Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications by Nouredine Zettili is informative and very thorough but it is pretty advanced. It does lay out practical applications of quantum mechanics which is cool.
Wow impressive, I'm in 9th grade actually and I can handle most of the math in that book (not in the first book I mentioned though ha) but math isn't everyone's strong suit and I still don't like it. If you want purely theoretical book try Many worlds? : Everett, Quantum Theory, and reality for something mind boggling with less math.
No Its like 11 grade through maybe freshmen year of collage. To be more exact there were a few mathematical concepts I had lots of difficulty with but I understood the concepts.
O yes I forgot to mention, despite the fact that book is great you may get tired of it because it only explores one theory, it doesn't talk about bubble universes or string theory, and if you try it and don't like it...... There is always the internet which when used correctly can be a source of credible information ;)
True, but I'm not good at reading stuff like that. I don't know why. I can get any book and understand just fine, but when it come to Wikipedia I'm just like "wut?"
Actually in a way thats a good thing, most people are not very good at processing information from books so I suppose you have an advantage in that area, if you think very visually like me than videos are also good because they give a good visual representation of a complicated concept.
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