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Comments on Profile Post by BlueXGhost :D

  1. Toostenheimer

    PS: he was on yesterday lol
    May 12, 2016
  2. BlueXGhost :D
    BlueXGhost :D
    IG? :O
    May 12, 2016
  3. Toostenheimer
    no... on the forums
    May 12, 2016
  4. SX1
    He will never come back, He's really disappointed in me for coming back as well. He hates this server for reasons that Lizzer, him, and I talked about. He is also done with Minecraft as far as I know.
    Light, if you're reading this I got 2 things to say: 1) Give me until Monday since I'll be done with school, and 2) I'll be on mumble more often.

    so I'm pretty sure he is done for good
    May 12, 2016