even 15% of the way back to where it was a couple years ago. While some might not see me as a fit staff member I'd love to prove the doubters wrong and show you all that I'm capable of being a hardworking, determined staff member that can keep Meepcraft a friendly place to play but also a safe one where you won't be treated poorly. I've always wanted to be a staff member and I'm not going to disappoint if given the opportunity.

    What are your weaknesses? Maturity is definitely going to be seen as a weakness by many for me and I'll be the first to agree and say that I'm not the most mature person on the server, but I am capable of being mature and can handle myself very professionally when needed. This is not an excuse for my behaviour on the server that some of you have seen, but I think it adds that non-bland personality to the staff that meepcraft needs and i think would enjoy fairly well. Sure I can be immature at times around friends, but who doesn't joke around at least a little? Hopefully you guys can see me as a nice young adult who is learning to better himself and find a perfect balance in life.

    toxicity could be a weakness, but i'm limiting the toxicity to a minimal on meepcraft this time around and I will prove to all that I'm worthy of being a staff member on this server

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: i'd appreciate if you took the time to leave feedback and criticism that you may find useful for me. hit my private messages if you would like to leave your comment off the application.

  8. JumboAce

    JumboAce Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: JumboAce
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: JumboAce
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 13
    Timezone: EST
    Hours online per weekday: 2-3
    Hours online per weekend: 5-7
    Position Changes: Helper to Moderator


    Hello, I’m JumboAce, more commonly referred to as Jumbo. As of today I have been playing on MeepCraft for over 26 months, and have spent time as a helper for a little over a month. I recall the day I was messaged in-game about my interview and Bob4444444 and Flamedemond2 telling me to get on TS. I've never excelled in Oral Presentations but I put my heart into it, because I really wanted the position. The interview process really brought out a quality I never knew I possessed. I believe I have spent a sufficient amount of time as a Helper, thus I’m hoping to step-up and improve my services.

    Why you should be a Mod?

    As I said in the intro, I want to become a moderator because of the increased capabilities, and to make my work more productive. With the commands that mod gets, such as /god and /v, I will be able to monitor PvP in a much easier way. Being an avid PvPer and ex-Helper on multiple factions servers, I have extensive PvP knowledge and I'm able to confidently identify a hacker. With the new commands/responsibilities, I assure you I will excel at what I do and bring something new to the table. I’m constantly helping around in messages, shout, and all other platforms and forms of chat on MeepCraft, however there’s so much a Helper can do. My modreq count speaks for itself. I've managed to to complete over 500 (before and after reset) modreqs while having a Quality > Quantity mindset. I’ve said it in my Helper App, so I’m going to say it again; it’s the player that needs to be satisfied, not your ego. One of the many privileges a Mod receives is being able to be present at Helper interviews. I believe I’d ask great questions and answer any questions. Additionally, my main priority is helping rather than playing the game. I signed up for it, so I should be committed to it, and I am. I’m a very active and efficient working Helper I’m looking to step things up and broaden my horizons.

    Chat Moderation:

    I have been a contributing member of the server from day one. I have made it my duty to help the people around me to the best of my ability, and utilize my permissions to their fullest. I keep an eye on chat, and I’m frequently kicking any people in /shout violating a rule (Swearing, Sexual Content, Drug References, etc…). While moderating shout is a good thing, participating in appropriate shout conversations and getting more involved with the community is also good. I also acknowledge when a conversation crosses the line and needs to be ended, and I often end inappropriate conversations swiftly so neither party gets offended.


    My dedication to this server is very unique and uncommon. For over 26 months, I have tirelessly tried to help people, improving their game play by whatever means necessary. MeepCraft has provided a home for me, so I try to make it a secure home for another player. I’ve been with MeepCraft through thick and thin and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it. I will try to my fullest capabilities to make maintain a friendly environment on the server, and because I am so dedicated towards the server, I find myself putting MeepCraft staff work over other important in-game and real life tasks.

