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Best Posts in Forum: Discussion

  1. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Look dude we're just desperate for any kind of excitement on this server please bro
  2. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm back and that's all that really matters
    KyloMeep, smk, Lilliya and 13 others like this.
  3. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

    Likes Received:
  4. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
  5. Dat_Coffee

    Dat_Coffee Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Microsoft: He guys, were updating Minecraft again!
    Players: But the last update was horrible. What will this new one add that will be any better?
    Microsoft: We're gonna add a bunch of new stuff to PVP.
    Players: How will what you are adding affect PVP?
    Microsoft: It will pretty much ruin it.
    Players: Y u do dis 2 us Microsoft


  6. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hey, everyone! Projekt:M is back with another cinematic trailer, now for the Mountain quest! The intention of the video is to highlight the journey of the warriors into the lair of King Calnis. Without further ado, here is the cinematic trailer!

    If you have constructive criticisms, ideas, or suggestions, feel free to tell us! We'd love to hear it so we can further improve in making these.

    Thank you so much to the following people who greatly contributed into making this piece:
    Cinematography by: @Kwrineon
    Edited by: @Sqreix
    @Sqreix as himself
    @Kwrineon as himself
    @Koookieee as himself
    @Rattle189 as himself
    @Yoshirowo as himself
    @Summers as himself
    @Katronica as himself
    @Natsu as himself

    The Jungle quest trailer can be found here.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2020
  7. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hello Meepcraft.

    It has come to my attention that my attempt at creating a coal miner dog was seen by the Meepcraft Community as racist towards African Americans. The image is posted below:
    I made this image in good faith, and I had no idea what I made was racist. I am so sorry for the pain I might have inflicted on the community, and I hope everyone can forgive me. I have changed my coal miner dog to be more culturally sensitive.

    I'm really sorry about this. Please find it in your hearts to forgive me.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2020
  8. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

    Likes Received:
    Turns out everyone's been stuck with me for 3 years now on forums . . . RIP

    In all seriousness I'd like to thank everyone both present and no longer present within the community for making it the experience which it is. I still look forward to the future of the development of the server including multiple gamemode updates and massive changes which are currently in development.
  9. bloodyghost

    bloodyghost local haunt

    Likes Received:
    We have taken @twomoo1119 's loyal horse, affectionately named "Twomoo1119's Horse", into captivity in the wild. He will be held until we recieve our demands.
    We demand:
    -2mil in gold
    -Ownership of Mooville
    -a Nutcracker pickaxe

    If our demands are not met in 10 hours, the horse will be dropped into the scorching hot lava below.
    SuperDyl, cooey, Sqreix and 13 others like this.
  10. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm sorry, I just don't get why you guys don't want VKL as mod. It makes absolutely no sense.

    How are you guys not bored of the typical staff member? Hell, half of the staff team literally has the same personality, you know what I'm talking about, the kind of personality where they're scared to not act super positive all the time and have the stupid snap chat filter selfie/anime profile picture.

    How do you guys not go on your knees and beg for someone like VKL to offer to join your force? Finally, some variety! VKL hasn't changed, and thats wonderful, it shows that he doesnt want to conform. I'd like to stress that last point. Every single phenomenal staff member (Deinen, Rosenow, Jackl, Sjoe, Muunkee, Klutch) wasn't afraid to conform, and thats what made them good staff members. They werent afraid, like some of our current staff members, to act 100% fake all the time.

    Itll provide some much needed excitement, and there's literally nothing bad he can do. Seriously, whats the worst thing he can do?
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  11. 2legacybball

    2legacybball Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN: 2legacybball
    Ban request: Supercowe9, Martinq, klitch
    Reason: Stealing

    lol in 2013 martin stole my diamonds from my chest in my town but i didn't report him. plz ban him i want my diamonds back
  12. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    I'm not really a player anymore, but I'm slightly concerned about the number of toxicity bans and the kinds of players it is being used against.

