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Comments on Profile Post by RaidByNightOnly

  1. DV___VS___H
    yeah, and he's only had helper for a couple of days now...
    Aug 19, 2014
  2. RaidByNightOnly
    Ban Happy Much?? Also for that to be sexual content you would have to be rather immature and he is only 13... Or something like that
    Aug 19, 2014
  3. DV___VS___H
    the reason I said it in the first place is because I said it before already, and I didn't get banned. I even saw mods online before I said it, cause I was pretty sure it wasn't even a sex ref. Looks like I was wrong.
    Aug 19, 2014
  4. RaidByNightOnly
    Eh, it all depends on context and maturity level but seeing as it was a first offense 12 Hours should be enough...
    Aug 19, 2014
  5. DV___VS___H
    It wasn't actually a first offense, it was a 4th offense. But my last of fence was 9 months ago.
    Aug 19, 2014