    Work Ethic:

    I’m not one to quit, especially on a tough modreq. If I ever get into any situations I can’t handle, I request help from another member of staff, or simply unclaim the modreq. My goal is to help the player, and I won’t achieve that by completing their modreq without an answer. In the amount of time I’ve been a Helper, I’ve completed over 500 modreqs, meaning I’ve dealt with a wide array of situations. As a Mod, I’ll be able to accomplish even more than what I have.


    This has always been a key aspect for me. I’ve had the Moderator position three times before, I was a SuperMod about a week before MN, and an OP'd Officer during MN, and I’ve done an exceptional job. I always exceeded expectations, and most importantly, helped out newer staff. I can certainly handle the responsibility as I have before. I know the appropriate times to issue a perm ban, to delete a forum post, and many others. When I joined the new staff team, things had changed and I adapted very quickly. I almost mastered hawkeye in 3 days, and completed 170+ modreqs in my first week.


    I have made it one of my biggest priorities to communicate with MeepCraft citizens on all platforms. To me, communication is an essential part of being staff. On Team Speak, I assist and guide many players and explain bans to players. For instance, there was a player on team speak who needed some clarification on his ban. I explained to him what hawkeye was, and how it logged him “griefing” and the player understood. Other than “helping”, getting more involved with the community is big! Especially having friendly discussions, as there is many new people to meet and friends to make on TS.


    Experience – I’ve had the position before, therefore I know the ropes. I’m aware of the appropriate instances to issue a permanent ban, and I’m capable of using the Moderator permissions to their fullest potential and overall benefit the server.

    Activity – I believe I am very active on all MeepCraft platforms. Whether it be Team Speak, in-game, or Forums, I am most likely on one of them therefore I can easily be contacted. I’m almost always available to players, therefore I’d like to increase my capabilities to be able to assist and guide new players/Helpers with the promotion to Mod.


    Immaturity – This has always been, and in the meantime is an issue for me, because of my age, I am immature. I hope to improve on this by checking what I post. I think of the outcome and don’t act on impulse, but rather thought.

    Rudeness? - Not sure how I should have worded this but, I can come across as rude sometimes, and that usually happens when a player criticizes me. The majority of the time I tend to ignore it, but there are a few instances where I leave a comment. I’ve been improving on this by ignoring it and improving upon anything the player criticized.


    In conclusion, I believe I can be an even more valuable asset to the staff team as a Moderator. I’ve had the position three times before this, and I’ve learned and achieved a lot as a Helper so it’s time to step up. Thank you for reading. Constructive criticism and feedback is highly appreciated.
  9. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    Member Name SpongeyStar

    Additional In Game Names: Mnr_Major

    How old are you? 15

    Location: New Zealand

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 6+

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3+ (depends.)

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's 2004Grevous, LadyCassandra, ForteMizuki, Pepermint2939, Zoe89, xChaosZerox.

    When did you join Meepcraft? September 2014

    Introduction: Hey, my name is SpongeyStar. I’m a 15 year old girl from New Zealand. I enjoy playing Badminton and Basketball. I also watch quite a bit of Spongebob in my free time and play Minecraft. I am in my 11th year of school and I love to do computer programming and aim to become a software engineer when older (and can currently program in basic Python, HTML CSS, and a little of C++).

    Why should you be Helper? So as most of you know I was previously a Helper/Moderator on Meep. That was my second time as staff and I learnt so much on that run. I resigned because school was getting really busy and I wasn’t focusing on school work as much since I was busy on Meep. I also didn’t learn how to use my time wisely and ended up playing Meep right before I go to bed and even straight after I wake up, which means I didn’t get much of a good sleep. It may have not been long since I resigned but now, I have spread out my time efficiently and I’d love to join the team again.

    Experience: I learnt so much at my time as staff. My knowledge of prism has grown and I am more confident in catching and recording hackers. I can deal with griefing and other situations much better. Sometimes I felt as though I had a heavy load on my back, for example doing a hacking case with various alts who have been banned multiple times. I kept trugging on but if this ever becomes an issue I will ask for help.

