irony. I doubt he is search suggestion
I hope you're trolling with this line otherwise you should seek help no joke.
haha 12 btw
You're delusional if you think the fattest nation on the planet is pumping out warriors that will rebel against a government that has targeted...
I conceded the point of school shootings earlier. I do not believe that it is in the governments interest to repress us anymore more than we...
-As would I, but I could never imagine being in need of a weapon beyond a handgun or shotgun unless I somehow pissed off someone crazy which...
-The government could annihilate you if they wanted to -I do like venision -I disagree -I no longer know how to respond
It isn't a really good one., but we have been over this already. I say we ban people and water though, that might actually be a good start to...
You don't see the difference between banning something that has the sole purpose to kill others and banning water? This is a common argument, but...
And for that reason I say we should have more gun laws, not necessarily taking peoples guns but having pysch tests over time and make it harder to...
486 makes a lot of sense, and I concede to your points on mass shootings. However, I never called for a full weapons ban, or even a ban at all but...
In this one he wasn't responding to you, and I think you missed some context cause I have no clue what you mean. (I did it earlier on accident)...
[ATTACH] Well that text isn't very big but we have more mass shootings than any other country by far, and we have more guns. It would logically...
Aren't we talking about mass shootings and not homicides? I rarely hear people calling for gun control because of homicide rates. Most people...
When something has negative effects without clear present positive effects, it isn't logical to maintain that just on the basis that this is a...