and the sad part about this this is a grinder only for town assistants and owners + jakersf -.-
I have not stolen goods?? what is wrong with this the creators of it gave me access to it -.- how did i steal it god this is so dumb this is the...
IGN (In-Game Name): Infectedpuppies Date/Time: 1/25/14 i think i went afk Reason: Joshne? Ban Length: no clue doesn't say so im guessing perm...
IGN (In-Game Name): infectedpuppies and Cwawesome4 Date/Time: 1/7/14 Reason: for saying fuzzlr likes men Ban Length: 1 day Staff Member: fuzzlr...
IGN (In-Game Name): Infectedpuppies and Cwawesome4 Date/Time: 1/7/14 Reason: for saying fuzzlr likes men Ban Length: 1 day Staff Member: fuzzlr...