    Activity: I have learnt to spread my time out. Currently, being the 2 week break, I can get in game more often than in school time. But even with school I will allocate at least an hour to moderate the server. Whenever I am in game I try to be as active as I can in shout and also help out if someone asks a question. As for forums, I am pretty much on it whenever I’m not in game. I’ll either be stalking someones profile, taking part in discussions or just browsing through.

    Dedication: I have been on this server since September 2014. Ever since, it has been a server I loved. Even if I forced myself to never come back, I wouldn’t hold it in. I come on at least every day to check on my town and how people are going. I try to think positive to get things done, and also think about the outcomes if I do get something done so I can keep myself motivated and stick to the task, not to slack off.

    Work Ethic: Whenever I help someone, it makes me feel very happy. Even when I receive a message saying ‘thank you’ or ‘it works, thanks for helping’ it brings a smile to my face. I could say I am quite diligent in class and always get my work done, and plan to do the same here.

    I have also only been banned once, for being afk in Infected.

    If time ever becomes an issue for me, I will always find a way and try not to leave the team. :)

    What are your weaknesses? I have come across a few weaknesses while I was staff previously.

    Patience: The majority of people I banned I didn’t actually think it through. I banned them too fast. For cases like griefing, some were very minor but I banned anyways. I should have talked to the player first to come at an agreement rather than just ban ban ban.

    Immaturity: I feel I’ve improved much on my maturity, however I do find times when I am around close friends I let myself lose and I will make sure this does not happen again because I do not want the community to feel they have immature staff.

    Teamspeak activity: I have addressed this issue multiple times, but a brief rundown is that my parents do not allow me to go on teamspeak (more or less they don’t know what it is) so I am limited as to when I can go on. However I try to get on and at least listen in.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: It was an absolute pleasure working on the team and I’d love to join back. Thank you for reviewing this application! :)
  10. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

    Likes Received:
    Member Name reggles44

    Additional In Game Names: FizzleMcDizzle

    How old are you? 20

    Location: New York

    Do you have Teamspeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you spend on Meepcraft? (average) 3-5

    Have you ever been a Tech on a different server? No

    References: Please give IGN's:

    Special References
    Toxic Fury

    Introduction: Hello, so most of you know me as Reggles44 but you may also call me Reginald. I am a Junior at Clarkson University pursuing a dual degree in Financial Analysis and Entrepreneurship. My experiences in Meep started back in late 2012 when I first joined as a citizen and started the town NorthWater. I played meep on and off for a number of years mostly coming back in the spring and early fall to reunite with friends and the community. Recently, I took a break from meep because of a mix of personal problems and dissatisfaction with situations within the staff team.

    Please describe your experience as a developer. As developer knowledge goes I have little experience compared to current and previous Meep developers such as Btilm305 and Dblosevn. Even so I have worked in the staff team for years on development and fixes which has given me a huge advantage in coding plugins for meep. As you might already be aware of I started coding for Meep mid-summer 2015 where I worked on a new Kitpvp plugin for Meep. As this was my first time creating a complete plugin for a minecraft server I needed assistance which Dblosevn graciously helped with. I later worked on updated to Kitpvp as well as bug fixes for Boomo followed by completely new plugins such as the Halloween 2015 Event, Staff Advertisements, and various other staff plugins which I don't think I can mention here. Overall, my experience with coding isn't top notch however my ability to translate ideas from the community and staff into reality is my most useful trait as a developer.

    What programming languages are you familiar with? I am capable with Java and Javascript, and can make due with PHP, Ruby and Python. Of Course I know Html and CSS but I'm not sure you would count those as languages.

    What are you most proud of as your work as a developer? The current kitpvp plugin is my best work for meep, even though I had a lot of help from Dblosevn on that project it was the most enjoyable and intensive plugin I have made.