    Toxicity when I was staff was controversial because we just started using it as an acceptable moderation tool by all levels of staff. Of course it had to be an admin doing it and go through admin confirmation, but it was used rarely and under extreme cases. The only person who did these types of bans before this was fuzzlr and onis. When it was first implemented, I can't stress enough that it took a lot, and I mean A LOT, for a player to be banned for it. It would be talked about internally for probably a month before it was actually done.

    Now, it is being used very liberally against players and I cant help but feel that it is wrong. Often times the toxicity threads have no supporting evidence posted or sent and just rely on the judgement of higher staff. In monkeys case, she was wrongfully banned for warning points that should have been set to expire and that wrongful ban was used as an opportunity to ban her for toxicity. That is far too opportunistic and predatory by moderation staff for people to be comfortable with. All lengths of toxicity bans were permanent, because of the extremeness of behavior and consistency of it.

    Morally of the story is that toxicity was not meant to be used like this. To arbitrarily pick out players liberally and ban em. Especially one where a player is banned for a month without warning. It was meant to be used against the worst of the worst, the toxic of the toxic, such that it was doing the server extreme harm to have them around.
  13. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Can someone tell me why the staff team right now with 50 players coming online daily is the same size as the staff team we had for 500 players playing daily? Why does meepcraft need such a large staff team?
  14. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    I gotta admit, making this thread is hard. Although I don't care about minecraft all that much anymore, saying goodbye to a community I have been a part of for, what, 4 years? Almost 5? Yeah. Well, you get the idea. I have been becoming distanced from meepcraft because it just does not interest me anymore. The community is dying out (but I will still always love it), the games are becoming stale, meepcraft is moving really nowhere. Yes, Minecraft is dying. But meepcraft still has room to improve. To increase it's player count. But anyways, let's get on with it.

    I feel like I have been very anti social on meep in the past year or two. That is because I have nobody to relate to. I don't truly respect any of the new members, and they don't interest me. Seeing old members is probably the highlight of my week. I just don't really know what to say. This is all just really hard to digest. This community is really a second home for me. Everyone I have met along the way mean a great deal to me. Also, I apologize for this not being thought out. I am literally just writing whatever I think of. To be honest, I feel like telling my story. Let's see...

    I began July 23rd 2012. I was around 11. I started playing minecraft because friends told me it was awesome. It was. I played all the time. I remember my first town was called Havenbrook. It was run by Tapout6000 and frogy106. It was a wonderful place and I remember always wanting to be assistant. I did anything I could, and I remember my main source of income, my mushroom soup shop. Anyways, eventually I left the town and moved on to a town run by the infamous killeryi. I remember all the great times we had. It was called Camelot. It was co run by a friend of mine named TheWickerMan95. He built the town. I remember it was next to a town called Pandoria. We had all kinds of territory wars and they were messy I'll tell you that. I feel so scummy for forgetting the mayors of that town, but it was really long ago. Later, we bought Pandoria for a lot of money (Pandoria was huge!) I think around 5 mil to be exact. We then went on a huge buying spree and made all kinds of grinders. We ended up building the largest grinder of every type of mob. Pretty impressive, more like pretty eggplanty. Anyways, we built all kinds of features in the town and eventually made it the largest town in meepcraft with around 400 residents. At least at the time. That town was epic. I remember when town years became enables and we spent the entire day defending the town from raiders. We had massive cobblestone walls that surrounded the ENTIRE TOWN. Millions worth of cobblestone. Tnt cannons going off and stuff. I remember an assault got planned and we had like 39 God armor players trying to get inside. Nothing tnt and arrows can't fix :). Anyways, at this time, I know I've skipped a lot, MeepNetwork began. We don't have to go into that. But duping was huge back then, and tbh, that was how the mayor, I forget his name, paid for Pandoria. Yes I was aware and no I did not care. Well anyways, meep reset and I had to work my way from square one again.

