Happy late birthday you wooden hoe you
I still think the best part is when I called him out for plagiarizing his "Staff Application" and it ended up being true.
I was still the best staff ever//////
Silly wooden hoe, numbers are for kids
Lol im a lot of those
In my first Shout I did say "Which piece of crap killed me in wild" as you could imagine I was decently mad that I had been killed with what...
I had asked 3-4 times in shout if Anyone in wild had killed me. Not one person responded. I even said I would pay for it back in shout as well. I...
Hey guys, so as some of you know I recently just started playing this server again and I loved it up until about 5 min ago. Now I have like...
I've been seeing a lot of players asking for more quests so I thought of somethings that could be added to future quests. 1. In most games in a...
Hmh, might actually start making a comeback if the server plays this right. From the looks of it Meepcraft is going in the right direction.