    How do you plan to enrich the experience of MeepCraft with your development contributions? So after my brief time away I have seen a couple things which need to be addressed immediately. First, the mini games which aren't in use need to be scrapped and fresh ones need to be put in or started down the development process. Second, the old systems which were never really finished need to either be removed or reworked entirely (Stock market, pets, etc.) Finally, meep needs to redefine its market segment and create a user experience which can't be found elsewhere. At first we defined it as towny however that doesn't seem to be a place where people are interested which is why I suggest we move to a more survival based server where players can experience different types of survival and pvp, such as airship and the new survival mode. My role in all of this would be to facilitate the process in which ideas become reality for the server in either creating content which can be implemented or maintaining the server so others with more experience can create content.

    Do you have a GitHub account or personal website? If so, please provide the link(s) here. I have a GitHub account which I used while I was doing development when I was an admin. I'm also familiar with the beanstalk platform which Meep has moved to. I can provide a link to GitHub upon request but I don't think that would be necessary as Dblosevn already has access to all of my content.
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Deinen0
    Skype Username: Deinen0
    TS Username: Deinen0
    Mic Use: Yes
    Age: 29
    Timezone: EST
    Hours Online Per Week-day: At the moment 6+ daily
    Hours Online Per Weekend Day: At the moment 8+ daily
    Position Changes: To Helper

    Hello, you may know me as Deinen0, but my name is Matthew Sawyer. I am 29 years old and I am married with four wonderful children. I have had quite the full life growing up, and I am glad at this age I've found something to settle down with and enjoy. I have been on Meepcraft since March 2013, but due to circumstances wasn't able to settle down completely until April 14th, 2013. Since then I have discovered what a unique place and community Meepcraft is, and I am glad I've gotten to know some of the people I have here.

    There are a few reasons that I feel I would be qualified for the helper position on Meepcraft. I have in depth knowledge of the plugins needed to assist new players, or any players in general. I firmly believe in being an efficient, and effective helper. While providing players with accurate and lengthy assistance, which can be verified by anyone I've answered a modreq with, is very important; I believe time management is as well. If you have one modreq on hold for another reason, and you can do a 2nd modreq at efficiently at the same time, I do this. This alleviates the wait time for people with questions and needs, and helps reduce the modreq wait if there is one.

    When I come across a problem I do not have an answer for, there are several things I can and will do. Whether this is searching google to find a solution, asking higher staff, or those experienced with a situation, or taking time to experiment myself to solve a problem. Whether a player files a modreq, or asks me a question via forums, skype, or in /msg I will strive to resolve their issue in a quick, detailed, and pleasant way. This has been been demonstrated many times throughout my staff tenures, and I continue to strive to not ignore people. If you contact me on skype, mail me, or contact me in any way, I can promise that I will return to assist you as soon as I am back at the computer, or free to do so.

    As far as my knowledge in plugins, I can efficiently and effectively handle modreqs and their commands. I complete modreqs as fast as I can, while being thorough, including a mail sent if the user if offline on how to re-contact me for assistant, or to file another modreq. After modreq completion I automatically done it with a informative message to describe how the issue was handled. I am very familiar with hawkeye, and able to use it to accomplish anything needed to be done. From straight foward issues to being able to use round about ways to gather the information needed.

    As far as punitive measures go, I fully understand how extreme to go in order to accomplish the desired level of moderation. If the offense is extreme enough, I know when to ban and how long, vs kicking people when a ban is not warrented. I excel at quick replies to bans that I've issues, complete with evidence and a description of the isuse, as well as being available on forums, or on skype for the banned person to get a fair explanation of my actions. Being the person who developed the system for bans, and how they are handled on the forums, I understand very well how to use this system. The same applies for forum moderation, being the one who implemented the warning system I know in depth how and when it should be used.

