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Comments on Profile Post by Videogames321

  1. mrli1
    Bottom right corner.
    Jan 12, 2014
  2. mrli1
    Not to offend you, but STKRS is being terrible. He kicked countless deserving people off team crafted, including antvenom, CavemanFilms, Seto, and LogDotZip. I personally don't like him. Do you have an opinion?
    Jan 13, 2014
  3. Videogames321
    Im sort of neutral, I only like watching people make, play, and build and destroy when i cannot play. I watch Antvenom, Sky, Sethbling, Cavemanfilms, (animations) ExplodingTnt, etc
    Jan 13, 2014
  4. mrli1
    same exactly for me. I still watch sky's vids, even though I and probably 75% of the community is still mad at him.
    Jan 13, 2014