Haha team! But if I were to rejoin I'd be like super inactive. It's really hard for me to stay on meep for more than an hour at tops, I get bored and frustrated fast as I've run out of things to do. Also if I do it wouldn't be for a while, I'd need to get a better reputation as most know of me as "the one who raged" or "the one who hates staff.
-- Stupid character limit! To add onto that list I would also need to see a change for the good because one of the main reasons I left is because how unhappy I was with how things are run in the staff, it's too businessy and no fun. Also can't forget how opinions are very rarely listened to unless it comes from a higher up. I currently see my MeepCraft staff experience as having too many cons.
:( Pooo. That is NOT what I was hoping for as a response! lol Well, hopefully I can get in there and change it a bit. Who knows, maybe something good will come of it. I hope so. But, then will you join? :D
I pop on usually every day for a bit, that should be enough! I wish you luck on the changing thing though, most of everyone that has resigned already has realized the stubborn-ness of the staff and just got out asap. One person that comes to mind would be NotchBeard, he went into staff being told that he had great ideas but it seems they weren't ever used.
Agreed. I wish they would put some of the ideas into play. This is just madness! Maybe I can get Onis to listen *inside chuckle*.. doubt it, but MAYBE... Something HAS to be done :/
It's hard to run a successful server like this when the two real main ones are both in school. Being unable to be there when most things go sour. They seem to be too busy to help with things that are broken behind the scenes, or even just in chat.
true. Im thinking maybe someone with basically no life should step up to the plate also. Not like no like as in lazy or whatever, I mean no life as in, school, work, people they must attend to. Stuff like that.
Someone with more time that is mature enough to be able to deal with the situations a normal admin+ would have to. I don't know of anyone on this server who is like that.
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