    The biggest reason why I am qualified to be helper is that I am always open, and available, if you contact me I will contact you back. Sometimes this means in a few hours, or a day, but I will always get back to you. Aside from the availability, I pride myself in not only in helping someone as much as I possibly can, but during this time I want that person to leave with a smile, and satisfaction. I want the person to be glad they got me on their modreq, and feel they have been adequately helped in all their questions or problems.

    In conjunction with my strengths, I also have weaknesses. I can be an opinionated person on things. I will say something in a reasonable way if I disagree with something, however I am not stubborn to the point where I will not admit being wrong. At times I can be short with people who are pushing the line, in the way a stern father can be with their children. You love them, but you make well known there is a line, and where that line is.

    I have made one terrible mistake, in November I spawned in 10368 gold blocks. There is no justification to my actions, and any attempt to do so I feel will trivialize the issue. What I did was wrong, and I took the trust many gave me and ruined it. This is not a recurring attitude, or issue. I take very seriously what I have done, and have been open about it, deserving any anger that has been expressed at me. However, every action I had done before that, and after has been transparent, subject to peer review. I do not play Meepcraft any longer for any personal gain reasons any longer, instead dedicating all my time running Lakewood, and Woodhaven.

    In conclusion, I know I have brought extreme good and extreme bad to this server. I do not hide this, or am I ashamed of it, I am only a human. But I believe I bring enough experience, intelligence, and prior knowledge with me that I can be a benefit to the staff and server. This is what I will spent my time with, improving things to bring back some levity to the server.

    Thank you for the time you've spent reading this application.

    - Matt (Deinen0)
    SJP, CinnamonTiny, UMADBRO? and 22 others like this.
  12. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm currently slaving away writing a 10,000 word dissertation, taking great pains not to fall foul of plagiarism guidelines, and this guy does it on a helper app for a Minecraft server?

    Not gonna lie, best thing I read all day.
  13. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:

    You have no qualities of a staff member, you are an obvious troll, you look around the forums for people to pick on and then play victim. You are self absorbed, you do not care about others.... and will stop at nothing to get yourself more money. You can not keep calm when you feel "insulted", you just rage around the forums.

    You would abuse all aspects if you were promoted to be a staff member, and would not be helpful at all. You would be a disgrace to the staff, and rude to the community.

    So is this where I should put -1?

  14. Troddennewt

    Troddennewt Meeper

    Likes Received:
  15. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Stop applying. Every time you log on, your presence exudes a negative aura that follows you wherever you go. I've already had the extreme displeasure of dealing with your requests as a staff member, and I must say that you were one of the primary reasons I became jaded with the staff team. Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the way...

    You've become increasingly inactive since your last applications, which conveys a sense of hopelessness and desperation. Even more concerning is the fact that among the plethora of denied applications you've submitted, the comments people have left are basically the same, indicating that you never have changed.

    You're frequently dishonest about your dealings with other players (yes, I found this out during a dispute between two of the most unlikable players on the server, you and The_Unkown675). You constantly skirt the rules, creating semi-legal situations that you know you can never be banned for. To you, ethical practices aren't really a concern; as long as you stay unbanned, you're good.

    You withdrew 5 million meebles from bass_flow's town shortly after a rule change that decriminalized co-mayors withdrawing from towns. When I confronted you about this, you said that "it was a loan and I'll pay it back." Guess what? You never paid the money back. Huge surprise there. Your netherwart farm that you claimed players would "get rich from" caused players below LVL 50 Farmer to lose money. Guess who made the profits? Hmm, another huge surprise.

    Yeah, literally everyone can say this. By this logic, we can give everyone helper if they promise "I know I would be a great staff member." Or VKL_ReWinDzZ? Why do you "want one chance? Do you actually want to help people? Or do you simply want to use your position as helper for personal gain, and as a status symbol, as your track record shows. (Don't answer these rhetorical questions; everyone knows the answer already).

    LOL. You are the epitome of a smartass preteen (yeah, you haven't matured past that level yet) who makes pointless arguments for the hell of it. I don't really understand exactly why this is a strength, as you've proven time and time again that you are wrong in nearly every single argument you get into. Part of being an effective helper is being able to communicate with others in a firm yet respectful manner. You've demonstrated none of that.

