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Comments on Profile Post by chrisandmatthew

  1. DevilSpawn112
    Sep 29, 2014
  2. chrisandmatthew
    I may be biased, but theone...
    -is usually a general annoyance to the server.
    -has illegally owned spawners.
    -has been banned dozens of times, it seems.
    -doesn't take bans seriously.
    -insults people constantly.
    -is sexist, racist, etc.
    -has provided no enjoyable content to the community, ever.
    -is usually a general annoyance to the server.

    In my eyes, he deserves an unappealable perm-ban.
    Sep 29, 2014
  3. theonemcdaltaltalt
    Sep 29, 2014
  4. DevilSpawn112
    Sep 29, 2014
  5. theonemcdaltaltalt
    While I do agree, I don't think I've ever been racist on the server. Also, my ban count is only at around 15 or 16, not dozens. Other than that, though, spot on.
    Sep 29, 2014