    After meep reset, I went to work making money from a grinder and built a town with Wicker. We named it Eternity. Wicker did an amazing job. That town was gorgeous and was worth millions, even at the time when a vip rank sold for 100k. I got my money together and paid fluffbearrct and candy master to build me a mansion from Zephyr. But that town was really worth millions. Seriously, hillbilly (dumbest kid alive) tried to offer us 30 million. I declined. Idk why. Things fell apart and we lost the town. I moved from place to place until I got to Jwarian's town now which is Dax. I love it here. I went over A LOT of details, but those are not too important.

    Listen guys, meep will keep declining in numbers, but stick with it. Don't ever let it die. Meepcraft has made my minecraft experience unlike any other experience, and I want you all to know that. I would put together a list of everyone I have met along the way, but it really would just be too big. In the end...

    @Fuzzlr keep putting your best work into this server, over all the times we have either chatted in game, on skype, or on the phone, you have always been a guy who I respect and when I was little, looked up to. Keep doing your thing man.

    @DianaB72 keep being awesome

    @Jwarian Homie I love you and I will still come on to help with Dax.

    @BooBear1227 Best neighbor ever :)

    There are so many more people who I want to talk about and to link them here, but I just can't. They have left or I cannot remember them. Do not take it personally, I just have bad memory.

    What I have learned from meepcraft wi stick with me for a long time. In my attempts to get mod, I have learned the joy in helping others, I have become more social, I have actually learned a lot about business and it is the main reason why I will be pursuing it as a go on in life. The things I have learned here go on for miles, but the the most important is the friends I have made along the way. Thank you for everything you have done for me, you guys are the god damn best. Wish I could meet you in person, and maybe I will, but I doubt it. Keep being awesome.

    One regret I have is never getting staff. It was always a goal of mine, and I tried so god damn hard to get it, but failed in the end. Maybe I will come back to serve you as a mod (which I still would love to do), but this is something that I will always remember. I started my meep career saying I was 19 so I could get mod. Alien_Venom saw through it pretty fast. Anyways...

    Guys, an experience is what you make it, regardless of what it is. Meepcraft has made my minecraft experience unreal. To give you an idea of what this means to be, know that I am holding back tears. This community has meant a lot to me. Make the meepcraft experience the best one it can be for you, and so your best to succeed. I wish you all the best.

    -Killer2themx (Will)

    (I will come on time and time again so my account won't reset)
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
  15. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    It's my birthday today.

    I'm turning 13. Yes finally @nhjed
    Am teenager

    Am I supposed to feel different.

    Yes this is a pointless thread.
  16. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Hey--I just had a quick question, which may or may not be relevant to recent events :)

    As we all know, impersonation of a staff member is a bannable offense. However, what constitutes impersonation?

    I just wanted to make the rules 100% clear so nobody gets banned again, because, as everyone knows, getting banned isn't fun, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Obviously, impersonating a staff member in order to look like a staff member isn't allowed--Fuzzlr2, Supermod, etc. would be examples.

    It also seems as if names containing that of a staff member also are illegal. For example, the recent ban of I_Hear_A_Klitch fits this category, as well as several other bans I won't bother to recall.

    It would also seem that having a similar name to a staff member is acceptable with the permission of the staff member (Klutchdickles).

    So here's a question: what if two players have similar names, and one of them becomes staff? Would the non-staff player be forced to change his name?

    For example, if we have two players names Antiacus and Antiacus_, and Antiacus becomes staff, what happens? Or if we have two players names, say, Notchbeard and Notchsbeard, and Notchsbeard (obviously the newer of the two players) becomes staff, what happens?

    Thanks for any insights!
    Enron, MoonlitMadness, Hyori and 13 others like this.
  17. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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  18. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    sorry i was bored
    FunGUY, cooey, Lilliya and 13 others like this.
  19. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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  20. BlackJack

    BlackJack Celebrity Meeper

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