    You hacked and then denied it. I don't really care if you hack--many people do. But the fact that you remain dishonest about it is an excellent example of the type of behavior we've come to expect from you.

    I won't even waste my time giving constructive criticism, because you've thrown the criticism on every single one of your previous applications in the trash.

    By the way, with your English, I don't know where you live. Maybe you get A's and B's in 6th grade level "honors" classes, but an 8th grader can definitely write better than you can. Alternately, perhaps you just didn't put any effort into writing your application, in which case nobody can expect you to give a damn about helping people.

    For the sake of my sanity, and the good of the server, never give this kid helper.
    asaerion, Bob4444444, TNT404 and 20 others like this.
  16. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name PeriHeika

    Additional In Game Names: odstman231, nicholascage121, BluChuPikaBoo

    How old are you? 16

    Location: U.S.A.

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2hr min.-6hr max. (per day)

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4hr min. -12hr max. (per day)

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's Hoeyz123, Muunnkkee, xMiku, MiaCorn, ForteMizuki, Dawn, oKLINGo, Historia, Lordusan, Duckeh_TheFox, Pepermint, Cooleysworld, _Peridonyx_, Silver01, Summrs, QueenTiitan, BlendyCat, Jadeypotato, Spyda6, 2004Grevous, Paincakexx1997, cooey3, MinyyMay, 2leah2

    When did you join Meepcraft? October 2015

    Introduction: My name is Morgan, and I live in the marshy swamps of the eastern coast with my mother, father, and three younger siblings. Together, my family is dedicated to BSA, the Roman Catholic Church, and tennis. We have many pets, including a dog, cats, bunnies, chickens, and ducks. I am the eldest of all my siblings. My brother is silly, my sister is very intelligent, and my littlest brother is extremely hyper.

    What makes me different from the rest of my family is my ability to play music. Being able to play instruments and sing is something no one else in my family can do. I am able to play the French horn, flute, and piano as well as being one of the most well accomplished altos in my county. I have participated in marching band for 3 years now, and the band is certainly one of the best things I've ever been a part of.

    Academically, I have a 3.4 GPA on average. I am not a mathematical person, but I excel in English and Biology related studies. I have had a love for animals since I was very little. I enjoy seeing the beauty in every living thing, whether it be a flatworm or a sea cucumber.

    As far as my Minecraft experience goes, I first started sticking to smaller servers of about 30 people. The first server I played on was a creative/towny mix, one of which I became an admin on. That server shut down, and so I moved on to a pure vanilla server that I still love to this day. A friend of mine wanted me to help him make a server as a co-owner, but after awhile I became a tool. I resigned because of troubles similar to these, but many of the players loved me as a co. They surprised me with a server, one of which I was in full control over. We had some fun on it, but eventually we all got bored and took it down. After this, I came to Meepcraft. My friends wanted to play on a towny server together, so we gathered a band of 20 players and had some fun together. Unfortunately, they got bored of Meepcraft and left. I decided to start communicating with the other players since I didn't have anyone else to play with. In my first few months, I was pushed to become a helper and got accepted. I stayed a staff member for four months before I decided to resign due to inactivity. I had a lot of things to manage in real life and I could not let Meepcraft be a priority at that time. Summer is almost upon us, and as a result I will have more time to serve Meepcraft.

    When I grow up, I would like to join the army through ROTC and get a biology major.

    Why should you be Helper? Experience: I was a staff member on Meepcraft not long ago. This means I already understand my expectations, can solve a diverse amount of modreqs, use staff tools effectively, and make decisions that benefit the server.
    Another aspect of experience has come from past servers. Before I discovered Meepcraft, I've gotten the ranks of admin, co-owner, and owner on other servers that are all separate from each other. If anyone would like specific details on what I did feel free to message me. To conclude, I understand my role as a helper, and I am more than capable of supporting Meepcraft.
    Outgoing: The first thing almost anyone will notice about me is me loud defined aura. Am very extroverted, and that makes me a very chatty individual. I am unafraid of social events, even ones with all eyes on me. I also enjoy welcoming newcomers and meeting new people. Although I am very friendly towards other extroverts, I have the ability to appeal to introverts as well. I find this to be a very defining aspect of my personality.
    Empathy: My understanding skills are usually covered up by my outgoing personality, but when someone has a concern I’m usually able to see right through it. Invisible by my chatty characteristics is a very good sense of listening. If there is an issues I can see many causes and effects, which also gives me a general solution. Empathy and social skills are very important to me, no matter how hidden they are.
    Activity: I am very involved and dedicated to Meepcraft. While I am active, I am more active on Teamspeak. I like to communicate with players, and as a result I am very frequently on Teamspeak. I am arguably more active on Teamspeak than Meepcraft. I am also frequently on forums as well.
    Unbaised: I will take action as required without any personal feelings getting into the way of my job.

    What are your weaknesses? Gullibility - I like to hope that people are telling the truth, but sometimes they simply are not. As I gain more experience in life, this trait seems to go away.
    Focus - It's difficult for me to focus on something I don't enjoy. I'm working on this, and I get better at paying attention with each passing day.
    Sensitive- I seem thick headed when it comes to joking around, but if someone insults me I take it to heart. I'm not one to explode in front of people for saying such comments, but it makes my esteem a bit low for some time.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I am a huge fan of Pokemon.
    No matter what happens I will continue to support the server. Have a nice day!
  17. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I honestly thought this was a joke the first time I saw this thread.

    Now, I feel I can best describe the way I see you with this diagram over here:


    most of what I was going to say has already been said but I'll repeat it for clarity anyway.

    I've seen so many threads about how you do not your job correctly, as well as many people complain about your staff work. You are incredibly immature, and you aren't even addressing the amount of fanboy bias on this thread! I'VE NEVER SEE SO MANY PEOPLE WORSHIP A 13 YEAR OLD.

    On the bright side, you are almost always online, which is good... err for a helper. You can stay at your position for now, I'd prefer if it was for a while honestly. You have lots of dedication as well, and I won't doubt that you know a lot about this server and the people on it. This quality is great for the average helper that spends all day typing /claim x, /done x, /check, /kick x blah blah, etc. but it stops there.

    To address the edit issue, an edit is an edit. You should have proofread your application, and the fact you didn't scares me even more. If you don't proofread your application, how can we expect you to proofread your bans? What if you missed that one chat log that results in some innocent getting banned? A major reason I probably will never trust you.

    You can't deny the fact that you like to puppet some of the upper staff's actions. Honestly, have an opinion of your own for once. It goes a long way. You also have performed many questionable actions in game which makes me believe you are unsure of the rules or don't care enough to do your job well.

    To address the ";3" issue, grow up. You know that this is a serious position and children of your caliber aren't able to handle this responsibly. Your fellow staff are offering their time, volunteering to a server that is going nowhere, and can still moderate and have a good time. I see your goofing off more than anything else.

    I hope you appreciate how much work I'm putting into this review. I hope you'll take something out of this other than your roadie Jonnehboi is spamming. I'm trying to help you become the better helper you and I both know you can become. You just need to get your head out of ur butt.

    Some constructive criticism:
    - grow up
    - learn to proofread
    - read the rules
    - work on your PR skills
    - don't make stupid excuses when you make a mistake

    - take responsibility for your faults
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2014
  18. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I have no doubt you possess the capability to do the job, however your attitude and behavior on the forums are too far from what we need at this point for this to be of consideration imo.

  19. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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  20. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    -your balance

    You scam people everyday.

    You act like a 5 year old on forums, and haven't demonstrated the capability to act like the grown man you say you are.

    You get people annoyed everyday, and you really need to just stop.

    Also, you edited your application. Please tell me what you edited.